Weekly Idol (Part Three)

BP Story Entertainment New Group! ~Mix Well~ (Story Starting)
Weekly Idol
August 21, 2014

"Yong Hyoji, twenty years old, main vocalist and leader. Special talent is playing the piano. Also known as the Shoe Queen."

Hyoji's profile was the very first one and Hyungdon was reading off the piece of paper. "Why are you call the Shoe Queen?" Defconn asked, pointing to that particular part of Hyoji's profile.

"Hyoji's the shortest member of the group," Jin said, jumping in to explain for the leader. "She has to have special shoes so she matches the height of the other members." To demonstrate her point, Jin suddenly took one of her heels off and threw it over to the hosts.

Both Defconn and Hyungdon were extremely surprised with Jin's behaviour, looking over to her with big eyes. Jin looked at them as if nothing was wrong before she realised what she did and laughed out loud, apologising to the hosts.

Hyungdon got off his chair and took Jin's shoe, putting it next to Hyoji's to compare. Like Jin had said, Hyoji's heels were slightly taller than the others. "It's true. Her heels are taller," Hyungdon said, suddenly grabbing Hyoji's leg and lifted it to show Defconn.

"It says here you're from LA," Defconn said as Hyungdon stopped harrassing Hyoji and had returned to his seat. "Were you born there?"

"Hm," Hyoji nodded her head. "Mum and dad moved to America a long time ago and gave birth to me there. I've only been to Korea several times to visit as a child before moving back here to be an idol."

"Seong Woong-sshi," Defconn suddenly called out. "You mind closing your legs? You're a girl, please sit properly."

After being called out, Seong Woong closed her legs though she didn't see any problems with how she was sitting. "Seong Woong-sshi is up next," Hyungdon pointed out, taking Hyoji's profile off the board to reveal Seong Woong's underneath. "Tanaka Seori, stage name Seong Woong, twenty-six years old, main dancer and vocalist. Special talent is running in heels. Also like the mummy of the group."

"You can run in heels?" Defconn asked with his arms folded across his chest and looked at Seong Woong's profile, pointing to that particular part in the profile and looked at Seong Woong.

Nodding her head, Seong Woong did a hair flip and looked at the profile herself, not saying anything. "Can you show us?" Hyungdon asked, letting out a chuckle. "Do you want us to set up a stage for you and get a red carpet in?" Seong Woong let out a soft laugh and got up from her chair, standing in one corner. "Run one round around everyone and we'll time you."

"Get someone to run beside her as well so we can compare," Defconn said, looking to the girls. "Should we get Hyoji to run? She is the Shoe Queen. Hyoji-sshi? How about it?"

Hyoji looked really troubled and avoided eye contact with the hosts but sitting next to her Jin had her hand up in the air, looking eager to do something and grinned brightly at the hosts, hoping that they would choose her. "Oh I don't know...I think Jin-sshi really wants to do this," Hyungdon said, looking at Jin. "You want to do this?"

Getting up from her chair, Jin was already getting ready to run. Seeing Jin all ready to run, Seong Woong got up and went over to the corner. "Ready..." Defconn said, looking at the two girls. "Go!"

They started running but it was save to say that Seong Woong easily out ran Jin. The two hosts were clearly quite impressed with Seong Woong's ability to run in heels. "That's quite amazing," Hyungdon said, unable to close his mouth. "Like...she was properly sprinting in heels. Wow...daebak. Now that's an amazing talent to have."

"Next profile...Chung Mudae, stage name C.Dae. Oh, you're also twenty-six years old. Lead dancer, vocalist and leader...leader? Isn't the leader Hyoji?"

"She's the leader of the girls and I'm the leader of the boys. But as a whole group, Hyoji's the leader."

"Special talent...you can take selcas perfectly with your eyes closed?" Hyungdon asked. He raised his eyebrow and looked at C.Dae as if he didn't believe him. "What kind of talent is this? I think after Seong Woong-sshi's running in heels, everyone else's talents aren't talents."

