All the Stars Point Me To You 2/5

All the Stars Point Me To You

From Chandumb:
Are you online?

From Baekie:
Just got home.

Byun Baekhyun: Hi!
Park Chanyeol: Why are you late? I’ve been waiting for ages!!!!!
Byun Baekhyun: I had to work on the college paper, MOM!
Park Chanyeol: Why do you need to?
Park Chanyeol: Oh yeah, you’re the editor.
Park Chanyeol: Pfffft.
Byun Baekhyun: ......
Park Chanyeol:
Are you busy?
Byun Baekhyun: Why?
Park Chanyeol: Because I’m thinking about this thing for a while now.
Byun Baekhyun: What is it?
Park Chanyeol: Im going to call.
Byun Baekhyun: K

Before Baekhyun had a chance to say hello, Chanyeol had welcomed him with a booming voice:
“I have a proposal.”

“Hello to you too.”

“I can sense you just rolled your eyes, Baek.” Chanyeol stifled a soft chuckle.

“So, what is this proposal thing? Because if it’s business, I don’t have any money because I’m poor.”

“What? Business? What the hell. It isn’t, just listen, okay. This is good.”

“Better be.”

This time it was Chanyeol who rolled his eyes.

“Okay, so I’m thinking, you know those cheesy best friends flicks you like to watch?”

“Excuse you, you love watching them too.”

“Yeah, well, this thing about the pact.”

Not hearing a reaction for Baekhyun, it signaled Chanyeol to continue.

“If you’re single and I’m single when we reach 2030, you’ll be 28 by then, so well, let’s just be together.”

Chanyeol grins and there was a stretch of a long silence.

“Are you serious?”

“I am. When is the time that I’m not?”

“Oh my God, you’re crazy.”

“Just think of it Baekhyun. It doesn’t mean that we will really end up together, you may find your true love or soul mate or whatever or I may be in a relationship that time, right?”

“Well yeah, technically, I bet you’ll be married earlier. We don’t need this Yeol”

“I want to try it Baekhyun. I want to.”

“You’re insane.”

“So it’s a deal?”

“You’re crazy.”

“It’s a yes then.”

Baekhyun murmurs a faint “fine.”


Changes are inevitable. Sometimes, it happens on a spur of the moment; there are times change escalates quickly; from time to time, change happens gradually. Chanyeol and Baekhyun’s friendship isn’t an exception.

As Chanyeol counts the days, Baekhyun savors the memories.


What they have is a little more than friendship, but definitely not a romantic relationship.


Distance isn’t a hindrance, sometimes it makes stronger bonds.




“Finally, you answered your phone.” Chanyeol says.

“Sorry, I’ve been busy. Winter vacation will start and I still have a lot in my pocket.” Baekhyun explains.

Chanyeol can hear papers being flipped, “It’s okay. I miss our late night calls Baek.”

“I’m sorry Yeol.”

“But we will see each other in a week. I’m excited, and i prepared a lot. Our band will enter this competition and....”

“Uhm, Yeol. I’m sorry. I won’t be able to go home.”


“Sorry yeol. I’ll see you in summer. I’ll call again later. I need to do some stuff. Bye.”

Chanyeol wants to say goodbye but the annoying long tone is all he got.




From Chandumb:

From Chandumb:
Oh you’re online.

Park Chanyeol:            Why is a bacon stuff toy your profile photo?
Park Chanyeol:            You finally admitted you’re a bacon, Baekhyun?
Park Chanyeol:            HAHHAHAH
Park Chanyeol:            I’m funny
Byun Baekhyun:          WHHHUUT?
Byun Baekhyun:          that bacon strip is cute :)
Byun Baekhyun:          And someone gave it to me :)
Park Chanyeol:            ??????
Park Chanyeol:            Christmas is still faraway, your birthday was months ago.
Byun Baekhyun:          hmmmm
Park Chanyeol:            Oh. It isn’t for those.
Park Chanyeol:            You got a girlfriend???!!!
Byun Baekhyun:          I don’t.
Byun Baekhyun:          It’s not a girl. It’s from a boy.
Park Chanyeol:            Oh.
Park Chanyeol:            Why didn’t you tell me about him?
Park Chanyeol:            You’re keeping secrecy from me.
Byun Baekhyun:          We aren’t a thing. And I don’t know if we will ever be a thing?
Byun Baekhyun:           We’re both shy but I think I like him?
Park Chanyeol:            Make up your mind dude.
Park Chanyeol:            I’ll help you out :)
Byun Baekhyun:          Oh, chat later. Need to do something. Bye.


