Strike 05

Caught In Between






Few months passed and the weather started to get colder. Well, it’s been 2 weeks since I finished the research and they paid almost 10 million won for that piece of crap. The school informed me after that it was a private company who made me work with them, and it sounded so fishy though, because the research was all about nuclear processes and its effect on sustainability regarding armors. They also explained that this was supported by the government as a confidential act regarding the neighboring country, North Korea. Honestly from what I understood from everything, we were just simply doing an anti nuclear stuff if ever the other side attacks us on, but the weirdest thing is, why would they say later on that it was ordered by a private company? It bugged me so much that I didn’t talk to anyone for a week including Hyemi for I don’t want her to worry about this. Over the weekend, me and Juju spent long walks by the river and that was the time I decided to just let go and accept the money for my "hard" work. The money was directly sent through my private bank account as soon as possible, and to be honest, I don’t even know what to do with that amount of money. I consulted Watanabe about it and he gave an advice that I should just donate it to a charity in need. After that, I agreed with him and decided to give a call to RCY but suddenly my phone rang before I pressed the call button. It was Hyemi who called.


“Ragi-ah, I’m sorry to bother you now but I need to ask something important.”

“Sure. I also like to talk to you for my cold treatment a few days ago. I just don’t really feel good that time.”

“I understand Ragi. Well I’ve asked you a lot of favors for the past few months so I guess this would be my last one and I promise that I’ll make it up to you.”

“Hyemi it’s alright, you’re my sister remember? I’ll always be here for you so it’s okay to ask me millions of favors.” I talked back over the phone and laughed. “So what is it?” I continued.

“I’d like to borrow money…there’s an emergency…” she trailed off.

“Don’t be shy, it’s alright I got your back, how much do you need?”



“I need 5 million won.”



My mouth was agape in shock for I didn’t expect her to borrow that large amount of money. Watanabe looked at me in confusion after I fell silent. I got back to my senses and pretended that we’re just having a normal conversation. What intrigues me is that it’s too sudden.“I won’t ask you now on what’s that “emergency” but I hope I’ll be able to help you out Hyemi, whatever your problem is, I hope you’ll get over it. Please don’t hesitate to ask for my help okay? Send me your account so I could settle it later on.”


“Thank you so much Ragi…” she said between her sobs.


“It’s okay now don’t cry, everything will be alright. Get some plenty of rest now and have some sweet dreams Hyemi. Bye.” I assured her before I ended the call. Watanabe asked me right away on what happened and told him that it’s none of his business. “Pick me up tomorrow morning around 9 am and drop me off at my bank. You can leave now and go home” I dismissed. He nodded and made his way out.







Clerks greeted me as I made my way inside the prestigious Shinhan Bank. A good looking accountant assisted me on transferring the money to Hyemi’s account. The weird thing is, he didn’t even bother to ask me on why a student like me would do such a thing. After transferring it, I asked Watanabe if it was alright for us to visit his family's cafe. He gave me a shocked look but then he smiled it off and assured me, “Always at your service, My lady." We stopped by at a busy street and the first thing I asked is how are we going to park the car in this kind of place. He looked at me through the mirror and teasingly laughed at me. "Don't worry too much, just sit back and relax Oujou." I frowned upon hearing the word 'Oujou.' And it's not that I don't understand what it means; that entitlement reminded me so much of my past. 





"Would you mind if I call you that?"

"No. I don't like it. Just call me by my name. I don't like entitlements" I bluntly replied.

"Got that" was all he said.


