Your Dream, My Family

Can you persuade me?


I quickly followed Sehun to his car. He offered to drive me home and I couldn't be more happy, getting to know Exo better. As we got into the car, he started the engine and drove out of the car park. I giggled as I saw him blush a little. " Hey Sehunnie, what's wrong?" He immediately looked away, and I could tell that he was blushing like mad. When we got to a red light, he asked me something. " Hilary, would you like to get something to eat or drink?"

i chuckled and replied with a cheerful yes. I did realise that it was almost lunch time because of all the chattering with the members, and because my house was quite far away.

Sehun stopped at the closest bubble tea store and walked me in. I chuckled at his cuteness, and his love for bubble tea. I found it cute personally. "What would you like Hilly?"

"I think I'd like to take the honeydew with pearls, a regular and sweet!"

"Ok then" he answered and grinned sheepishly at me while blushing like mad.

As Sehun ordered our drinks, I looked around the store and admired the cuteness of the baby blue walls with strips of lavender purple and baby pink. Just then I felt a light tap on my shoulder, and when I turned around, I saw someone I didn't expect to see; Jin Nae and Jeonkook, my brother and his girlfriend. "Jeon-ie Oppa! When did you come back?" I exclaimed. Just then Sehun walked up to me and gave me my drink. "Hills, who's this?" My brother said playfully while smirking that signature smirk of his. "This is a friend, and only a friend. His name is Oh Sehun. You remember DaeJung's best friend MinSeok Oppa right? Well Sehun is a friend of his." I explained. My brother looked at me in surprise and chuckled. "Do you want me to drive you home sis? Then, I'll get to learn where you live."' Jeonkook gave me his eye smile that I haven't seen since the day DaeJung... Never mind. After telling him that it was ok and that he should follow, Sehun drove me back home.since we were way ahead, I decided to be a little cheeky, so once Sehun dropped me off at my doorstep, I gave him a kiss, right on the lips, and once we broke apart, I could see his face that was all flushed and as red as a cherry. After he hopped back into his car and drove off, my overprotective brother pulled up in the driveway. He had already dropped his girlfriend off, but then another figure came out of the car, no, two people came out. It was HimChan and Kevin, my other brothers. I was amazed as the four of us haven't seen each other in a long time which was approximately three years. "You like my surprise Hills? Your brothers are here!" 

I stared In amazement as my three brothers wrapped me into a hug of affection. HimChan was the first to speak. "Yah, Hilly-ah, I missed you so much! How's life? I bet you have met some pretty interesting people already huh?"

I rolled my eyes. My older brothers could be a little bit annoying sometimes. "Oh stop making fun of my little Hilly Him-ie hyung! You might break her again!" Scolded my second oldest brothe Kevin. I giggled as they fought over how strong I was. I sighed. I missed the old days where we all used to hang out in our own secret place with DaeJung as well. It used to be so fun, but DaeJung had left this world. Mum and Dad also left us alone, but at least I had my brothers. 

I led them to the guest rooms and left them to unpack their things. I walked onto the balcony and relaxed as a cool breeze swept my long, dark brown hair tithe side. It helped me cool down and think properly. Just then I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to get it. Standing there were the people I never thought I'd see again. Tears came it my eyes as I squealed in delight, as the people who were standing there were my other childhood friends, SooYoung, SeokJin, Tiffany, Yoona, KiSeop, Zelo and TaeHyung. They all looked so different. We made a lot of noise, and once my brothers heard the racquet, they stormed down, only to find themselves greeting my friends and laughing alongside them. As I welcomed them inside, I felt curiosity build up inside of me. Once they all settled down, TaeHyung stood up. "Hilly, we want to make an event for you, the special person in our life. We want to thank you for everything you have done for us and therefore, we want to treat you to dinner and a party." I jumped for joy when those words hit me. I stared in disbelief at my friends, the ones who did this for me. I smiled a heartwarming smile, but fainted. As the floor hit me, it struck me that i still had a rare condition. All I could hear at that moment, were worried comments and anxious screams. Then I out.




I was on my shift in the hospital when there was an emergency. A girl was being wheeled in and I was called for the job immediately. I suddenly recognised the long dark hair and the gleaming white teeth that showed in the little gap between the lips. Hilary. I had a dream like this last night. A girl being wheeld in, many people surrounding her, trouble breathing, cries, doctors ad her. Not to mention that Sehun had the exact same dream as well. I couldn't remember the details, but I remember those. Now I was worrie sick. Not only did I know her, I also didn't know what to do. I was trembling now because of the nightmare I just had last night. It seems a though it is happening right now. I felt helpless and weak. I felt lifeless all of a sudden. Then bam. I was at home...


I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter. Pease comment, subscribe and upvote! yixing_airen, please comment and subscribe! I really would like you to! Saranghae Yo! 

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