From Chandumb:

From Baekie:
Yup, at Xiumin’s. See you!

Chanyeol smiles at Baekhyun’s reply, how he missed his best friend. Lately, they haven’t been talking or texting or even on chat. Baekhyun has been busy and finds little time to bond with Chanyeol. But this break, surely, Chanyeol will make it a point to spend it with his friend. He looks forward to being with Baekhyun that his mind is clouded with plans and places and activities.


“You’re here but you seem so far away. We only got 2 weeks Baek before you return to Seoul and you’re always texting someone.” Chanyeol had practiced the facial expressions, had mastered the words because his treasure time with his best friend was so short, he didn’t like that Baekhyun wasn’t really giving him much attention for the past couple of days. All the planned trips were either cancelled or were no fun because Baekhyun, though physically with Chanyeol, he seems miles apart.

With gathered confidence, he made his way into Baekhyun’s bedroom, opened the door and slammed it shut.

“Byun Baekhyun.” Firm, strong and final, Chanyeol mentally congratulated himself.


But the look on Baekhyun’s face wiped away Chanyeol’s oozing poise and was transformed into concern because Baekhyun looks like he had seen a ghost.

 “What happened?” Chanyeol is full of anxiety

Baekhyun pants “I think we’re together.”


“We’re together.”

“I don’t understand Baek.”

“Kris. Remember Kris? The one I’ve been telling you for the past months?”

“Because Kris said I love you and I said I love you too.” Baekhyun continued to blabber, words were jumbled, thoughts in disarray. “So, I don’t know. What will I do? Are we together?”

Chanyeol laughed hysterically, his eyes were twitching. “God Baek, you’re cute.”

“Chanyeol, this isn’t the time for compliments. I’m panicking here.”

“Yes, Baek, you’re together.”

“Oh my God, Yeol. Kris texted me, we will meet on Sunday. Oh my God.”

“Stop hyperventilating Baekhyun.”

“I need to go back to Seoul tomorrow!”


It has been a year since Baekhyun and Kris proclaimed their love for each other. It started out with simple exchanges of text messages and then escalated from late night calls. It took Kris one semester when he started to change his class schedules to the same ones like Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun dreams of having a romantic relationship, the one that will last and he was sure, he’ll have that kind of romance with Kris so he gives his best effort to make the relationship work.
Though everything felt new and nice and Baekhyun’s time had been circling between studying and Kris; he still finds time to communicate with Chanyeol but now a little less.

From Chandumb:
Saw your facebook posts. I can’t believe you’re a cheeseball Baek!!!

From Chandumb:
A poem. You wrote him a poem. HAHHAHAH

From Baekkie:
I’ll be online in a few and SHUT UP. IM HAPPY!

From Chanbaek:
I know :)


Two years into the relationship, Baekhyun is still happy. Kris still is the best boyfriend. Kris will wait for Baekhyun to finish his school work even if it takes more than 3 hours. Kris will make time for the both of them to meet even if Kris will travel hours. Kris will make sure Baekhyun gets home safely before he heads home. Kris is the perfect boyfriend.

“Shut up Baekhyun.” Kris hisses. It’s one of those days where they get into a fight. It’s one of those days were the fight leads to Baekhyun’s friendship with Chanyeol.

“I’m sick and tired of hearing Chanyeol this, Chanyeol that, Chanyeol, Chanyeol, Chanyeol.” Kris looks into Baekhyun’s eyes and Baekhyun suddenly feels guilt arising from every cell of his body because Kris’s orbs are communicating to him, they are screaming in pain.

Maybe Baekhyun has been talking about Chanyeol a lot lately but Baekhyun only wants Kris to know more about Chanyeol because if time permits, he wants 2 of the most important persons in his life to get along but maybe Kris’s has had enough.

“I’m sorry Kris.” Baekhyun whispers, barely audible but the pain is evident, is clear as a crystal.
Baekhyun feels his heart constricts because once again, he made Kris shed tears “It hurts Baekhyun because I’m the one with you but it seems your mind thinks of someone else.”

Baekhyun feels guilt. He feels he’s getting sick because he’s hurting Kris, again. And he just wants Kris’s pain to go away because Kris doesn’t deserve any of these.

“I won’t call or even text Chanyeol anymore.” Baekhyun bit his lips. It’s a promise.

“Promise me.” Kris softly utters.

“I promise.”


Baekhyun promises to treasure friendship. He once lost a friend, he is scared to lose another one but what can he do? He’s given a choice, to choose love over friendship? Or friendship over love? Is he really stupid to agree with Kris to cut his connection with Chanyeol because Baekhyun feels awful.

