Leaders' Vlog

BP Story Entertainment New Group! ~Mix Well~ (Story Starting)
Leaders' Vlog
October 21, 2014

"This is C.Dae with Hyoji, leaders of Mix Well. And this is our vlog to keep our fans updated on our activities," C.Dae said, starting the vlog as soon as the camera was . He turned a little and looked at Hyoji as if he was waiting for her to say something.

"We're actually all working hard on subgroup activities now. We had two subgroups before, one for the girls and one for the boys. But the company and us have decided that we'll have three subgroups, possibly four from now on. We'll have Mix Well M, the boys. And we'll also have Mix Well Red and Mix Well Pink. Red consists of me, Seong Woong-unnie, Malee-unnie, and Ahreum-unnie. Pink members are Jinnie, Rianne-unnie, Chaewon-unnie, and Eugene-unnie," Hyoji explained.

"It's not confirmed yet but the boys will possibly have two separate groups. But for now, we're still a eigh member subgroup of Mix Well," C.Dae added. "And of course, I will be the leader of them."

"So right now, oppa and the other guys are working hard on their new song. We can't let you know what it is yet but look forward to it. They'll actually be promoting before us. The girls are working on our own songs too. Jinnie and Dashiel-oppa actually composed our songs this time round."

"Shouldn't we tell them other stuff apart from our work schedule? The fans want to know other things too."

Hyoji frowned a little as she was thinking hard, looking at C.Dae. "We had a little thing the other day, didn't we? Ah! I remember now! On our youtube channel that we post our vlogs to, we're going to have our little own show, filmed by us. It's just a little snippet into our lives, really."

"Ah...we already have a few filmed, haven't we? We just need to edit and post them," C.Dae nodded, looking smug. "It's fun. I like doing that show."

"Look forward to it."

"We have to go back now. We're just on a lunch break right now."

"I didn't even get to eat," Hyoji said. "Why did we decided to do this at this time? Ah seriously..."

"We're responsible leaders and we love our fans," C.Dae said, getting up. Hyoji did the same and was heading for the door. C.Dae placed his hands on her shoulders and walked out with her while saying, "I'll treat you to something later."

"Oppa didn't check his looks this time on camera," Hyoji laughed. "Oh no! We forgot to turn the camera off!" Running back to the computer, Hyoji grinned at the camera. "C.Dae Hyoji vlog, end!"

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Chapter 57: shipping malee and mirror together. hahaha
#goals /jk
Chapter 56: I like that you still keep up with mix well ;;
Chapter 54: I thought you'd stop update Mix Well story... it's been a long time and honestly, I really miss it...
Thank you, author-nim...

Love the interaction between Ahreum, Chaewon and Eugene... and I think, Eugene will not gonna stop teasing Ahreum, isn't she?
Hope for next update there will be boys part... I really miss the trio (Danny, Ace, Chansun)
Chapter 53: ayaye my favourite song from a sub-unit ;_;
and my character is in it !
Chapter 53: I like the story so far!!~
Chapter 51: yah~~~ I'd been waiting so long for the new chapter... and it's really worth!! tag elimination game... wah~~~ I always wanted it since Runningman chapter 1... huhuhuhu^^
I can feel the intense even only just reading it...
can't wait for the next chapter... (^o^)
Chapter 48: lol love it!
Chapter 49: hahahahaha!!! it so hilarious!!!
as always, Grasshopper will picked a fight with the Tiger...
Chapter 48: I really loved 'I do I do' so I'm glad Chaewon is part of mix well pink. Since both sub-groups are promoting at the same time, they might get competive with each other :)
Chapter 47: Hahaha, i love running man so much, jihyo is seriously the best :p