
Ain't All Bad

It’s nearly two days in the hospital and Baekhyun hadn’t got up yet, only the faint sounds more like moans coming from his now slightly bruised mouth. The doctor injects something on Baekhyuns body, he said it would make Baekhyun rest longer so that he can recover sooner and continue the treatments that have been prepared by the hospital. But Luhan don’t expect that Baekhyun would actually sleep for almost two days, it worried him to death.

If Baekhyun have been slept all day, then Luhan couldn’t close his eyes, he wasn’t sleeping through the night, even until the following morning. He sat silently beside the bed, his eyes staring at his baby brother figure. Luhan is dying to know that his baby is alright and he needs to hear it directly from Baekhyun, not the doctors, not the nurses, not even his parents, just Baekhyun.

“Lu, you need to rest and eat.” Luhan was not even aware that his mother had been there, “I will be here to keep Baek while you go,”  she added. But Luhan just shook his head and raised his hand to brush Baekhyun bangs that covered his eyes. His mom sighed, “Luhan you need to-“

“No! Baekhyun not eat,” Luhan said, cutting his mother's words. Luhan can see the sadness and exhaustion in her eyes, it made ​​her look a little older than she should. Maybe it was what made ​​him feel a bit guilty for talking a little hars to her, “I would eat if Baekhyun wake up, I’m not hungry after all.”

His mother reached for his shoulder, squeezing it softly. “This is hurt, isn’t it? Seeing him so fragile and injured so easily. I always thought that Baekhyun is lovable child without him trying to, it’s make me belive that everyone around him want to protect him, just like you. And it makes me sure that no one has the heart to hurt him. But-but then this happened,” she paused and took a deep breath, trying to swallow her sob. “Someone hit him hard. And this is hit me twice as hard, god... its hurts so much.” Finally she sobbed, but she hastily wiped her tears away, Luhan sure his mother didn’t want to make the situation more gloomy.

“I’m sorry...”

“No, Lu, it wasn’t your faults. I know it’s hurts you as well.” she said as she leaned her head on his shoulder, rubbing his back slowly.





That afternoon when his mother went back to work, Xiumin come to the hospital, he bring a lunch pack for Luhan and flowers for Baekhyun. Luhan not push him out this time, Xiumin think maybe Luhan was calmer now, because when he came over and kissed his head, Luhan stay still, and he let Xiumin lips buried a little longer in his hair.

“how is he?” Xiumin asked after a small silent.

“In pain, I guess, he makes a little noises and whined during his sleep,” he sighed then turned his head to face Xiumin, took a deep breath once again before start talking again, “I’m sorry, for the other day, I pushed you out and yelled, I didn’t meant to be so rude but seeing Baekhyun hurt in this stated make me feeling so so sick. And I just- i just cant.”

“It’s okay, I understand. Baekhyun meant so much for me to, maybe not as much as yours but trust me, I will do the same thing if I were you.”

“Thank you...”

Luhan smile for the first time that day as he make his way to his boyfriend and wrapped him in his arm, feels slightly relieved. He feels so grateful that Xiumin could understand his feelings towards Baekhyun, and although Luhan know that sometimes there is a flash of jealousy in Xiumin face when Luhan chose to stay with Baekhyun rather than go on a date with Xiumin. Xiumin will not force him. And let him be.

But trust him, Luhan meant it when he said he love Xiumin.

“Come on. You need to eat.”





Kai fidget in his seat, it’s already for hours he sat in the corner of the hospital waiting room, trying to make his presence unknown. Kai has been trying to stand up and then sit down again and then up again. He really wants to see Baekhyun, is he alright? Is he not? And if some bad things happen to Baekhyun, Kai swore to kill Chanyeol and his friends and maybe avoid to get closer to Baekhyun in every way. Because Kai don’t want to see Baekhyun hurt again, Kai don’t want to see Baekhyun stood to protect him and then ended up hurting. Kai cringe at his though, he does not want to away from Baekhyun but again, what else could he do?

For now Kai couldn’t really concentrate on it, kai just want to know Baekhyun condition right now. One look, it wouldn’t hurt him, right? Come on Kai, get some balls! Once again Kai stood hesitantly take steps forward, one step, two steps, another steps... until finally he was right in front of the Baekhyuns door.

