Final chapter

Finding him through memories (Sequel of Finding love in memories)

Hello there!
Finally the last chapter :) I hope you all enjoy, and that it satisfy you all :) I myself really love the ending, and honestly, this is the first time I completed a story... I always plan how to end a story, but I never got to do it, and now... It feels great :) I had a great time writing this story :) Thank you all for reading! AFF cannot take the amount of text or something, and it crashes whenever I want to type one more word right now, but I want to sincerely thank you, for reading this story :) Thank you
Also, there will be a looooooooooooot of blank spaces at the end, but it will give an emotionel effect, I think. But do not get tricked, this chapter is not as long as it looks like :), even though I think it is quite long xd


Taemin did not know what would be waiting for him, but he was willing to accept it. Sooyeon may not understand his reasons, but he himself was fully aware of it. Sulli had given him the feeling of first love, something he had never been able to repay for. Sulli… Died because of him. That was something he had already accepted as a fact. If even Sooyeon were to die, just for him… That would be too unfair. No matter what will await them when they have made the decision, Taemin was determined to face it. He just could not bear… The person he loves to die, again.

“No! Taemin-sshi, no!”

Sooyeon burst out. She was not going to let him die, never. Not in a million years, would she let him die. Taemin was her angel, and she would not let him leave the world because of her. A live without Taemin, would have no significance. Her heart already could not accept a life, where there would be no Taemin. Her heart would be not able to bear the thought that Taemin would die, because of her.

“I want to.”

“I will not let you!”

Taemin was determined that he was not going to let someone die because of him, again. He just could not bear that horrible feeling, following him every second, and would never leave him alone. Whether Sooyeon wanted or not, he was not going to back off now. Even when he had to die and go to hell, he wanted to do it.

“Taemin-sshi, I am not letting you die for me… There is no way I would let that happen…”

Both were looking at each other, pleading for the other to give in. Both were willing to die for each other, if it meant the other could live. Their feelings for each other were unexpected for both of them, but too strong for them to let go.

“Sooyeon-sshi, if… If turning back time would make me die, at least we will have the possibility… To properly fall in love with each other. If that person would be me, then at least, we have a second chance. Who knows,” Taemin tried to continue in a joking manner, but failed, “maybe everything will be alright, and we will not even fall in love with each other.”

“Taemin-sshi, you know I will… You know we will…”

Sooyeon did not believe that turning back time would not hurt Taemin. Not when Taemin meant so much to her. Even when time was turned back, and Sulli would not have brought them together, she was sure fate would still bring the two together. The way they got to know each other was nothing more than fate, and turning back time would not make difference. Someone who played with time was more than aware of what they would have to face, and she was not going to let Taemin die.

“That does not matter, Sooyeon-sshi. Dying does not matter, when I had the chance to love.”

Taemin had only received love in his life, but never got the chance to return it back. If he were to lose someone who had given him this precious feeling, again, he would not be able to forgive himself. Whether he was going to die or not, it really did not matter, as long as he had the chance to love.


“Please, if not, what will I become? A man who never had the chance to love, and living his life while feeling this regret. From all the people in the world, you should be the one to understand me the most, right? Since you are the person who brought me back to life again, you should understand.”

“Even so, I cannot possibly let you die! That would be too cruel!”

They were both crying right now, trying to convince the other that the other should not die. It was so ironic, the fact that they were both fighting… To die.

By far the worst pain…”

Sooyeon’s eyes flickered in surprise.

“That… That is…”

A sad smile crept on his lips, reminiscing the first time he had heard the poem. 

Without hatred or love

Her voice was trembling, but she still said those beautiful words. Slowly, they were both breaking down. The barrier she had build, so she would not fall in love with him, was slowly breaking apart. His hesitation about his feelings, they were slowly confirmed. The more they thought about it, the more they realized, that they already did not want to let go of each other. At the crucial point of life and death, made them realize their feelings for each other.

Yet no way to explain…”

Taemin’s voice was unstable, and the sobs could clearly be heard from Sooyeon, but both were eager to mutter the last sentence. As they were slowly approaching each other, and Taemin softly took her in his arms, they whispered the last sentence in each other ears.

