No Matter What

Tied By a Thin Thread

Chapter 25: No Matter What

Youngmin pats Shiro’s head as he watches Hyunseong and Jeongmin putting on their shoes.

‘I’ll leave my sleeping beauty to you, Youngmin.’ Jeongmin says with a motherly smile. Youngmin rolls his eyes and he notices that his friend is totally enjoying this situation. Hyunseong can’t hide the amused smile that plays over his lips. He quickly grabs Jeongmin’s hand and pulls him to the front door. ‘I’m sure Youngmin will do well today. You can trust me right?’ He asks. Jeongmin pouts at his boyfriend and then peaks another side glance to Youngmin. ‘I trust you babe.’ He says after a while.

‘See you tonight.’ Hyunseong says, while pushing Jeongmin out of the front door.

‘Yeah.’ Youngmin answers and then the door closes.



Kwangmin wakes up when the light of the new day burns through his closed eyelids. When he opens his eyes, he’s immediately facing two big and happy eyes. ‘Kuro ah! You came to wake me up?’ The dog in front of him breathes heavily before rubbing himself against Kwangmin’s cheek.

‘I’m thankful that at least you are next to me when I wake up.’

‘What the heck are you talking about?’

Kwangmin jumps up when he hears the familiar voice. Youngmin is standing in his room, leaning against the door.

‘You oversleep even in Jeju Island?’

‘How late is it?’ Kwangmin asks, surprised by his brother’s words.

‘It’s past 11 already. Everyone left for their dates. Hurry up, we don’t have much alone time left.’ Youngmin warns him.


His words work like a miracle. Before Kwangmin realizes it he is sitting behind the breakfast table, washed and clothed. He forces the rice and some side dishes through his throat. Youngmin watches him with a suspicious smile on his face as he pours himself and Kwangmin a glass of water. ‘I guess you really wanted to be alone with me Jo Kwangmin.’ He says jokingly. Kwangmin can feel his body heating up. That smile kills him every single time. ‘Isn’t that obvious?’ He asks, a bit annoyed. Youngmin is always casual about their relationship. Sometimes it looks like he doesn’t care as much and then suddenly there’s a 180 degree change in Youngmin’s behaviour, like last night for example.

‘What are we doing today?’

‘I just wanted to take a walk near the beach. It’s a must for an island visit right?’


‘What? You don’t like it?’ Youngmin asks. Kwangmin shakes his head. ‘I just hope we’ll be the only one on the beach so I can hold your hand and hug you a lot!’ Kwangmin says before jumping up from his chair. ‘I’m going to brush my teeth!’



Youngmin checks the tires of Kwangmin’s bike. He remembers them riding bikes together when they were younger. The feeling of having been with Kwangmin from the beginning, and knowing he wants to be with Kwangmin forever is clear to him now. Every moment Kwangmin was sitting at the breakfast table, Youngmin could feel how much he loved the person sitting there.

He never believed in a love like that in the past. He thought people would get sick of each other, even in marriage. Just a few days ago he was talking to Hyunseong. Their conversation is still clear in his mind.


‘Hyung? Do you think eternal love exists?’

‘Of course. Why not?’

‘It’s kind of surreal right? I believe those things only happen in fairy tales.’ Youngmin says. Hyunseong smiles.

‘My life is like a fairy tale then. That’s nice to know.’ Hyunseong says. Youngmin raises his eyebrows.

‘You’re kidding right? I didn’t hear you just say something super cheesy right?’ He asks. Hyunseong smiles again and shakes his head in disbelief.

‘It’s not like that. I’m just telling the truth. Every time I look at Jeongmin I see him and I think: “I am still in love with you”; that never changed up until now.’

‘That’s admirable…’ Youngmin admits.



Kwangmin rides his bike. Youngmin is riding in front of him to block the wind. Once in a while he looks at the scenery but one way or another his eyes always waver and direct themselves towards the broad back in front of him. It looks like it will protect him from anything harsh coming his way. Just like the piercing wind on the steep slope their climbing.


When they start going down the ocean around the island is spread in front of them. Out of excitement both of them start paddling faster and go down at a dangerous speed.

Before they know it Kwangmin has passed Youngmin and he arrives at the seaside first. He immediately throws his bike in the sand.


‘THE SEA!!!’ He screams. He can hear Youngmin throwing his bike down behind him.

