Weekly Idol (Part Five)

BP Story Entertainment New Group! ~Mix Well~ (Story Starting)
Weekly Idol
October 07, 2014

"Malee Wichai, twenty-four years old, main rapper and lead dancer. Special talent is freestyle dancing. Was also a cheerleading before becoming a trainee. You do realise when you say freestyle dancing, we're not going to let you go without seeing you dance, right?" Defconn asked.

"Okay, no problem," Malee said, getting up from her seat and handed the microphone over to one of her members. Defconn and Hyungdon looked at each other, a little shocked that Malee would agree to it so easily. Normally, idols would deny that they were any good and would drag it out until the hosts were practically forcing them to dance.

As Malee was getting up, the two hosts kept their eyes on her and asked for some music. As soon as the music played, Malee's body moved along to the music. The two hosts had their eyes glued on her and Hyungdon had his mouth hanging open the entire time. When Malee finished, neither of them hesitated to clap for her. "Uwah...that was so good," Hyungdon said. "How can you be so good?"

"With lots of practice," Malee answered, going back to sit down. 

"So you're not going to be humble and say that you're not that good?" Defconn asked.

While Defconn was talking to Malee, Hyungdon was taking a peek at the other profiles behind Malee's. "You know," he said, interrupting Defconn. "There's quite a few dancers in the other profiles. If you are a dancer, I recommend that you don't show your dance skills. After Malee here, I don't think you can't beat her."

"Aren't you being biased?" Changsun asked.

"You're a dancer, aren't you?" Hyungdon asked. "And you're doubting me? I see how it is. Should we do your profile next then?" Hyungdon searched through the profiles and found Changsun's, bringing his forward. "Ahn Changsun, twenty-two years old, lead rapper and dancer. Special talent is speed rapping. Likes to tell jokes all the time. I don't want to hear your jokes or to hear you speed rap. I just want to see you dance."

"Dug your own grave, didn't you?" Danny asked.

Changsun could only laugh as he was pushing himself off his chair and got into the middle. Music started playing and Changsun started dancing. He was waiting for some reaction from the hosts or at least s but no one was doing anything. It was getting more and more awkward for Changsun and soon he stopped dancing and stomped his foot.

"That's so cute," Hyungdon laughed. "Are you getting angry, Changsunnie?"

"I'm not the main dancer," Changsun said. "So obviously I'm not going to be as good as Malee-noona. I'm a rapper!"

"Aww..." Hyungdon said, getting up from his chair and went up to Changsun, petting his head and pulling him into a death hug. "Poor Changsunnie. Too bad we don't have the time to let you rap now that you've danced," Hyungdon chuckled. "Now go back to your seat."

Defconn was laughing from his seat while Hyungdon was pushing Changsun back to his chair before going to sit down himself. Defconn flipped the profile over to reveal the next one underneath it. "Dashiel Hart, twenty-four years old, lead vocalist and composer. Special talent is his language skills. Is also called the gentleman by fans and members. Who's Dashiel?"

Dashiel slowly raised his hand and the hosts looked over to him, blinking. "Have you always been on our show?" Hyungdon asked. "Did you just waltz in just now?" Dashiel shook his head. "I didn't even know you were here. You're like a ghost."

"I realise that they have a few members like this," Defconn said, pointing out the quiet ones. "Do you guys just not talk then?" No answer. "Are you really not even going to answer that question for me? It was a very simple question. Let me try this again. Can you talk?" Still no answer. "It's very difficult for us to do this if none of you says anything."

"They don't talk a lot even in our dorms," Changsun said.

"Why must you talk on behalf of them?" Hyungdon asked. "Dashiel-sshi, since your special talent is language skills, can you please speak to us in another language?" Dashiel, for a moment, looked slightly confused. "Or you can start by telling us which languages you speak. Maybe that's easier?"

"Korean, French and English."

"He spoke!" Hyungdon gasped, looking absolutely shocked. "So you can talk!" he laughed. "Uwah...see? It's not too hard now, is it? If you want to succeed, you have to learn to talk, Dashiel-sshi. If you're on variety shows, you won't get any screen time if you don't talk. Understand?"

