Day 5 Part 2 :'(

5 Days

They left and there was only JungKook and me left in the ward. We had a 2 minutes staring contest until JungKook broke the silence and asked me questions.


JungKook: Ya Jung Jihyun, since when did you have this sickness? I thought I told you to stay healthy that day?


//Flashback 5 years ago//

JungKook: Jihyun ah,  i like you, although you already are a couple with HongBin hyung, i needed to tell you so I can move on...

Jihyun: JungKook oppa, you should have told me.... But as you know, I'm Hongbin's girlfriend now... I'm sorry...

JungKook: just promise me one thing, stay healthy even though we are still friends, i don't want my best friend to get sick. I'll make sure Hongbin hyung takes good care of you! 

Jihyun: *giggles* Nae oppa^^

// End Of Flashback //

Jihyun: the sickness actually happened the year after you confessed to me and i couldn't tell you since I don't want you to worry or beat HongBin up...

JungKook: Pabo!! *huges Jihyun*


Just at that time, Leo and Hongbin came back but the 2 couldn't hear the door. HongBin saw but he didn't stop them since he knew that JungKook liked Jihyun and Jihyun had the same feeling towards JungKook. He let the 2 stay like that longer since there was a chance she would never see any of them anymore. After JungKook and Jihyun finished with their bear hug, the 2 boys walked in with food.

Jihyun was hungry but she couldn't eat. When she took her first bite of her bread, she immediately ran to the toilet and coughed up blood and the bread. Hongbin ran in and at the moment, he had an urge to cry but he kept it in and patted Jihyun's back. Jihyun turned around seeing Hongbin, she smiled, but then turn back to cough up more blood. Hongbin started to sob and pat Jihyun's back. After she was done, Hongbin carried her back to her bed and put her down. 

Soon it was 6pm and she couldn't even drink water. She tried drinking but she had to run to the toilet and repeat what she did when she ate the bread. Her face was pale, her lips were black. Her eyes were red and she had a hard time breathing. Hongbin and JungKook went to get the doctor since Jihyun was suffering a lot. Leo stayed inside the room with Jihyun and they had a brother and sister talk.


Leo: Jihyun ah... Please don't leave me... T^T

Jihyun: O.... Op... Oppa.... I won't l... Lea... Leave... Y... Y... *cough* *cough* 


The doctor came i. And took Jihyun to the surgery room to see what they could do to let her live a bit longer. They reached the surgery room and the 3 boys were outside. Ong was praying, one was crying another one was standing right infront of the door desprately trying to see what the doctor was doing. The door opened and the doctor came out with a dissapointed face.

Doctor: Unfortunately..... She.... She only has a few minutes left...... She is asking for all of you to go inside for her last words......

the 3 boys ran in seeing The poor girl lying on the bed coughing more blood out. She saw them and smiled. She called for JungKook first.



Jihyun: *whispers* can you pass this to Hongbin after I go? It really means a lot to me... :3

JungKook: Of course I will^^ and... *sobs* I'm going to miss you.... *hugs Jihyun*


JungKook went back to the other 2 and next she called for Leo.


Leo: Jihyun ah... *cries*

Jihyun: *smiles* *whispers* O.... Opp.... Oppa.... Finally I can get to see how Omma and Appa looks like after all these years.... *cries*

Leo: Yah..... Don't say stuff like that.... *cries hard*

Jihyun: I will ask Omma and Appa to meet you in your dreams one day *sad smile* and I'll be there as welll *cries*

Leo: a.... Arra... Arrasso.... *hugs Jihyun*



Leo went back to call Hongbin in to talk to Jihyun for the last time.



Hongbin: Jihyun ah!! *cries and hugs Jihyun*

Jihyun: *smiles and cries* Kong... Promise me you won't cry anymore when I'm gone.... I would be sad up above if you don't move on...

Hongbin: Yah!!! *cries hard* You know my heart only have you....

Jihyun: well now you have to clear it and make way for a new girl *sad smile*

Hongbin: Jihyun-ah.... *cries harder*


The other 2 boys were watching while crying behind.


Hongbin was still hugging Jihyun and Jihyun knew her time was up soon... She had a hard time breathing and then, she asked Hongbin for her last kiss. Hongbin was crying but she looked like she was going to go soon so Hongbin carefully put his lips on her soft lipes one last time. It was a passionate kiss filled with tears and love. After few seconds, Jihyun broke the kiss and coughed up more blood. Her time was up and she called for all of the boys. 


Jihyun: I.... I... W...wish you all.... Good I.....go...... With her last breath, she coughed up blood and closed her eyes. A single tears left her eyes for the last time and she smiled and then...........

she was gone......

 The boys cried and cried until their eyes were going to burst. The nurse covered Jihyun with the white cloth and asked the boys to go out. 



To be continued~~^^ 

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