Every missed calls, Baekhyun squints.

Every seen texts, Baekhyun feels a tug in his heart.

Every chat messages, Baekhyun feels like dying.

All are left hanging by a thread because Baekhyun doesn’t answer nor reply.

From Chandumb:
“How are you? You didn’t call last night.”

From Chandumb:
“Baek, you busy?”

From Chandumb:
“Don’t study so hard, you need rest.”

From Chandumb:
“Will you call later tonight.”

From Chandumb:

From Chandumb:
It has been two days Baek, where are you?

From Chandumb:
Are you busy?

From Chandumb:
Are you sick? Baekhyun?


From Chandumb:
“How are you? You didn’t call last night.”

From Chandumb:
“Baek, you busy?”

From Chandumb:
“Don’t study so hard, you need rest.”

From Chandumb:
“Byun Baek?”


Park Chanyeol:          I know you’re online Byun Baekhyun.
Park Chanyeol:          I just saw the green thing.
Park Chanyeol:          What’s the problem Baek?
Park Chanyeol:          Did I do something wrong?
Park Chanyeol:          BYUN BAEKHYUN!!!!
Park Chanyeol:          BAEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!
Park Chanyeol:          Im sorry okay? I really am sorry.
Park Chanyeol:          I’m sorry
Park Chanyeol:          :(
Park Chanyeol:          Baekhyun?

Park Chanyeol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


After a week if ignoring Chanyeol’s texts and call, Baekhyun had enough. He can’t stand the painful feeling his chest is.

“ it.” He curses under his sheets and dials his best friend’s number. He hopes his best friend still recognizes him as one.

“Hello, this is Chanyeol speaking. How may I help you?”

“Chanyeol, this is Baekhyun.”

“Baek who?”


“I don’t recognize any Baekhyun.”

“Chanyeol, what the ?”

“Sorry, you called a wrong number.”

“Park Chanyeol. I swear to God!” Baekhyun is fuming not because of Chanyeol but because of himself. He knows he’s the biggest idiot. “I’m sorry okay. I really am sorry.”


“Are we good?”


“I really am sorry Chanyeol”

“Why did you ignore me?”



“I’m just sorry.”

“If Kris was jealous, I’d understand but you don’t need to ignore me.” There is an apparent twinge in Chanyeol’s voice.

“I at being your best friend Yeol and I’m sorry. I really do.”

Baekhyun hears Chanyeol sigh.

“Just don’t ignore me again.” Comes a faint but clear response.

Baekhyun smiles because he knows they are already okay.

“I’m sorry Yeol. I missed your dumbness.”

Chanyeol laughs.

“You don’t know how much I missed you Baek.”


“Are you going home this weekend?” Chanyeol sounded excited but he is desperately hiding the fact that he is eager. “Vacation officially started yesterday, you know.”

“Hmmm” Baekhyun replies softly, “Yeol, I don’t think I can go home. I need to do things here in Seoul”

Chanyeol suddenly feels down as if all the happiness has been out of his system. It’s the time of the year again. The memory is still fresh when Baekhyun surprised him during his birthday 2 years ago. Last year was a little different because despite Baekhyun not being physically with Chanyeol, the overflowing birthday greeting and messages from different people, all because Baekhyun asked them to greet him.  Chanyeol kinda hopes Baekhyun surprises him too.

“Oh, okay.” He replies sadly then he hears a laugh coming from the other side of the line.

 “Of course dummy, I’ll go home this weekend.”

“You made me nervous for a sec there.” And Chanyeol feels he can breathe again.

“I miss Xiumin hyung, I miss Sehun and luhan. I miss them so I’ll go home.”

“Don’t you remember anything aside from Xiumin and the others?”

“Yes, I think I’m going to Chen’s party, it’s his birthday next week.”

“Byun Baekhyun.”

“Calm down. I know, it’s your birthday” Baekhyun replies. “November 28, right?”

“I’m hanging up, goodbye.”

“I’m joking. It’s November 26.”

“That’s it. I’m not having this conversation.”

“It’s in the 27th and yes I’m coming. Of course I’m coming.”

“I’m going to strangle you.”

“You always fall for this joke.”

“Of course, I don’t want you forgetting my birthday.”

“How can I even?”

“You better.”

“See you soon Baek. I miss you.”

“Oh, wait, have to hang up now. Kris is calling me. Bye!”


“Are you here?”

“I’ll go home tomorrow, why?”

