Strike 03

Caught In Between






The weekend ended faster than I expected. I got up as soon as my alarm rang. I hate Mondays but then again, I have no choice but to deal with them. I damped my clothes into the laundry bag and moved inside the bathroom. Warm sprinkles of water dripped unto my whole body. I hummed as I savored the relaxing feeling.


I dried myself off and looked past the huge mirror. There I was standing, with damp hair and paled skin as bruises and unwanted wounds are scattered across my legs, reminding me every single day of my life that I am scarred with unending pain by the memories of my past. I was already used to seeing myself like this. It felt so horrible and melancholic. In times like this, I felt very lonely, so lonely that I just wanted to erase my existence in this rotting world.





Watanabe came on time as always. I rushed to open the door and saw him smiling at me. “Good Morning, Miss,” he greeted politely. As usual, he carried my stuff and opened the car door for me. I was used to a life like this – it seems fun because you’ll feel like you’re some princess being served every single day of your life, but the truth is, it suffocated me. It made me feel like I’m a 6 year old kid being assisted in everything I do. Even so, I’m still grateful because I don’t feel so lonely especially when he’s around.


We drove off the highway and reached my school after 30 minutes. It’s faster to go there by a vehicle than a bike because it takes up almost 1 hour by pedaling your brains out. I got out of the car immediately as he got my stuff from the back of the car. Some students were still amazed by this morning routine of ours, wherein I’ll look like some heiress of some top company being guarded by a butler. I don’t really like garnering much attention from others because I know that at the back of their heads, they’d judge you, and to be honest, not all judgments are good enough to take. I opened my shoe locker carelessly and hit someone over. “I’m sorry. I didn’t notice you were there.” I said, but he just smiled at me. His smile was absurd and I found it weird.

Moving on, I got my shoes as quickly as I can but then suddenly a mysterious envelope fell. I picked it up and slid it into my folder for I have no time to stay there any longer.


Hyemi was reading a book when I came in class. I approached her and asked about the things she did last weekend.

“Well, I got some errands to do for my Dad last Saturday and then I had an appointment with some group of people. How about you?” she said.

“I had a short bonding with my Father yesterday and went to church with Watanabe only.” I replied.

“You still go to church without your Father?” she looked curious when she asked this to me and I just told her that I still go by myself or with Watanabe at certain times. Our small talk ended with the teacher’s arrival. I didn’t have any sessions for the research today and for tomorrow, and that’s why I’ll be able to spend some time with her.

Well, she’s the only one I consider as a “friend,” even though I have a lot of peers and I think having one “friend” is enough for me.






Egg pies are truly my favorite. Their rich, thick taste is what I crave every morning, unluckily, I ran out of them at home, so that’s why I ordered at the cafeteria this lunch. Hyemi ordered a meal consisting of Korean barbeque, coleslaw and rice.


“Why are you only eating that?” she asked me as points at my e gg pie.

“It’s been a week since the last time I ate this and it’s really one of my favorites.” I said smiling at her.

“Oh. I thought strawberry flavored foods were your , Ragi! I was not informed about your love for egg pies.” She chuckled as she teased me about it.

Recalling back our conversation last week, I remembered about her favor about some event she’ll be heading to.

“By the way, I just want to know when would be the event you told me last time.” I uttered.

“It’ll be tomorrow though, and I want you to help me on planning how to get out of school before lunch.” she said in a sheepishly way, more like a whisper.


“Anything for you would be alright.”




I reviewed our plan for tomorrow as soon as I went down to my lab. Our plan would be just simple: she’ll be pretending that she’s sick then I’ll her to the clinic, change the thermometer with a programmed one, then let the nurse acquire her to go home. Now, all I got to do is program and alter a thermometer to stay at 40 degrees. “Quite easy though” I said to myself. I picked up the screwdriver and started to do my work. It’s been a long time since I did this kind of thing. I’m glad I still fully understand on how to program things on my own. Midnight came and it was around 1 am when I finished altering the system of the thermometer. Doing things like this were really cool and I really felt like I had a very productive day, for I did something for a person I truly cherish. I turned off everything before going up to arrange my stuff for school.

I looked at my window and I saw the moon with its bright rays engulfing the night. Sadness lurked into my thoughts as I reminisce that good old times with the man who gifted, molded and nurtured me to become who I am now, a girl who learned how to live and survive up until this moment. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my chest heaved up and down and the pain I feel slowly numbed what’s left inside. All my life, all I ever wanted was to go back and change what could have been changed, but no matter how much you try to cope with life, it’ll always consume you.




Because no matter how much I screamed back into the past, I know nothing would change and no matter how many times I alter the past inside my head, it’ll never bring back their lives














[Author's Note]

 A short update after a long long time! I'm quite busy with my life but I'll be leaving a few chapters for a while. 

Enjoy reading, and thank you for the 1200+ views and subbers! More power to us and this story




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Chapter 5: Just.. Just.. AWESOME MEG. Really. I love it! <3
where did you edited your poster?
jungsooyeonnie #3
Wow meg senpai i love it ^^^
Chapter 4: Good job meg :3 keep on writing <3
Chapter 1: FML. Strawberry cake! I want one ;___; It's good Meg! Keep it up! Now I'm starting to get curious ;__; Update soon ples <///3. -L
starefore #8