Strike 01

Caught In Between






APRIL 2012


The rays of light blinded me. Today is the end of spring break. It felt like my body's been stung from all the work I’ve done. 

Moving on, I packed up the things needed to survive hell – I mean school.

Hey, I love learning so don’t get me wrong. It’s just that people tend to bring the  out of you all the time in school, and I always hate sounding too bitter from all my thoughts early in the morning.

While taking off my clothes and striving to wake myself from slumber, I was considering the possibility that no one dropped me a call.  I rushed through the living room while I was still to check my phone.

I was wrong.

The screen flashed brightly upon my eyes, “36 missed calls from WATANABE.”

“.” I cussed under my breath, realizing I’m late for class.


It took me 20 minutes to prepare everything. Unfolding my bike was the hardest thing to do, because I never liked riding such rubbish. Before I set off, I checked the things I must have in the new boring semester. When everything was settled, I placed my helmet, safety pads and pedaled away from paradise, my precious home.

Well, riding a bike isn’t that bad after all. At least I got to see a beautiful scenery, the morning sky that kissed my eyes with its glorious view. 





I came at school on around 8:32 A.M. There were no students in the halls and I can feel my heart fall down to my stomach. I knocked at the door, slowly slided it and saw Ms. Byul looking at me. I apologized and told her that I did something important last night. She only muttered, "It's alright, Ms. Ragi. Just take your seat and catch up." As I walked across the room, there was one thing I noticed, and it was the new seating arrangement. I was pissed off because I got the place at the back near the windows, but then my frustration dried up as I saw her.

"Hyemi!" I cheerfully interjected.

"Ragi-ah!" She cheekily replied.

I gently placed my leather bag down and sat down whole-heartedly. I'm late for class but at least, I got closer with my dear friend


We were only able to send each other reassuring smiles for the class was still going on, but I sure did feel that something really big happened.



Sadly, we didn't get to talk during breaks for I was called at the faculty to do some "research." I was glad that I've skipped tons of boring classes  for this but I felt bad not being able to play my role as a "best" friend to her. Finally, I got back to class on the last subject.

She was too focused in listening to Mr. Kwak for she really loved his subject Mathematics. It's the opposite for me though. I never was a fan of numbers and formulas. 

Disappointed, I propped my right elbow and faced the steaming environment parted by the transparent glass. As I let go of my thoughts, I found myself tired from all the typing and eye-wrecking information I went through. My eyes started to drift into sleep.


A sudden whisper caressed my ears, as it gently pronouanced my name, 


I wanted to open my eyes and believe that it was her calling me, but slumber is winning at the other end. It still continued, getting slower, weaker, and then it faded like bliss.


A sudden voice blurted, "Ms. Ragi, if you want to sleep, go out!"

Bedazzled, I forced to disconnect myself from the peaceful void, which was sleep. Mr. Kwak looked at me coldly as he moved his way towards our direction. He leaned over my face and hissed, "Ms. Ragi, I don't really care if you're some smartass rich kid who turns out to be this school's favourite student researcher, but you should have some manners in my class." I felt my cheeks heat up and sweat drip slowly down my face. Hyemi looked like she smelled some kind of stench from what happened. She probably heard what Mr. Kwak said, for she's just a meter away. 



Finally, the tension was over and it's already dismissal. I felt somebody's palm over my shoulder, and I was glad to see that it's Hyemi. I faced her with a smile as I declare thoughts earlier, 

"Well you know, I'm really sorry for ignoring you, I was really tired, and I'm also sorry for not attending to you a while ago. The staff was indeed in a rush and so was I."

She smiled at me and her features retorted to a very stunning laugh.

"Hey Ragi-ah it's alright, I understand. Now, I already know that Mr. Kwak is an . By the way, how was the research with the staff? Did you finish it already? I mean, you've been working your off ever since Spring break started. I'm worried. Take a rest okay?"

She was too caring, and I'm happy that she's there – a sister to trust, a friend to hold on to. I told her that everything will be finished soon. Setting aside my situation, I couldn't hold my concerns any longer and asked what's going on with her. Well, it's been a long while. 

I was surprised for her eyes gleamed with excitement as she answered my concern with such happiness,

"Oh, me? Hmm, well there's this group that just debuted, and I'm really happy, like really happy, Ragi! I've been following them since their pre-debut! They all look so handsome now! I can't help it Ragi! Oh and there will be an event next week but it will happen during class hours… I'm quite sad,  ‘cos I want to go there... Ragi, could you help me out, please?" she pouted and I couldn't help but laugh because she was too cute to resist. 

"Of course! I got your back, alright? Just make sure that you'll catch up with the works okay? I mean this is a crucial year, we're one step away from being seniors, and this city of ours is such a crap filled place with unliable people." I assured.

She laughed at me loudly, and I didn't know why. I mean, I said nothing wrong; I just stated facts and then she cut me off and told me,

"You sound like an old geezer again! Don't be such a coward! Of course, I know what I have to do, alright? But, thanks a lot. Let's eat strawberry cake soon okay?"

I nodded and packed my things along with me. 

"I have to go home now-" there was a short pause in my farewell for she mimicked my voice as she continued my line,

"I still have work to do."

I cackled upon hearing her insult me. She does that a lot, but it's fine with me. Hyemi is Hyemi and no one can change that.


We bid our farewells and got out of the classroom on time. As I took my shoes from my locker, I heard a familiar beep outside the lobby. And there he is:




As usual, he wore the tuxedo uniform that my father assigned to him, and it really looked nice. Sometimes, I think it's rather sad that at his young age, he became some weird girl's personal "guy" maid. Well, I'm grateful to have him though, and besides, it's his work.

He opened the car for me while teasing, "Look who's late earlier today!" He chuckled at his own joke while I hopped in the BMW. "Just get on with your job" I hissed at him. He looked at me through the mirror and smirked as he started the engine.






Slowly, my mind surrendered to my deep thoughts and took me away to my desired reverie. 













[Author's Note] 

Hooray for the first chapter! I know it's still quite boring yet, but atleast you'll have hints! Please still stay tuned!  Thank you in advance for all your support! (A big thanks to my editor, Patrice Manuel, my very precious friend ♥)


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Chapter 5: Just.. Just.. AWESOME MEG. Really. I love it! <3
where did you edited your poster?
jungsooyeonnie #3
Wow meg senpai i love it ^^^
Chapter 4: Good job meg :3 keep on writing <3
Chapter 1: FML. Strawberry cake! I want one ;___; It's good Meg! Keep it up! Now I'm starting to get curious ;__; Update soon ples <///3. -L
starefore #8