"I feel like we're teaching children in school," Defconn commented, his arms crossed. "We're not going to bite if you talk so talk more. You're seriously not going to get any screen time. People like Changsun and Danny will get screen time. Not because they're especially talented but because they're loud and noisy."

Both Danny and Changsun looked proud for a moment then frowned. "Wait, not because we're especially talented?" Danny asked. "What's that supposed to mean? We are very talented," he said, trying to put his case forward. "We're talented, loud, and noisy!"

"Just like that!" Hyungdon suddenly exclaimed, pointing at Danny while he looked at Dashiel. "Did you see what he did? He just got screen time right then. If you want your face to be on camera then you need to be more like Danny. Understand?"

Dashiel let out a soft laugh and nodded his head, still keeping quiet. "It'll take a while for him to learn," Defconn sighed and took Dashiel's profile away, revealing the next one. "Before we move on, Rianne-sshi, have you finished with the drawing?" Rianne nodded her head and took the drawing pad off the easel. "I've noticed that you were just sat there doing nothing so I thought I would ask," Defconn said, taking the drawing pad from Rianne and took a look at it.

Hyungdon poked his head in and took a look as well. "Uwah, that's so good," Hyungdon mumbled, taking the drawing pad and showed the drawing that Rianne did to the camera. "Isn't this so good? Wow...I really like this...do we have to give this away to the fans?" Hyungdon asked. "Can't she sign and we'll keep it?" Rianne giggled.

"It's your show, you can do what you like," she smiled, going to sign on the drawing.

"We'll give it to a lucky fan," Hyungdon said. "That's what we do with other drawings. Ah...but I really want to keep this one," Hyungdon pouted a little.

"We'll talk about this later," Defconn said, looking at the next profile. "Kang Yoojin, stagename Eugene, twenty-four years old, lead vocalist and dancer. Special talent is playing the guitar. Also hates aegyo. This is quite special, you don't like aegyo?" Defconn asked, looking over to Eugene who shook her head. "Why not?"

Eugene shrugged. "There's something about it that makes me cringe," Eugene explained. "Every time the other members, the girls, do aegyo, I just...don't like it. Sometimes the boys do it too and that's even worse."

"She kicks us," Ahreum said. "If she ever sees us doing aegyo, she'll just come up to us and hit us randomly. Like, we'll get hit and won't even know what happened."

"Don't me sound like I'm violent or something! I just don't like aegyo," Eugene laughed. "I'm really not violent!" 

As much as Eugene was explaining herself, the hosts seemed a little sceptical as they both had their arms crossed and looked at Eugene with judging eyes. "So...to what extent would aegyo be okay?" Hyungdon asked. "I'm sure there's a degree of aegyo that you can deal with."

"Well...when people have natural aegyo, I suppose...I just hate it when people do it on purpose. Like Ahreum," Eugene said, pointing at Ahreum. "She's...really bad. She has aegyo sickness or something."

"What?" Ahreum frowned. "I don't have aegyo sickness! Everyone else does it too! Hyoji has an Instagram full of aegyo pictures!"

"Actually, I think Hyoji's quite natural. She's not as annoying as yours. You do it too excessively," Eugene said but Ahreum only seem to be more frustrated with her. "Actually, you and Jin are on par with each other. I really can't stand aegyo from both of you."

"You know who I really want to see aegyo from?" Hyungdon suddenly chipped in, holding his chin in between his thumb and index finger as he stared at someone. "Seong Woong-sshi, have you ever used aegyo to try and get your ways?" Hyungdon asked. "You know what? Let's have a little aegyo game. The guys will choose the best aegyo done by the girls and Eugene-sshi here will choose the person she thinks has the most excessive aegyo and the chosen one will be punished by the plastic hammer."

"It's going to be me then!" Ahreum complained.

The plastic hammer was thrown in and Eugene went to pick it up while the girls were gathered to one side. "You can choose to do it to everyone or to specific person. I know you would rather die, Seong Woong-sshi, but please put effort into it. Who should we start with then? I think we should save Ahreum for last. And...Jin? Eugene-sshi pointed you out too."

