
Just One Day

I could feel the sunlight from outside entering the room, blaze brightly on my face. I slowly opened my eyes, and they met with a creamy white ceiling.


Where am I?


I attempted to get up but failed. All of a sudden, there was a throbbing pain in my head. I clutched my head in pain and looked down at the bed.


It seems like a hospital bed? I am….I am in a hospital? What am I doing here? Oh…umma should be here....but where is she?


“Umma?” I called out. I realised my voice sounded strained and weak.


Looks like there's no one…


I tried to get up again but I was too weak. My head felt really heavy. Seconds later, I could hear the doors of the hospital room open. I saw mom rushing to my bed with breakfast in her hands. 


“Jisoo-ah, finally, you are awake.” I could heard umma’s comforting voice.


"What happened, umma?"


"Oh dear Jisoo, you sound so weak. Are you alright? You passed out yesterday at the dinning table. We tried to wake you up but couldn’t so we called an ambulance. You sure you are okay?" She asked, concerned.


I think I could be okay…well…..maybe not?

Well, I think those headaches that I’ve gotten the past few weeks have hit me a lot, as I have been studying so hard for my final examinations. No wonder...when I was eating dinner yesterday the ‘chronic headaches’ struck me again, probably the reason behind why I fainted.


Umma then helped me up.


“Have a nice breakfast, Jisoo. And here, have some water. I’m going off to work now, see you later in the evening, and oh, you have visitors later, bye!”


Just when I was about to ask her who was going to visit me, she ran off. I sighed and waved goodbye to her and started feasting on my pancakes. Mmm…yummy…. 

Suddenly, I heard a toilet flush sound from the other side of the room. That was the moment I realized I was sharing a room with someone.


I wonder who?


The door was in the right of my view, near the entrance, so it was visible in my sight. It creaked open, and I looked up. A boy about the same age as me exited the toilet and closed the door. He didnt notice me staring at him though- so it was a good thing, right?


He looked pretty good looking…okay what? Baek Jisoo what are you thinking about? What about Taehyung- hey! Maybe the guests that umma said will visit me later are the bangtan boys? I really hope so. I miss the six of them so much. Maybe they are in dance practice right now…


Anyway, back to that boy. He walked back to the bed beside me and sat down, pulled out his game console and sighed. I turned away and decided to continue eating before he noticed me staring.


All of a sudden, I could hear the boy blurt out, “Those pancakes seem so yummy…..”


At that, I turned to his direction. As I continued staring at him, I could see a sad expression on his face.


I gulped and inhaled, "Would…would you like to try some?"


"I...can’t. " He replied.




There was a short silence.


"Mmm….nothing," He shook his head and went back to playing with his game console.


I shrugged and continued to eat until I finished my last piece of the pancake. I then took the book on the table that umma brought for me and started reading.


"You like to read?" I could hear his voice.


"Um, kind of," I hesitantly replied. I’d prefer dancing more, and if these chronic headaches didnt hit me, I could have been going to dance lessons…..


"Ah, me too, and I love to dance as well," The boy smiled.


"Really?" I looked up, bewildered.


"Yeah. I want to….nevermind," He shook his head and smiled.


"By the way, what’s your name?" He asked before I could even say anything.


"Jisoo. How about you?" I wonder what his name was.


"For me to know and for you to find out. That’s a pretty nice name by the way," He then gave me a really bright eyesmile.


A pretty nice name. A pretty nice name. A pretty nice name. The words in his voice reverberated in my head as I could feel my heart race and cheeks heat up but I covered my face with the book.


The clocked ticked past. I read the last page of the book and closed it. I looked at the huge clock on the wall in front of me, and saw that it was twelve noon.


Suddenly, I could hear the door of the room open. Are the bangtan boys here? So soon? Doesn’t dance practice today last until 1pm?


"Jisoo!!!!!!!!" All of the bangtan boys except for Namjoon and Seokjin shouted.


"Shh! Guys! This is a hospital!" Namjoon said rather displeased to them. I giggled.


"But-but Jisoo we miss you so much…." Hoseok said cutely then pouted. Wow if only I could have the strength to punch him. 


Their presence made me feel happy and relieved at that instant.

"I miss all of you oppas too..." I smiled.


At a corner of my eye, I could see the boy secretly prying his eyes away from his game console and looking at the boys. He must be wondering who they are, eh?


"How are you? Are you alright?" Namjoon asked caringly.


"I’m fine oppa, just a little weak, I’m sorry you guys had to skip dance practice just to see me….." I looked down sadly.