Why my heart feels so much pain,,,”

They did not say anything more, but continued to cry as they hugged each other tight. There was no need to say anything more, when their hearts already understood. The situation they were in, the decision they had to make, and yet, they did not want to let go of what they had. Death was not what frightened them, it never was. Instead, it was the thought of never being able to love each other, and to leave while bearing this regret, that haunts them. It was not pain what they are feeling… It was not love that was chaining them… It was not regret… It was the empty sadness of never having the chance… To love each other.


Taemin tried to steady his breath as he prepared himself to say those words he had wanted to say for a long time already. The words he could not say to Sulli. The words… He wanted to tell Sooyeon, before it is too late.

“I… I love you.”

Sooyeon slowly stopped sobbing, and moved a little to look him in the eyes. Nothing else was needed, as their eyes already told each other everything they wanted to know. Slowly, their lips were getting closer to each other, and when they finally touched, nothing else really mattered anymore. At that precious moment, nothing mattered anymore. Death… Could not win from the love they have for each other. The kiss was gently, soft, but nevertheless, eager to never let go. Neither wanted to stop, because neither wanted to part. Both wanted to hold onto each other, even though knowing very well that they could not. Slowly, their lips parted, and they both continued to look in each other’s eyes, as if trying to hypnotize the other. To tell the other, that him or her dying, was meant to be.

“Sooyeon… If… If we really are meant to be… Then at least… We have a chance to properly meet each other. A second chance… It really does not matter… If I were to die… At least both of us… Will feel nothing but love… Changing back time, really is not that big of a deal… At least we would have met each other… Like how it should be… Let time determine our fate… Our lives…”

Sooyeon was still hesitating, but seeing how Taemin was pleading for her to give both of them a second chance, even if it meant death, it was slowly making her give in. It was so incredibly selfish, because she would not want Taemin to die, even if he would want to die for her. A selfish person like her, does not deserve to have anyone to die for her. For Taemin to love her this much, it was more than enough.

“Let’s meet again, Sooyeon, and live a life that was meant for us.”

She did not say anything anymore. This little string of hope she was holding on… The hope that Taemin would not be the one she would love… It made her wanting to try… Maybe… Maybe life would not be that cruel to them… Or at least… She hoped it would not.


Taemin did not want to spill any more time. He was determined to turn back time as soon as possible, before it is too late. He realized… He was not going to leave everything, yet. Even if he were meant to die, he did not know when, and he was prepared for anything that would come. He would certainly miss his family, his friends, but he was willing to leave it all, if Sooyeon would be able to live. As long as she can live on, he would be satisfied. Everything she had done for him, this was the only way to repay for it.


“Sooyeon, what is wrong?”

Taemin asked with concern as he saw the color slowly fading from her face. Sooyeon smiled weakly.

“It… We do not have much time anymore.”

They were standing in front of the house.

“We… We have to burn the house, burn the diaries, now.”

Taemin nodded slightly as he looked at the house in front of him. His heart did feel crushed as he realized he would have to burn the house where he had had so many precious memories. However, if they want to turn back time, they had to burn everything that had been played with by time. The diaries, the house where Sulli lived. That was also the reason that she bought the house, since she knew she would have to burn it, if she decided to turn back time. Taemin threw the fire in front of the house, and it slowly spread. The diaries that were lying on the ground were slowly vanishing by the heat of the fire. They held each other hands as they continued to look at sight in front of them, their heart beating fast. However, suddenly someone parted them. When they both realized it was not someone, but… The devil himself, fright filled them both instantly.

“Choi Sooyeon… You decided to turn back time…”


Sooyeon said frightened. The dark figure, whose face could not even be seen, if he were to even have a face, slowly approached Taemin.

“Then this young boy… Will have to die…”

Taemin gulped as his whole body stiffened. The smell of the house burning already surrounded him, once again reminding him of the decision he made.

“What a pity… Dying…”

Sooyeon was about to reach for Taemin, but the figure stopped her instantly. She was not able to move by his force, even when she tried her hardest to break out of it.