"I think the oldest should go first," Hyoji said, pushing Seong Woong to the front.

"I think the leader should take the responsibility and go first," Seong Woong said, grabbing Hyoji's arm and put her to the front. "This is why you're the leader."

Hyoji groaned softly before looking at the guys. "We can do it to one specific person?" Hyoji asked. "Then um...yeah, I'll do it to one specific person."

"Is there a reason why you chose him?" Hyungdon asked.

"He's like an older brother to me and I do aegyo with him sometimes anyway so I think he wouldn't find it as repulsive," Hyoji said, nodding her head at the same time. 

"Who is it?"


"Damn, I thought it was me," Danny muttered.

"Oppa," Hyoji started, already speaking in a cutesy voice. "You know...Danny-oppa has been bullying me lately. Would you do something about it? Please?"

Defconn suddenly got up and took the plastic hammer from Eugene and went to hit Danny on the head. "How dare you bully her? She's your leader and your dongsaeng! You need to take care of her!"

"I see what Eugene-sshi meant when she said Hyoji's aegyo is quite natural. She doesn't look like she's acting and just makes people want to protect her," Hyungdon nodded before looking over to Danny. "Why would you bully her? Is that how a man should be?"

"This isn't real!" Danny exclaimed. "She was acting! I don't bully her!"

"Moving on."

Rianne was up next and she didn't say anything but rather, did some aegyo poses, looking rather innocent. Immediately, Hyungdon and Defconn were grinning from ear-to-ear as they watched Rianne. "Rianne-sshi is another person I would like to protect," Hyungdon nodded as if he was approving of Rianne's aegyo. Rianne giggled when she heard him say that.

"Thank you~"

"Even the way she said thank you is so cute!" 

Rianne was grinning as she was moving back and it was Malee's turn. She didn't say anything either and did several aegyo poses. "You don't suit aegyo," Defconn said. "Like...you're doing aegyo but all I'm getting is y," Defconn smirked. "You have this confidence and charisma about you that suppresses your cute side. But I like it. We can deal with y."

Malee smirked and gave Defconn an approving nod before moving back and let Chaewon move forward. "Are you sure you want to do this, Chaewon-sshi?" Hyungdon asked. "Don't forget that your profile said you make things like this awkward and you had proven it to us as well."

"I can do it!" Immediately, Chaewon went into an explosion of cute poses and even tried to talk in a baby voice but Hyungdon got up immediately and took her by the elbow, pulling her to the back of the group. "I will do it! Eventually I'll succeedd!" Chaewon shouted.

"Seong Woong-sshi, it's your turn. You can't escape this," Defconn said. "Come on now, let us see your aegyo."

A/N: Sorry about the inactivity but I started my second year at uni and as you can guess, it's getting busy. I wrote a longer chapter this time to compensate and hopefully, I'll be able to write more often. But I am not giving up!

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Chapter 57: shipping malee and mirror together. hahaha
#goals /jk
Chapter 56: I like that you still keep up with mix well ;;
Chapter 54: I thought you'd stop update Mix Well story... it's been a long time and honestly, I really miss it...
Thank you, author-nim...

Love the interaction between Ahreum, Chaewon and Eugene... and I think, Eugene will not gonna stop teasing Ahreum, isn't she?
Hope for next update there will be boys part... I really miss the trio (Danny, Ace, Chansun)
Chapter 53: ayaye my favourite song from a sub-unit ;_;
and my character is in it !
Chapter 53: I like the story so far!!~
Chapter 51: yah~~~ I'd been waiting so long for the new chapter... and it's really worth!! tag elimination game... wah~~~ I always wanted it since Runningman chapter 1... huhuhuhu^^
I can feel the intense even only just reading it...
can't wait for the next chapter... (^o^)
Chapter 48: lol love it!
Chapter 49: hahahahaha!!! it so hilarious!!!
as always, Grasshopper will picked a fight with the Tiger...
Chapter 48: I really loved 'I do I do' so I'm glad Chaewon is part of mix well pink. Since both sub-groups are promoting at the same time, they might get competive with each other :)
Chapter 47: Hahaha, i love running man so much, jihyo is seriously the best :p