Anger, Jealously and Dreams

Can you persuade me?


I said goodbye as my manager left and when he was out of sight, I rushed to the table Baekhyun was sitting at, when I got there, the first person who saw me, was not the guys I knew, but was a person who looked quite young and had a V-line. I blushed as he looked at me. " Oh, who's this pretty lady. Hi, I'm Sehun nice to meet you" he said. Then, all eyes turned to me. " Ahhhhh, she's the one who we saw outside earlier" Lay shouted. " Why do I get the feeling that I know you somewhere........"

The only thing I said was Kim Dae Jung and Chanyeol, Kris, Minseok, Lay and Kai all looked at me." That's right! We remember you now! Hello Hilary! How have you been doing lately?" they all sang in unison. I didn't reply, but looked ateveryone here and gave my famous aegyo smile that melted the hearts of all of them. They all stood up and swiftly wlked me out of the restaurant and to their house.

At Exo's house, or should I call it a mansion, we all talked, everyone except Baekhyun. He was silent and remained like that. As the rest of the group and I laughed through the night, Baekhyun walked up to his room and locked the door behind him.



She...... she is here. I finally get to see her again, but I don't do anything! What a pabo I am.

Suddenly I heard a light knock on my door. Oh god, who could it be. When I opened the door, a beautiful faced smiled at me and I could feel myself heating up, then finally my body could take no more so it collapsed. I heard the voice that was the soft tinkling of little bells calling for the other members to come and saw an angel hovering above me, looking worried, but it was distanced and only a few moments later, I heard and saw nothing.




I woke up at 5am and still felt feverish, then a noticed there was weight on my chest. I looked down, only to see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen resting her head on my chest. Carefully anf gently I lifted her head and carried her into my bed and tucked her in. I kissed her forhead fondly and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I let out a relieved yet happy sigh and went down to get some breakfast. Luhan and Suho were alredy awake as well as Lay and Sehun. " Annyeon" I yawned

They looked at me and Lay asked " Hey Baekkie, do you know Hilary?"

I stopped in my tracks " Yes.... She used to be my middle school crush...... And now I still think that I still like her even though it hurts me....."

The others were stunned and speechless.


In an hour, the others were already awake and we talked about her. " Did you guys see what she was wearing last night? One word, beautiful" smirked Sehun. Ok, here it comes. " She has the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. Ahhhhhhh, I wish she was mine. Her hair looked so soft like velvet and so did her skin...." Kai whined. These guys could come up with comments that could kill a girl.... Seriously. Whenever they saw a girl who they thought was their type, they would compliment her all day to the other members. " Her eyes had that caring and gentle shine to them. Did you guys see?" sighed Lay dreamily

"She has a really nice figure, don't you guys think?" asked Luhan

"Why LuLu, did you..... you know?" teased Kris

"WHY YOU LITTLE....." yelled Luhan

" Hold it you two" Chanyeol stepped in.

Just then I noticed that this morning Hilary wasn't wearing her dress from last night. " Hey you guys, why wasn't Hilary wearing the dress last night for this morning?"

"Just realised Baekkie? She ran home and got her night clothes and came here to have a shower when you were asleep. She was so worried that she decided to stay with you for the night lucky guy!" Xiumin pouted.

" OK I tucked her in this morning. Lets hope she wakes up soon." I replied and just at that moment, the sleepy angel slunbered downstairs. " Good morning guys, did you all sleep well?" she asked as we all nodded our heads in stunned silence. "Why are you all staring at me like that?"

"Well it's because you are mmfmfmfff" Chen tried to say as Chanyeol stuffed toast into his mouth. "Nevermind him Hilary. Anyway, did you get a goodnight's sleep?" Chanyeol asked while flashing his gentle smile at her. "Yeah, surprisingly. Someone tucked me into bed and I slept relly well because of that, so thanks whoever did that!" She smiled an angelic smile as I felt Sehun nudge me and start chuckling quietly.

As the group, Hilary and I ate our breakfast, we laughed at each others' stories, and especially when she laughed, I smiled along as her laugh was like a butterfly, delicate and gentle. As we all left, I felt disappointed that she couldn't stay, but I still said goodbye, though I was jealous that Sehun was taking her home, so I gave hime a glare so that he knew if anything happened to her he would die.





I looked at her in a dreamy manner thinking what could've happened is she was mine. This was why I was so jealous of Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, Xiumin, Kai and Lay as they knew her personally. I was so jealous that I cried last night. It wasn't fair that they knew a lady as pretty as her. I sighed in annoyance as I watched the other members laughed with her and also as Sehun linked arms with her playfully and smirked. " I think this princess needs to go home, so I'll take her. Say goodbye Hilary then I'll drive you home." I also watched in jealously as she blushed and followed him out to his car and I grew green with jealousy after he played with our minds and said " Come on babe, let's go home."

Gee that little brat could really kill people by making them jealous because after he said that, I think Hilary turned a shade of red, but I couldn't be sure because she was looking at the ground, but she probably was....

After what seemed like an eternity, Sehun returned and he looked like lke he could collapse of happiness. "What happened? You took a long time...." I was starting to get suspicious. " Really? If you tell me the truth, I'll let you pick her up tomorrow cuz' I have plans for tomorrow..."

His head perked up straight away. " Hyung, are you telling the truth, or are you bribing me......? Oh whatever i'll tell you. She gave me a..a......a, a kiahhhhhh...." Sehun mumbled. "What?"

" I said that she gave me ahhhhh..... kiss" Sehun said quietly and shyly. " Meaning that she stole my first kiss away......."

I suddenly stood up in anger and grabbed his shirt, but at that moment Lay came down and stopped the anger in my punch





Seriously, what was wrong with our leader. He was supposed to have the most responsibility and has never acted this way, unless Sehun upset him in some serious way so I asked. " Sehun, what did you say to Suho hyung?

" He asked me why I was so happy and so I answered that she gave me a kiss and then suddenly in a blink of an eye, he's up, grabbing my shirt and about to punch me when you came...." Sehun mumbled

I could see how upset Suho was, actually anyone could be upset because Sehun stole the first kiss anyone was going to have with her, and it was also his first kiss so anybody would be jealous and angry. "Alright then Sehun, don't tell the others anything okay?"He nodded in return and went to his room to lie down. I sighed. I was jealous after all, but I was trained to control my feelings though it still hurt because I knew Hilary before him and he still stole her before I could touch her. I laughed. My little Sehunnie can be so upsetting sometimes. I went up to go to sleep. At least the day is done. I yawned then fell asleep in a matter of second and when I drifted off to sleep, I had a dream.........



I still can't believe that she just kissed me today when I took her home. I blushed like crazy and couldn't speak for a while. I am still dazed right now. I still hope we will meet again.

That night I had a dream......

Hi readers, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well. In the next chapter, I will be revealing Hilary's family and Sehun and Lay's dream as well all the members' feelings towards her. I will tell you one thing now and it is that if you haven't figured out, Hilary, is based on my friend Hilary. I just decided to change a few things though...... anyway, saranghae and enjoy!

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