“Let me… Offer you something… So you would not have to die…”

The dark figure said before moving closely to his ear, whispering something to him. He could see Sooyeon shaking her head, screaming not to listen to the devil. However, the offer he was giving was so tempting, and even though he did not want to give in, he did. Even though he knew he should not, he still did. If that would mean she could live on, and he could live on, then everything else did not matter.  

“I accept the offer.”

Taemin said determined, earning an evil laughter from the king of the underworld. The dark figure slowly moved away and disappeared, while speaking out one last sentence.

“Such a great love…”

“Taemin! What did you promise him!”

Sooyeon yelled as she shook him roughly. How could he promise something… To the devil?

“Sooyeon-ah… Everything is going to be alright. Whatever I promised him, it does not matter. As long as we can live, then everything is alright.”

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he wanted to carefully look at her once more. He slowly caressed her cheek, wanting to remember the touch one last time.

“If fate were to let us meet again, then that would be enough.”

“N-no… No! What did you promise, Taemin?! What did he offer you!”

“Sooyeon-ah… I love you…”

They were both crying again, deep inside already realizing what the offer was and meant.

“Taemin-ah… I love you…”


They both closed their eyes, and letting time slowly turn back. They continued holding onto each other, while wishing to meet each other again.



Taemin looked around, a smile plastered on his lips as he saw Minho running to him.

“Hyung, what are you doing here?”

Minho grinned satisfied as he stopped in front of Taemin, holding onto a plastic bag. Taemin’s eyes flickered in surprise as he looked at the bag in his friends’ hand.

“It is for you.”

A warm smile appeared on his lips as he took the bag from his lovely hyung. He was going to miss him, but he was going to come back soon.

“You do know I am going into an airplane, right? You better not give me something illegal.”

Taemin jokingly said, but his smile never wavered. He was going to America today, and it would take him at least a year before he would come back. He really did not had a particular reason, he just felt like he should go, and he wanted to have a closer look at the American market for when he will take over the company next year. His father had placed high expectations on him, and he was determined to fulfill them.

“Jinki hyung just called me. He said they are coming right now, but Kibum hyung and his girlfriend were late.”

He shook his head slightly. They still had some time left before he had to go onto the plane, so he could wait.

“Minho-ah, you better not forget me while I am away. I want to see you here when I come back.”

Minho ruffled Taemin’s hair while wearing a bright smile.

“Of course.”

Minho’s eyes suddenly wandered around, and Taemin noticed it.

“Hyung, is something wrong?”

“Ah, no,” Minho shook his head while wearing his trademark smile, “someone was supposed to arrive in Seoul today.”

Slowly a grin grew on the younger’s lips as he saw the expression his hyung was wearing. He recognized that smile instantly.

“Another girl? Hyung, you are even worse than Key hyung.”

“Ya! I am not like that!”

Minho yelled jokingly, causing both of them to burst into laughter.

“No, tell me, who is it?”

“She was from the same university as mine, and I met her a month ago in Paris while I was on business trip. She said she would arrive today.”

Taemin nodded comprehensively. Even though he was the youngest, and therefore always used his age as an excuse to stay single, he really just never found anyone yet he liked to get a relationship with. It will come when it wants to come, he will always think. He was after all still young and full of energy, so there was no need to rush things like love.


Kibum yelled excitedly, causing both Minho and Taemin to quickly turn to his direction.

“Key hyung!”

“Ya, stop calling me Ki hyung out of laziness!”

Key said while hitting Taemin’s head, causing the younger to fake a cry.

“It is Key, not Ki!”

Taemin defended himself, but he knew his diva hyung was not going to give in soon. Even when he knew he was wrong, the great Kim Kibum would still not give in.

“Have a good trip, Taemin.”

Key’s girlfriend, Nicole, said nicely.

“Thank you noona. At least you are nice.”

“Ya, Lee Taemin, what are you saying!”

“Aish, Kim Kibum,” Jinki said while grabbing the diva boy by his jacket, “quite being so overdramatic. I wonder how someone would be able to cope with you, really. Nicole must be an angel.”

“You are exaggerating, oppa.”

