
Ain't All Bad


Baekhyun is awakened by a soft touch on his cheek, a small whimper is out of his small mouth. He blinked a few times tried to open his eyes, then release a slightly stretched, he blinked a few times more before he turned to his side, a soft smile formed on each side of his lips. He stay, kai is stay. They just look at each other eyes, not really know what to talk about or maybe they just realized that they have never had something  proper enough to talk about. But what?? Baekhyun and Luhan always have something to talk. Almost about anything and everything. so why not now? Is  the words needed when you can just look at each other? holding hands and lying side by side? Maybe No. but somehow it is enough for them, at least that's what Kai and Baekhyun think. About the talking? we can always try anyway.

so just like that. They fell in a comfortable silence, that type of comfortable which can lead anyone who was in it to calmness. kai breath out was gently and regularly, he was no longer filled with kind of emotions that only he buried to himself. This time when Baekhyun finally decided to break the silence.

“you stay” kai didn’t say a word instead he just nodded and smiled, somehow Baekhyun know that kai isn’t going to utters  a lot of words, So he continue. ” Are you sleeping as well? Or it just me? Because you know, it would be very boring to just look at a person's sleep and waited for it to wake up” Baekhyun said, his eyes fixed on the fingers that still linked on the other fingers


Kai shook his head

“No. uumh...not for doesn’t sleep, or not to doesn’t get bored?” Baekhyun said with wide eyes


Kai smile

“what?” baekhyun lips formed a small visible smile


Kai raised his eyes just to look directly into Baekhyun eyes


Now is Baekhyun turn become silent, the tint of pink on her cheeks is faintly visible, he blushed.






“say, do you want to eat lunch with me?” Baekhyun asked when the lunch hour finally came, they were in the nursery room almost from the first hours until now.  And now Kai just gave him an apology look. but Baekhyun just want to pretend to be blind now so he said, “I take that as a yes”

with that  Baekhyun now leads or more like dragging Kai to the cafeteria.  He didn’t really care or maybe he just pretend to didn’t notice about the worries that scream in Kai eyes. What bad things can happen in the cafeteria anyway? Its a cafetaria, it's one of the fun places in school right? you can laugh out loud, met senior or junior or some friends from other classes, chatting, playing and the most important thing is you can eat. so why kai should be worried?

So Baekhyun continue holding kai’shands tightly and bring him to the cafeteria. Besides the reason he started to hungry he would also like to know more things about kai, maybe like what kai's favorite food? so one day he could ask Luhan to make a two pack of lunch for him.

Baekhyun doesn’t need to concentrate on the road to find his way to the cafeteria, he really is the new kid, but he's already been a few months in this school to just remember the way to cafeteria. Maybe that's what makes Baekhyun not aware of the curious glances and some shocked and disgusted looks from every person he passed by when he make his way  walking to the cafeteria. Until something disturbing his ears when he entered into the lines to pick up kai and his lunch once they finally arrived at the cafeteria. It was so disturbing and make Baekhyun knitting his brow.



At the same place, kai just stood there looking at his shoes, biting his lower lip, his girp on baekhyun hands is loosens but he also doesnt want to let go, when this happens. When too many people stered at him like that. he can’t hide behind the mask that he builded up, on the other hand he doesnt want to involve Baekhyun on whatever this going to be. And Kai mind is stop when suddenly Baekhyun draw kai body and place it behind his small body. Kai was taken a back when he saw baekhyun red eyes and his teeth clenching with anger. His hand still gripping tighly on kai’s hand.

“What did you just say?!” baekhyun growled due to his clenching teeth.

“I say, what is a - doing here?!” a red haired boy said as he looked at him with a lazy gaze.

“he is not a nor a !”

“the food here” the red haired boy said while pointing to the cafeteria counter. ” could be contaminated by his disease. Owh the newbie. Baekhyun right? you may want to wash your hands, because it has touched by the hand of that , make sure you wash your hands using a few soap as much as ummmh .. i don’t know, maybe ten times?” and the group around the red-haired boy burst into laughter, kai just stared at them with a flat looks,  his eyes didn’t show any emotion. That group is used to be his friends before they pushed him away, before they dichting him out when he need them the most.

“chanyeol right? maybe you should think before you open your mouth, or perhaps your brain is slightly damaged?” baekhyun said and kai sighed. All of the students in that cafeteria gaped. Kai closes his eyes, he knew he had to stop this before something bad happens.

“What did you just ing say!!” Chanyeol stood up from his seat flashing his deathly glare


I pulled Baekhyun closer to me and put my free hand on his back, hoping to calm him down “baekhyun, Just ignore him, its no use to serve on him, its just a waste of time. Let's just leave” Kai said sofly. baekhyun back, hopping that its enough to clam his anger down. But he sould know that it would be easy.

“you can just leave after whatever this midget are saying. And for you a - I ca_"

Chanyeol can’t manage to finish his threat, when a very sudden, a hard punch was floated on his cheek, making him limp a few steps backward. Everyone at the cafeteria gaped and freeze on their spot  by the horror scene in front of them. It took kai a few seconds to realized that Baekhyun had been escape from his hand

“I think i told you before. Kai is not a nor a ! Are you deaf? Huh!?”

baekhyun is stood there. in front of Chanyeol, clenching his fists. Panting




So.., i don't know why I make chanyeol to be a bad person. i just can imagine another person. i'm sorry.

leave some comment will be reaaaaleey nice. and my be upvote? :)

here a godbye kiss from squishy baeksoo :D

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im came back from the dead guys


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Chapter 6: Update soon...i thought u are back from the dead?? :P
Welcome back author nim..... XD
Chapter 6: annyeong~ it's been so long you have not update this fics huhuhuhu. Author would you like to check-edit this fics again... here -Luhan was not even aware that her mother had been there,- isn't that 'her' should be 'his'? Hehehee coz I didn't found GS tag on this fics._.

Finally baby Baek wake up..... yosh Kai please don't be fool to get away from B. He should always near B to protect him, Kai should.

Thanks for update author ^^
Chapter 6: Welcome back author nim..
And m glad that u brought Baek back with u..:) Nw dat he's awake, i don't want Kai to do anything stupid like keeping himself away from Baek n all...hopefully together Kaibaek'll be able to do sumthng abt Yeol...>:(
Chapter 5: Chanyeol why are you ruin everything?!!
ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 5: Kick that Chanyeol out from school..pls!Kai just had someone who cared him..but now
Chapter 5: My baby Baek..ㅠ.ㅠ I hope nothing is serious..Yeol, u r so dead nw...m definitely gonna kill u if something happens to my Baek...*glares*
Chapter 5: AH CHANYEOL!!!! AISSH !
Chapter 5: baekkie please be okay.... kai needs you, and Luhan too....
Chapter 5: ............ ...