the fight

Ain't All Bad


The next things they know is a bunch of crowd had formed in the cafeteria, a very thick and messy crowd. Kai is struggling desperately. Three people were gripped his body, locking it in his place to stop him from struggling. one of the three was  throwing  a punches on every side of his body. Kai is fighting furiously. Two of the three were holding both of his hands so each of hand is remain on each side his body, to assure them that he couldn’t fight back. Kai groaned in despair.  One of the two who were holding him grabbed his hair, keeping Kai to see the scene in front of him, Make sure that Kai see all the sights they served.


In front of him, Baekhyun was struggled hard  trying to fight back at Chanyeol, Baekhyun throws a few punches to Chanyeol, but the red-haired man is bigger than him, so Chanyeol easily smashing and pinning Baekhyun down. Chanyeol is higher than him, so he can easily throw Baekhyun little body to the ground and slam him to the side of table.

“Please stop it.., please just hit me. Hit me. Please... please” And now he is begging, Kai is crying.

But Baekhyun is more stubborn. Baekhyun still wouldn’t listen to Chanyeol and just promised to stay away from Kai altough now Baekhyun have no a tiny little strenght to fight back or just dodges Chanyeol attacks, so he just curled up on the floor, holding all the pain. Chanyeol is way stronger than Baekhyun. So for the final hit, he release a hard strong kick on Baekhyun  back. and suddenly Kai froze, a loud bang sttabed his ears. Baekhyun fainting.

The two guy who hold kai release their grip and Kai ran to Baekhyun and push Chanyeol a side. He kneels down  in front of the passed out guy, crying and begging him to wake up. On the other hand Chanyeol do a little stretching on his hand, ready to beat the of Kai. The time when Chanyeol comes to start beating him, kai throw himself and put a quarter of his body on top of Baekhyun, to keep baekhyun body from chanyeol so no single hit lay on him again.

“Enjoy the show, ? Huh?” Chanyeol said, as he raising his right clenched hands to land a punch on Kai. A punch landed on the back of kai and suddenly a little noise and rush footsteps approaching, a strong and rough push make Chanyeol limb a few steps away from Kai and Baekhyun.

“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” Someone shouted, to whom Kai doesnt know, kai couldn’t see. He couldn’t even lift his head just to see what was going on right now. and he doesn’t care because he was too scared, scared there will be hit land on Baekhyun again.

“You shouldn’t be interrupted and just off,” Chanyeol said annoyed


“doowh.. how cute..., a senior calling his teacher for help. Listen here before I beat the of you up, I'm not afraid of you, even though i know you're a senior here. But I will grant your wish this time. Make sure you clean this up,” Chanyeol leaned his face closer until only a few inches distance left before whispering, “Because this is gross, Xiumin hyung.” And with that chanyeol left.

Xiumin sighed and shook his head holding back his anger, he turned to see Kai was still in the same position as before, Xiumin hurriedly reach him and pull his shoulder to tell him that Chanyeol is gone, but Kai threw his hand away, refusing to step aside and crying, calling Baekhyun name at every sobs. Xiumin tried again, but he got the same response. so he forcibly pull kai harder , he ask for help on some of his friends to bring Baekhyun to the school clinic. Kai cried and struggled once again trying to escape and ran to baekhyun.






Luhan was  walking alone down the school hall and something is really bothering him, his brow knitted as he tried to remember  whether something is forgotten or he have some problems that hasn’t  been solved, but none of them are into the disturbances this time. Now is the lunch hour, He told Xiumin to go first to the cafeteria without him because baekhyun face continues flying across his mind. So he decided to go to Baekhyun class to check and pick him to their lunch together, but Baekhyun wasn’t there, someone said to him that Baekhyun are in school clinics, and Luhan ran directly go to the clinic but his little brother wasn’t there either. Worries get the best of him. he repeatedly tried to call Baekhyun, but none was picked by Baekhyun.

“Luhan Hyung!!” Luhan moved her eyes from Baekhyun numbers when he heard his name being shouted  by someone. He pursed his forehead when he saw small guy running toward his direction. Is he baekhyun friend?

“Luhan hyung, Xiumin hyu_”

“aah!! Kyungsoo-si!!” Luhan interrupting the guy sentences who is now known as one of Baekhyun friends. “ Do you know where Baek is? I looked for him everywhere and  tried to call his phone, but there is No answer, aiissh this kid!!”