‘WAIT FOR ME MAN!’ He hears Youngmin scream behind him. Kwangmin ignores him for now and rushes towards the water, stumbling on one foot to throw off his shoes in the progress of getting there.



The sweat is running down Youngmin’s back as he changes his brother charging towards the salty water. His breath is heavy and he can’t scream anymore. Guess all that oversleeping made it possible for him to run like a cheetah. Youngmin thinks.

Kwangmin has reached the water first and when Youngmin is there the younger splashes water all over him. Youngmin smiles just watching Kwangmin’s playful face and he immediately starts attacking back. Both of them laugh and attack each other until they’re soaked to their underwear.

‘Satisfied?’ Youngmin asks. Kwangmin nods, finally exhausted from all the activities.


They both get out of the water. They realize that the water pushed them to the other side of the beach and they see their bikes in the distance.

‘Did we even swim?’ Kwangmin asks. ‘Guess we did.’ Youngmin says.

‘We’ll go back then.’ Kwangmin says and he starts walking. Youngmin quickly catches up to him.

‘The water is still pretty cold though. I wonder how those diving ahjummas do this every day. They have immune systems of super heroes I guess… ‘ Youngmin can’t really focus on Kwangmin’s chattering. His eyes keep on switching to the hand that’s brushing against his as they walk.

It’s now or never Youngmin. You’re alone now. You can do this as long as no one’s watching. I Kwangmin needs it.

The moment he takes Kwangmin’s hand the other stops talking. They keep on walking past the shore, not even taking a glance towards each other.  Youngmin can feel Kwangmin’s hand in his and it would be the best feeling in the world if they weren’t as awkward as they are. He intertwines their fingers.

‘Why so quiet? He asks.

‘I just… didn’t see that coming.’ Kwangmin admits. Youngmin finally peeks a glance and he feels weak when he looks right into Kwangmin’s eyes.

‘You should. Because I’m not holding back when we’re alone. I can promise you that.’ Youngmin says. Kwangmin’s face goes a bright red and he immediately faces his toes.

‘Really? No holding back?’ He asks.

Youngmin nods and releases his hand to pull Kwangmin into a hug. Kwangmin immediately wraps his arms around him. They both stand there for a while. With their eyes closed, listening to each other’s breathing and the calming sound of the waves. They feel each other’s heartbeat.

‘I love you. Don’t ever let me go again.’ Kwangmin whispers.

‘No matter what happens in the future from now on I’ll hold you like this. When you’re happy, when you’re sad I don’t care. I won’t leave anymore. I won’t be selfish anymore.’ Youngmin says. He doesn’t know why he’s like this so suddenly. It’s the same as when Kwangmin confessed to him. The rush of emotions that go through him when Kwangmin speaks his mind clearly are indescribable. The only person that can make him say these things and make him feel like this is Kwangmin.



Kwangmin doesn’t know how to explain his feelings for Youngmin. It feels like a song is playing over and over in his head and he doesn’t know which one it is. He can’t figure Youngmin out. Even if they know each other since the beginning, there seems te be a lot he doesn’t know about the person holding him.

‘Do you love me?’ Kwangmin asks softly near Youngmin’s ear.


‘That’s not really sincere.’ Kwangmin complaints. Youngmin pulls his head back a bit and softly bumps his forehead against Kwangmin’s. Kwangmin looks up and is immediately facing a set of beautiful eyes. Kwangmin automatically closes his eyes and smiles in their kiss. Knowing more will come from this moment on.



YoungKwang won so here it was!! Hope you liked the sweetness. >_<

It's midnight right now cause I felt guilty towards you faithful readers ^^

Thank you to all the readers and subs and for commenting on this story, It's been around for a year now 0_0




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Chapter 42: well, honestly, i'm kinda little bit upset since jeongmin banding with other people. guess i was just stuck with boyfriend's form. don't mind me. its still awesome story. i like it alot. thanks for sharing, author-nim!
Chapter 40: I won't give up on this story author niiiim, sooo keep updating!!!!!!!! (^_^)/
when i saw the update
i squealed
but donghyun... why u do dis
Chapter 39: Thanks for the update authournim.....aww youngkwang and jeongseong are cute...whattt...why donghyun why?!!
oh my god i realized that this hasn't been updated in forever aahhhhhhhhhhhhh