The group started laughing at Hyungdon's comment. "But hyung can really do that. Like no joke, he would have his eyes closed and you will still be able to see his face on the screen. His pictures are always perfect," Changsun said.

"Ah, if we take selcas with hyung, he always looks perfect," Ace suddenly said, chiming in. "Like, our faces would be blurred or cut in half but hyung's face would always been seen perfectly. There was once we took a selca with all sixteen of us, I think it was after our debut stage. Many of our faces were cut out of the pictures but only hyung was right in the center with his face showing perfectly."

"That sounds a bit scary," Defconn frowned. "It's like there's something supernatural around him blurring people's face. 'You can't steal my oppa's spotlight!'."

"It sounds like a horror movie plot!" Hyungdon said, hugging himself and pretended to be scared. "You better be careful, C.Dae." Looking to the profile again, Hyungdon spotted something. "Ah, you were an actor?" he asked. "No wonder your face looks so familiar."

"You're like a prince. An all-rounded prince. One who can take perfect selcas, sing, dance and act. You'll be the most popular guy in the group," Defconn nodded, pointing at C.Dae. "I have my faith in you."

Taking C.Dae's profile off the stand, underneath was Ace's. "Kang Younghwan, stage name Ace, twenty years old, main rapper. Special talent is good at everything. Ambition is to go on famous Korean variety show (RM). That's the worst ambition I've ever seen," Hyungdon said, looking around to try and find Ace. "Can't your ambition be being the best rapper or something?"

"But I really want to be on that show!" Ace stated. "Like...all the famous people go on that show. Jackie Chan's been on that show!"

"What? So we're not famous people then?" Defconn asked. "And our show is not good enough for famous people like Jackie Chan? Right, I know, I understand. The door's right there."

"Ah no! No, hyung, that's not what I meant!" Ace apologised, getting onto his knees quickly. "That's not what I meant! We're really lucky to be able to come on your show even though we've just debuted."

"It's just like Ace to mess up," Danny laughed.

Hyungdon pointed to a certain part of Ace's profile, changing the subject. "Here, it says that your special talent is being good at everything. What does that mean?"

"I'm good at everything."

"No! Don't listen to him!" Danny interjected. "He's definitely not good at everything!"

"I agree with Danny," Defconn nodded. "He gives off the vibe of...ambition but has no talent for anything whatsoever."

"Bulleseye!" Ahreum giggled.

Ace sighed softly, shaking his head. "I'm telling you, I'm good at everything. Why else do you think my name is Ace? I'm called Ace because I'm an ace!"

"No...I think I believe in your group members more," Defconn said, shaking his head at Ace. "I think we've heard enough from this kid. Let's move on."

"Ah hyung!"

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Chapter 57: shipping malee and mirror together. hahaha
#goals /jk
Chapter 56: I like that you still keep up with mix well ;;
Chapter 54: I thought you'd stop update Mix Well story... it's been a long time and honestly, I really miss it...
Thank you, author-nim...

Love the interaction between Ahreum, Chaewon and Eugene... and I think, Eugene will not gonna stop teasing Ahreum, isn't she?
Hope for next update there will be boys part... I really miss the trio (Danny, Ace, Chansun)
Chapter 53: ayaye my favourite song from a sub-unit ;_;
and my character is in it !
Chapter 53: I like the story so far!!~
Chapter 51: yah~~~ I'd been waiting so long for the new chapter... and it's really worth!! tag elimination game... wah~~~ I always wanted it since Runningman chapter 1... huhuhuhu^^
I can feel the intense even only just reading it...
can't wait for the next chapter... (^o^)
Chapter 48: lol love it!
Chapter 49: hahahahaha!!! it so hilarious!!!
as always, Grasshopper will picked a fight with the Tiger...
Chapter 48: I really loved 'I do I do' so I'm glad Chaewon is part of mix well pink. Since both sub-groups are promoting at the same time, they might get competive with each other :)
Chapter 47: Hahaha, i love running man so much, jihyo is seriously the best :p