"Jisoo...you sound so weak..don't lie to us...and oh, don’t worry, Mr Park is on a holiday so we were able to come here~" Jungkook said with concerned and cute voice.


"Ahh I see~" I smiled and then ruffled his hair, like I always did. He was the only one a few months younger than me so I didn't have to call him oppa and I have always .


"Have you eaten?" Seokjin spoke in a caring tone.


"Yes oppa, I have. So how long are you guys staying here for?"


Would they be able to accompany me for the whole day? Maybe not. Finals are coming but I secretly hope they could.


"Well, we’ll just keep you company until your mom comes, is that okay?" Taehyung replied and smiled.


"But...don’t you oppas have finals to study for? And…we can’t even do anything here. This is a hospital you know, not a dance studio."


"Jisoo, I really hope you can get back to dancing soon." Taehyung said sadly and pouted. Awww he was so cute…


Hoseok’s voice then woke me up from my fantasy world.


"Jisoo...Jisoo...Jisoo, who’s that guy over there? Why does he keep staring at you?"


The moment Hoseok said that, I looked in the boy’s direction. He quickly turned his head back to his video game console. Cute……


"I don’t know too, oppa. He doesn’t want to tell me his name….." I shrugged.


"Hey! Guy over there!" Hoseok shouted in an excited voice.


"Shush Hoseok! Keep quiet will you?" Namjoon said angrily.


I giggled. Hoseok was so cute all the time. I saw the guy look up from his game console.




"Ireumi mwoyeyo~ What’s your name oh what’s your name~" Hoseok sang and danced around to 4minute and then…..



"This is a hospital you twit!" Namjoon whisper-shouted angrily.


Hoseok then pouted in defeat. The boy giggled a little. How cute.


"Um….firstly…..who are you guys?" The boy eyed all six of the bangtan boys curiously.


"I’m Namjoon, Jisoo’s friend, and in fact, all of us are her good friends. And you…it seems like you already know her?"


"How did you know?!" The boy and me said in unison.


"I can read minds~" He winked.


"Anyway, the noisy boy was Hoseok."




"This guy beside me is Yoongi…"


"Or you could call me Suga! "


"This guy is Jungkook, this guy beside him is Taehyung…"


"And you could call me V!"


"And this one is Seokjin, or Jin for short."


There was a short silence. The boy hesitated, but finally spoke. "Well…..I've never really revealed my name to anyone….but I don’t know why……I’m…..Jimin……….."


"Well, hey, Jimin~" Jungkook said cutely with a bright smile.


The rest of the boys didn’t react to that, and had confused expressions on their faces except for the maknae. All the thoughts in their heads were the same.


Jimin….? Why does that name sound so familiar? 


"Jimin…..?" Seokjin repeated.


"Um……yeah….My name is Jimin. What’s wrong?" He didn’t get it at all.


"Uh….never mind…." Namjoon shook his head.


He went out for a moment and then came back, and whispered something in Taehyung’s ear. Namjoon then gave a nod to Taehyung and he walked closer to my bed.


"Hey Jisoo, since you are so weak, I’m afraid that you can’t study for the finals with us, and if we study here…..you would feel stressed, and we wouldn’t want that to happen. You should rest. I’m going to tell Mr Kim about your condition, and tell him that you should take your exams here, in the hospital. Is that okay?"


"Okay oppa……" I slowly nodded while my heart skipped a beat.

Argh but my head still hurt…


I quickly clutched it.


"You okay?" Seokjin asked. "You shouldn’t shake your head around too much."


I nodded slowly.


"Anyway, the doctor said he’s coming in to check on you soon. I met him just now. Let’s go guys. And oh, Jimin……please watch out for Jisoo, if you are able to."


Namjoon said politely and bowed. The rest of the boys waved goodbye to me and rushed off, following Namjoon, to the nearest library.

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Chapter 7: so cute~
I feel bad for Jisoo, but I wonder why she can't remember Jimin anymore...I mean, I know the reason why Jimin doesn't know her, but Jisoo?
Anyway, interesting story :) I like it
luhanluhan123 #2
Chapter 6: luv it~ pls continue
this is really daebak
love the story line. pls updates soon.
melindanhucao #4
Chapter 5: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MY JIMIN I hope jimin is going to be alright
Chapter 4: Same feeling here. Finally they tweeted after 987642163 years xD I miss them so much tho ~
dyotokki #6
Chapter 4: Lol!! I'm so freakin happy when they tweeted a while ago
Chapter 3: Jisoo and jimin dont even remember each other? Hmmm. So sad ㅠㅠ btw, update soon :D ★
blueandgrey_ #8
Chapter 2: O.O
dying to know what happens next ♡