There was a lone spot at the near corner of some alley and we parked there smoothly. I wore my coat immediately as he ushered me out of the car and into the busy streets of Seoul. The sweet aroma greeted my senses when we reached the cafe after a 10 minute walk from the place we parked. It was still closed but Watanabe barged in and a man in his mid 40's greeted us with a very loud shout, "Welcome to Cafe Vendetta!" and I gradually laughed at him for his greeting despite the whole place is still closed then I saw Watanabe walked his way to the man and brushed him off as he whispered something suspicious. The man's expression changed when Watanabe pulled me over and introduced me as his master. "Master?" I blurted out as I chuckled at him. I faced off the man and continued, "Please don't mind him, I'm Ragi and you are?" I humbly asked. "What a pleasure to meet you Our Lady Ragi! I'm Shiro, Watanabe's caretaker." We exchanged bows and he told us to have a seat as he prepare a special treat for our visit. After half an hour, my phone suddenly vibrated and I hurriedly got it off my coat pocket then I saw Hyemi’s name on the screen with a message. I tapped through my phone with so much anticipation on reading what she just sent me. But I was cut off from my momentum as Shiro served us the specialties after the long wait.


My eyes focused over the luscious strawberry shortcake topped with heart shaped macarons filled with thick creamy vanilla icing all over, and I swear, seeing it was like love at first sight. I almost dropped my phone for the bizarre of desserts and country side food served right in front of us. The funny thing that caught my attention was that after serving all the delicacies, Shiro sat down with us and initialized the blessing of all these mouth watering edible stuff. I lurked my way into getting a slice of the cake but the giddy man stopped me and told me to not eat sweets first for it is unhealthy. I tried to hide my pissed expression with an eerie smile but I just let myself at ease for this man is my butler’s caretaker and as the basic etiquette I learned, know how to respect. We all ate the same course one by one, slowly savoring the flavors of each. Surprisingly, eating all that bunch of dishes got us full and we were all having a moment once we finished every piece. Shiro got up first and started cleaning the table then Watanabe helps out too and all of a sudden I found myself working my fat off to help with the dishes. There were no other customers at that time for the café opens up at 12 in the afternoon as Shiro told us awhile ago. We all finished cleaning but I noticed a shadow from my back and then suddenly a white cloth was tied upon my waist. Shiro and Watanabe looked at me with persuasion as they both asked me, “Could you be our waitress for today?” I was shaking my head at first but after the long hours of serving the customers that day, some part of me felt so alive that I’m reconsidering doing this every weekend as a past time.








Twilight engulfed the skies and it was a perfect combination of orange and blue with hues of pink. It was a fun day indeed. We paced our way back to the corner with smiles carved on our faces until I received a phone call out of the blue. I picked it up and hushed a “hello” over the line but the other line was quite a mess. There were weeps, shouts, and cries scattered everywhere and I could even hear the sound of an ambulance leaking into my ears. I was silent for a moment but then the other line started talking and talking while crying and at that moment the smile carved over my face a few minutes ago is now plastered with


 a frown


that turned into a cry,


a weep,


and into a mental breakdown.



I could feel the cold breeze lingering through my skin as I continuously scream at the top of my lungs and there I was looking so fragile with a man holding me tight in his arms while I struggle to let go for the pain was too much, it was unbearable. Slowly, darkness took over and I was lost, but one thing is for sure,







that was the phone call I will never forget.












[Author's Note]

So yes this marks the start of the real frickin' story here I'm so sorry it took me so long because I admit I am busy with edits, and other stuff but after this university exam I'll take, I will update this often. Please don't get tired supporting this story I promise I won't disappoint all of you! Thank you so much for 33 subscribers who are patient enough to bear my timidness, thank you really! Don't forget to subscribe, comment and upvote, it is really appreciated. You can @ me on twitter: @chanyeoI_park (the letter L is a big letter i) see you all on the next updates!

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Chapter 5: Just.. Just.. AWESOME MEG. Really. I love it! <3
where did you edited your poster?
jungsooyeonnie #3
Wow meg senpai i love it ^^^
Chapter 4: Good job meg :3 keep on writing <3
Chapter 1: FML. Strawberry cake! I want one ;___; It's good Meg! Keep it up! Now I'm starting to get curious ;__; Update soon ples <///3. -L
starefore #8