Taemin sighed satisfied as he looked at his friends. He was sure going to miss it, the laughter and smiles from his friends. However, he had already decided to do it, and this feeling was not going to stop him.

“Hyung, noona, I think I am going to step on board now. Please, take care.”

His friends all looked at him with gentle smiles, and Jinki patted his shoulder encouragingly as he looked the younger right in the eyes.

“Take care, Taemin, and do not forget to call us from time to time.”


Taemin was not the kind of person of goodbyes, so he just smiled at them, waving slightly, before turning around to walk to the gate. However, before he could give the ticket to the stewardess, someone beat him at it.

Is this plane going to America?

Taemin looked at the girl next to him, who was speaking in English.

Yes, it is.

The stewardess politely answered, before looking at Taemin’s direction again.

“Your ticket, please.”

She said while looking at Taemin, and Taemin politely gave her the ticket. He looked at the girl next to him, who looked as if she was really nervous.

Is everything alright, miss?”

Taemin asked while looking at the girl, who nodded a little.

“It is my first time flying alone.”

Taemin’s eyes flickered in surprise.

“You… You talk Korean?”

“Ah,” The girl said while scratching her head, “it is a habit of mine to speak in English when I am nervous or stressed.”

Taemin nodded understandingly before taking a glance at the boarding pass in her hand. A smile crept on his lips.

“Your seat is next to me.”

“Ah, really?! That is great, at least I have someone to talk to!”

She said while hanging the ticket to the stewardess. Taemin could only nod in response, amused with the amount of energy the girl possessed.

“My name is Lee Taemin, nice to meet you.”

He said while holding his hand in front of her, and she gratefully answered it.

“Jung Sooyung, but please call me Krystal.”

Taemin smiled before looking behind him, in the direction of his friends. Minho was waving frantically as he yelled someone’s name.


Taemin shook his head with a smile before focusing his attention on the girl next to him.

“Well, shall we?”

He said while gesturing to the gate. Sooyung nodded. Both felt an indescribable feeling of excitement filling them as they walked next to each other. It truly felt, as if a new journey had started.

And indeed, it had.


But even though their love has been erased by time… 

will it have a place… in the reader’s heart?

Your road will never cross with hers.”

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looks interesting ^^
This is a really amazing story =)
I was really confused at some parts of the story, but after reading it entirely it makes so much sense. The meaning of this is so emotional and priceless. One of the most unique stories I've read so far. ^^
I have read 'Finding love in memories'. And although some of the comments already revealed a lot about the story, there are still things that I want to discover/read by myself. So, I still hit subscribe (:
lisa_desu #4
omg that was sososo sad O________O although they got to live, they dnt remember each other! :'( remember i said i'll read it after you've finished it? well i kept that promise and now i fully understand it! the plot was really unique and gahh i just love everything about it! but one thing im still confused about. How was sulli able to write in the same diary as Taemin when clearly they didn't live with each other?...and i think she was dead too...:L
Whoaa... i love the ending. Though they didn't end up with each other yet at least they're both alive and still can have a happy-ending with someone that they will fall in love with. <br />
-true and unconditional LOVE is a very strong force... it can move a person to be willing to sacrifice and be selfless.<br />
<br />
Congrats Tiny^_^ ... you've ended this story beautifully. <br />
Thank you for all the efforts you've put into this :)
Extra note! 2010 was the year Sulli died, and the year Taemin went to the house :) I cannot type this in the chapter itself, because it is crashing everytime I do.. :( So it simply means that everything has turned back :)
vivinseob #7
Nice :)<br />
Update please
Wha- So she sold her soul to the devil? O.o<br />
(New reader XD)<br />
Happy ending please? ^>^ Actually I don't really care... A sad ending would be nice too o.o<br />
#9 there it is...this chapter explained everything. And...i 've guessed it right :) (that she sold her soul).<br />
I really hope that this will have a happy ending...please...<br />
I will look forward to it...Thanks :)
Am glad that Taemin finally decided to move on :) b/c it's heart-breaking to see him so lifeless.<br />
And that poem that he read conveys a terrible feeling!<br />
A glimpse of what happend...hmmmnn, this gives me an idea...<br />
Thanks for the update :)