Jimin's Story

Just One Day

I collapsed onto my bed tiredly. For some reason my mind couldn't stop pondering about Jimin. What mattered to me was Jimin, only Jimin now. I told myself to put my condition aside.

As the wait got longer and longer, I stared at his now empty bed every five minutes, imagining him there. Nonetheless you could say I miss him, but I was not really sure yet what are my feelings for him.

Soon, it was dinner time. Umma came into the room with my dinner.

"Jisoo, what's wrong?" She asked concernedly.

"Um... Jimin...a boy staying in that ward...he...he got sent to the emergency room...." I said sadly.

"Ahh....don't think too much about it. Come, have your dinner. I'm sorry Jisoo-ah, today I have to work overnight. You can manage yourself, nae?"

I nodded. I understood her because she was always busy with work, and she had to take up time from it to specially take care of me. 

"Yes umma. Thank you for the dinner." I preoccupied myself and ate the yummy food umma just bought, and my mind relaxed at that moment.

Jimin... it feels like he was someone important to my life. But who? And why can't I remember it?


The next morning's sun shone onto my face and I woke up that instant. I looked at Jimin's bed, yet again, with a sign of hope now. I could see Jimin sleeping soundly at his ward. I finally felt a sense of alleviation. But I could see tubes. What was wrong? I frowned.

Since I felt fine, I walked to his bed. The tubes connected from his nose, to a machine. I presumed that it was to serve for his breathing difficulty, as I could guess from yesterday.

As I continued staring at him, his eyes slowly opened. He groaned and tried to sit up.

"Ugh..... I feel so weak....Jisoo.....?" He then stared into my direction.

"Ahhh you're awake. Good morning." I smiled at his just-woken-up face.

With that bright smile, I think I feel better already. Jimin thought.

"Morning~" Jimin replied, this time more awake.

"What happened yesterday?! Are you okay?" I asked, shocked.

"Um...yeah. Yesterday the doctor said my lungs have grown weaker, so they gave me this." He pointed to the machine beside his bed.

"What Jimin? Why do you need that? Why did you need to rush off into the emergency room yesterday? What's wrong?" I tackled him with all my questions at once.

However, he only gave me one short answer.












"I have cancer."



"What?????" That sentence made me stare at him, appalled.

"Calm down Jisoo.... um.... I have been having very seriously breathing difficulties lately, and the doctor confirmed that I didn't have asthma. I went to get a check, and they found out that there was a tumour in one of my lungs." Jimin explained.

He sighed and met with my now overly shocked and wide-eyed face.

"You alright?" Jimin waved his hand in front of my face.

Reality then hit me at that instant.

"I thought.... you were healthy.... when I first saw you you were bubbly and cheerful....what happened? Why....." I coughed my thoughts out.

"You'd never really know about someone until you really see what's behind the curtains." Jimin said simply. He was right in a way. Who knew if he went for check-ups when I went to sleep? Not me. I nodded my head briefly, not fully taking in the news.

"And that is why I have to be here, hospitalized."

"Tell me what happened, Jimin. Even though we have just met, I want to know....I'm curious. It's killing me inside...." I looked up at Jimin with my eyes b with tears.

Seeing my expression, he softened. He never knew how much it affected me.


Jimin's Flashback

"Unfortunately, his memory cannot be retrieved. As you can see, he does not remember anyone of you. I apologize because he injured his head quite seriously. And these type of conditions usually would not show any signs of improvement." I could hear the doctor say to seven people as I stared at them, wide-eyed.

Until today, I had no idea who they were. I tried my very best to remember them, but they seemed of no importance to me at all. I could see that they were hurt. But I didn't understand.

I was clueless.



Everyday, they would do things to help trigger my memory back, but it didn't work.

This went on for months, until they finally gave up. I had no idea why. But maybe it was because that girl in the group was hurt but I had no clue who she was.

Everytime, I would see her crying on the couch beside my bed. She would ask me a million questions while sobbing everytime, while having no answer from me as I really couldn't recall anything.

Then, one of the boys would comfort her and bring her out of the room.

This cycle continued weekly until it stopped.


Maybe they decided to give up on me.

Maybe they gave up on taking care of me.

Maybe they gave up on trying too hard to strike a conversation with me.

Maybe they gave up on trying to bring our friendship back to the way it was before.

But I couldn't do it. I could see that they were trying their best.

But I was the main problem.


And that was probably the reason behind why they left.

Until today, I still have no reminiscence of my life before.


After hearing his story, I suddenly felt a searing pain pierce through my head, and I wanted to scream but it gradually subsided.

That was weird. It felt like I was in the story. But why? Maybe I was the girl....but I can't remember anything. At all.

I had this urge to just hug him, but my id stopped me from doing so.

He was only someone I just met, but the only difference was I felt a strong bond between us.

I patted his shoulder instead. A voice in my head pushed me to say something, even though I was at a loss of words at that moment.

"You said you couldn't remember your friends...what about your parents?"

"Um......I still could remember them. But the reason why they aren't here now is because they are on a business trip." He replied.

I was relieved. At least his parents were still there for him when his dearest friends left his side.

"Mmm....." There was an awkward silence.

"Hey, Jisoo...." Jimin started.

I turned to him with a questioning look.

"Thanks.....so much," He smiled, "For um... caring. I've never felt a feeling of friendship for a year now. But after I met you....I felt like my whole life changed. Like I have a hope in life anymore. I'm glad that I'm someone important to you." Jimin gave me his eyesmile again.

"No problem. I'm glad to have met you too," I smiled back at him. I had a feeling he valued me in his life as much as me, too.

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Chapter 7: so cute~
I feel bad for Jisoo, but I wonder why she can't remember Jimin anymore...I mean, I know the reason why Jimin doesn't know her, but Jisoo?
Anyway, interesting story :) I like it
luhanluhan123 #2
Chapter 6: luv it~ pls continue
this is really daebak
love the story line. pls updates soon.
melindanhucao #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY JIMIN I hope jimin is going to be alright
Chapter 4: Same feeling here. Finally they tweeted after 987642163 years xD I miss them so much tho ~
dyotokki #6
Chapter 4: Lol!! I'm so freakin happy when they tweeted a while ago
Chapter 3: Jisoo and jimin dont even remember each other? Hmmm. So sad ㅠㅠ btw, update soon :D ★
blueandgrey_ #8
Chapter 2: O.O
dying to know what happens next ♡