Chapter 1

30 - 1

Philip's POV

6 years ago, when I was only 14 yrs old,

"Come back, you little bastard!"

I never stopped running, even when my legs were tired. I've been trying to get my siblings away from my abusive stepfather. Ever since mother died from cancer two years ago, he had been abusing us all day long. Once, Christine got her head smashed against a glass pane, shards of glass cut her face so badly that it left a large scar on her right cheek.

However, I was the one who endured all the abuse. 

When mom was still here, he was sweet as a candy. Giving us everything we wanted from the stores, bringing us out for trips etc.

Now, he's a freaking arsehole without a proper job and soul. He gambles all day until we're now dead broke and get chased around and threatened by loan sharks. Caleb, the youngest of the 30 of us, he was extremely terrified. Every single time he saw that bastard, he would run and hide somewhere which we have to take almost an hour trying to find him and try to coax him to come out.

[What actually happened earlier]

Quietly, I snuck into the house through the window at the kitchen. According to what I memorized about the house, there were alarms located everywhere in the house. Only the kitchen doesn't have an alarm as stepdad would always open the window and claims that the place we are living in is extremely safe.

I took off the cover of the air vent and gently placed it aside. I slowly climbed into it. Through the tiny space between the rusty pipes, I could see that dad wasn't asleep yet. Instead, he was talking on the phone. I stayed quiet and listened to the conversation. The other person on line was talking really loud, either the phone speaker was on maximum or that person's talking is ting loud.

"Those brats are an eyesore in the house. Would you mind taking them somewhere and get rid of them? If possible, kill them and dispose of their bodies."  Dad said with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Name your price." The voice on the other side of the line was deep and gruff. He must be a tough cookie to deal with.

"Okay. Here's the deal. $100 000 000 for each of their corpses. Fair enough?" I almost choked on my own saliva. $100 000 000 is enough to buy a striking red Ferrari or a Lamboughini. I always wanted such a car. But the money wasn't ours, it was for that tough guy on the other side of the line.

"That shall be it then, I'll be there tomorrow night." Dad then hung up the call.

My brothers were the only hope where I could survive and rely on. I have to get them before we are all doomed for eternity. With each though, I got more and more enraged. I could not let any single one of them get hurt.

I quickly scrambled through the vent, making my way to the bedroom where they're all confined in.

To be continued...

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Working on the 5th Chapter!!!


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