He swallowed, breathed out a little faster. A habit when he had to calm himself. There must be Luhan and parents Baekhyun or maybe someone else Inside, but Kai' sure that Luhan was there and Kai are not sure Luhan will receive his  visit nicely.

Should he knock? Yep, probably should.

He knock on the doorfor the third times before he opened it, and true, Luhan was there sat next to Baekhyun bed and much to his relieved Xiumin is there. He was still standing in the doorway, not daring to step further, but he also doesn’t want to step back though Luhan staring at him, his face completely shows a displeased expresion on  his presence here.

Xiumin cleared his throat, maybe feeling  the atmosphere is uncomfortably tensed, “Oh, Kai? Uhm.. come in?” although Xiumin talking to invite kai in but it sounds obvious that Xiumin words is more like asking for Luhan approval, and Kai clearly caught that but before Luhan could give any sign of disapproval on Xiumin, Kai directly steps into the room, at least before Luhan kick him out, he want to look Baekhyun a little more closer.

“um.., Hi?” Kai started a little awkward, it's been a long time since he have a proper talk to people, at least, he wasn’t the start the conversation. “I'm sorry for what happened, I-“

“you better should, this is also part of your mistakes,” Luhan said, he still refuses to look at Kai, he just held Baekhyun hands tightly. Xiumin bit his lip, feeling a bit worried with this conversation they have.

“I know and I’m so so sorry, I shouldn’t let him uhm.. uh Baekhyun-“ Kai couldn’t finish his sentences because suddenly Baekhyun is moving, his hand is moving in between Luhans hands  and his mouth imake a hoarse voice. Luhan gasped, scrambled to stand up on his feet to grab Baekhyun face. Muttering ‘baek baby, baek baby’ softly, trying to help Baekhyun to open his eyes. Xiumin already ran out of the room, maybe call a doctor. While Kai walked up to the bed, Kai saw Baekhyun eyelid moves trying to open wider and shows two eyeballs that aren’t focus yet, maybe because he is trying to adjust the light. God, those eyes still shining even though the owner was in pain.

“Hey baby.., Hey...” Luhan said softly as he cupped Baekhyun face in his hand, “you are awake? God... you’re awake, can you-can you talk baby?” Baekhyun responded, he whisper a small ‘yes’ and Luhan laughed softly then kissed Baekhyuns forehead and nose gently, his face is no longer crumpled, it seems all his worries is already drifting away into the space.

Kai watched silently, a little jealous he admitted. Because he also wanted to hold Baekhyun hands and face, maybe planted a kiss on his face as well. But at least Baekhyun fine. It’s the best that he could ask.




Hello.., guess who rose from the dead?? me /hide/

i'm sorry because i died a few times while writing this chap, so sorreey.., okay, yeah?

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im came back from the dead guys


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Chapter 6: Update soon...i thought u are back from the dead?? :P
Welcome back author nim..... XD
Chapter 6: annyeong~ it's been so long you have not update this fics huhuhuhu. Author would you like to check-edit this fics again... here -Luhan was not even aware that her mother had been there,- isn't that 'her' should be 'his'? Hehehee coz I didn't found GS tag on this fics._.

Finally baby Baek wake up..... yosh Kai please don't be fool to get away from B. He should always near B to protect him, Kai should.

Thanks for update author ^^
Chapter 6: Welcome back author nim..
And m glad that u brought Baek back with u..:) Nw dat he's awake, i don't want Kai to do anything stupid like keeping himself away from Baek n all...hopefully together Kaibaek'll be able to do sumthng abt Yeol...>:(
Chapter 5: Chanyeol why are you ruin everything?!!
ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: Kick that Chanyeol out from school..pls!Kai just had someone who cared him..but now
Chapter 5: My baby Baek..ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious..Yeol, u r so dead nw...m definitely gonna kill u if something happens to my Baek...*glares*
Chapter 5: AH CHANYEOL!!!! AISSH !
Chapter 5: baekkie please be okay.... kai needs you, and Luhan too....
Chapter 5: ............ ...