“Luhan hyung...,” there is a slight pause, before kyungsoo sighed and said “Baekhyun was beaten at the cafeteria. Xiumin hyung sent me to tell you, he is in the clinic.”

It takes a few seconds for Luhan to understand what he had just heard. Baekhyun was beaten? His skipped a beat, “Are you sure it is Baekhyun?” his legs suddenly became limp and his heart pounding like crazy when he saw kyungsoo nodded and gave his a sad look. No baekhyun, no no no are words that repeatedly passes in his brain






Xiumin was sitting beside Kai who silenctly sobbing, it took quite a while for Xiumin to calm the boy. Xiumin need to exert his strenght and patiens saying that everything will be alright even though he himself isnt convinced that all would be fine, not when Baekhyun lying unconscious on the school clinic bed, bruises and wounds at every inch of his body, Xiumin lift his hand and began the back of kai, to distract his mind, he need to be positive. His trailed-mind stopped when suddenly the door clinics opened with a loud bang. Luhan standing there with his chest up and down and breathlessly. His eyes is tearyready to cry. Xiumin stood up  to approach the very broken boy.

"Lu .." Luhan ran to the side of  Baekhyun bed, crying silently as he started to caress Baekhyun now slightly bruised cheek softly. "Lu .." Xiumin once again trying to grab his boyfriend, but Luhan threw his hands when he landed his hand on his shoulder.

“DON’T!!  Don’t come here,” Luhan said as he pushed Xiumin away

“Lu.., I’m sorry Lu_”

“I SAID DON’T!! Don’t be sweet and don’t be whatever is it you are, just don't talk to me and leave”

Xiumin took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, seeing Baekhyun who he already considers as his own brother is hurt made ​​him hurt as well, but seeing Luhan cry to see his brother hurt makes him double hurt and his heart ached. Kai stand behind Xiumin when once again Luhan pushes Xiumin when he tried to re-approached him.

“I SAID DON’T XIUMIN!! I SAID DON’T.  DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?! LEAVE ME! LEAVE US!!” Luhan Southed and abruptly pushes both Xiumin and Kai out of the Clinic and locked the door in a strong click. Left Xiumin and Kai outside the room.

A few minutes later Luhan and Baekhyun parents came rushin’ to the school, they decided to send Baekhyun to the hospital because Baekhyun hasn’t wake up yet, they diceded to send baekhyun to the hospital to ensure that the youngest child gets the best proper treatment. Luhan carrying Baekhyun on both of his hands carefully, didn’t want to hurt his fragile brother. Their parents stay longer in school and just let Luhan and baekhyun go to the hospital without them. They are shouting and cursing, spilling their anger to all the teachers and the school staff who were inattentive and let violence happen in school. They are make sure that the school will take a firm action on the student who had hurts their child.




i don't even know whats going on with my brain. this is crap!!

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im came back from the dead guys


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Chapter 6: Update soon...i thought u are back from the dead?? :P
Welcome back author nim..... XD
Chapter 6: annyeong~ it's been so long you have not update this fics huhuhuhu. Author would you like to check-edit this fics again... here -Luhan was not even aware that her mother had been there,- isn't that 'her' should be 'his'? Hehehee coz I didn't found GS tag on this fics._.

Finally baby Baek wake up..... yosh Kai please don't be fool to get away from B. He should always near B to protect him, Kai should.

Thanks for update author ^^
Chapter 6: Welcome back author nim..
And m glad that u brought Baek back with u..:) Nw dat he's awake, i don't want Kai to do anything stupid like keeping himself away from Baek n all...hopefully together Kaibaek'll be able to do sumthng abt Yeol...>:(
Chapter 5: Chanyeol why are you ruin everything?!!
ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: Kick that Chanyeol out from school..pls!Kai just had someone who cared him..but now
Chapter 5: My baby Baek..ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious..Yeol, u r so dead nw...m definitely gonna kill u if something happens to my Baek...*glares*
Chapter 5: AH CHANYEOL!!!! AISSH !
Chapter 5: baekkie please be okay.... kai needs you, and Luhan too....
Chapter 5: ............ ...