“Why didn’t you reserve a ticket for an earlier train?” Chanyeol demands because today is his birthday and Baekhyun promised to spend it with him.

“I needed to do some stuff here Yeol. just got real here.”

Chanyeol wants to say, You promised. I missed you. Come home. But he doesn’t, he just says he understand. He doesn’t feel good now and the continuous knock on their gate isn’t helping either.

“There’s someone at the door that kept on banging the stupid gate.”

Chanyeol walks out, phone still pressed between his ears because if Baekhyun won’t be with him during his birthday, Baekhyun’s voice maybe is enough to make him happy during his birthday.

He opens the gate and “Damn it Baekhyun.” He screams.

“Why?” Baekhyun chuckles from the receiver making Chanyeol extra annoyed.

“!” Chanyeol curses while he snatches the person opened the door and envelopes him into a hug.

“You can hang up now.” Baekhyun grins on Chanyeol’s chest

“I hate you.” Chanyeol mutters before ending the call.

But Chanyeol’s smile was brighter than the sun’s light. He stops the tears from falling because why is he suddenly feeling so happy?

“I missed you Yeol.”

“I missed you too, Baek.”

“Let’s eat. I’m hungry.”

“Thank you for ruining the mood.”

“Happy Birthday”


Byun Baekhyun: Seriously? You’re dating her?
Park Chanyeol: Not yet but we’re getting there.
Byun Baekhyun: You’ve got to be kidding me.
Park Chanyeol: :))))))))))))))


Byun Baekhyun: TALL IDIOT!
Byun Baekhyun: HEY!
Park Chanyeol: Sup?
Byun Baekhyun: Who is this guy you’re in a relationship with?
Byun Baekhyun: ???
Park Chanyeol: It isn’t serious Baek.
Byun Baekhyun: WHAT?
Park Chanyeol: I’m breaking up with him in a week.
Byun Baekhyun: WHAT THE HELL?!
Park Chanyeol: later Baek, going out.
Park Chanyeol: bye!
Park Chanyeol: miss you!!!


Byun Baekhyun:          Who is Dara?
Byun Baekhyun:          She posted a lot on your timeline XD
Park Chanyeol:            The girl I met last night.
Park Chanyeol:            New girlfriend.
Byun Baekhyun:          O.O
Byun Baekhyun:          She’s like your third this year.
Byun Baekhyun:          WHAT THE YEOL?
Park Chanyeol:            This isn’t serious too.
Park Chanyeol:            HAHAHHA!
Park Chanyeol:            Chat later, band practice.


It’s Kris and Baekhyun’s third year together. Chanyeol has been going out with different girls and guys. Baekhyun warns him he should find someone serious but Chanyeol says he still has time and he needs to enjoy his youth.

Chanyeol surprised Baekhyun more than once but somehow Baekhyun knew every time. This time, the surprise comes out as a shock because not in a million years did Baekhyun expected Chanyeol to call him and say, “Kyungsoo and I are back together.”

How many years have passed since he last saw Kyungsoo? Fear engulfing Baekhyun because holy hell, Chanyeol getting back with Kyungsoo meaning he’ll face his ex best friend too. But Chanyeol sounded way too much happy and Baekhyun can’t spoil the fun out of Chanyeol, his weariness can wait. 

“ it!” Baekhyun screams over the receiver. “I’m happy Chanyeol as long as you are.”

“See you in Seoul in a few days Baek. I’ll visit Kyungsoo”

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Chapter 6: It's been a few years since you wrote this, I hope the chanbaek irl from this are still happy
Chapter 5: !sgGwgahhawg this was too many feelings hitting at once
Chapter 2: Each chapter is an emotional rollercoaster
Chapter 1: It's just the first chapter and it's already tugging on my heartstrings
1085 streak #5
Chapter 5: damn i went through a rollercoaster ride of emotions throughout this fic. All of their friendship is so precious. All the ups and downs ..the heartbreaks..and then finally the fairytale ending. So beautiful ♡
1085 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ugh my heart :'(
I'm so glad kyungsoo is back though :')
1085 streak #7
Chapter 3: I feel like they're stuck in a loop. Sighh.

The way they keep giving each other surprises. So cute!
1085 streak #8
Chapter 2: DAMN this hurts :(
1085 streak #9
Chapter 1: all 3 of them had such a precious friendship. My heart breaks for baeksoo :(
Those messages in caps lock tho. Hahaha so cute
reiyohiru #10
Chapter 5: If that vague ending was the only one you gave to us .....
I won't sleep at night :"

Great story author nim! And may the real one always be happy with their own decision.