Out to get the Buns

Sehunnie's Bath Mate

Out to get the Buns


"Hyung!!!!" Sehun shouted and ran towards Xiumin who is just sitting on the couch playing cards with Kris and Luhan.

"What?" Xiumin asked as he looked at the maknae.

"Uh.." SeHun starred at the towels he was holding. "I know how to make Towel Swans!" he chirped holding out the towels.

Kris laughed, "Hey, Minnie. I also know how to make Card Swans. "Sehun is this one of your ways to get Xiumin to shower with you?"

"No!" SeHun shook his head. "I just want to teach Minnie Hyung how to make Towel Swans.."

"So, let's say I'm interested in making towel Swans.." Xiumin smiled making SeHun's face brighten. "What are the things needed, well except for the towels."

"Uh..water! A bath tub where it can swim.." SeHun tried to think of a more logical explanation.

"So Xiumin needs to go to the bathroom to make those swans?" Kris smirked.

SeHunn eagerly nodded. "Let's go Hyung!!" he giddily said as he hooked his arm with Xiumin's.

"SeHun, I did not say that I am going to the bathroom with you." Xiumin smiled. "Just go and take a bath alone."

"I can go with you." Luhan suddenly chimmed in making Kris and Xiumin look at him. "Why?"

"You really want to go with him?" Kris and Xiumin chorused.

"What's wrong with that?" Luhan asked still oblivious to the reasons why the ther members don't want to go with SeHun.

"Ducks go meow meow, cats go Moo, dogs go neigh neigh, how about you?! " Kris sang, "you'll be singing that song with him for more than 4 hours! again and again!"


"That's only one of the reasons Lu.." Xiumin shrugged. 

"Well I think I want to find out about it myself. Let's go Hunnie." Luhan smiled.

"No. " SeHun protested. "I want to shower with Buns!"

"Buns?!" Kris, Xiumin and Luhan chorused as they looked at Sehun who was now holding onto his towels.

"Watch out Buns! I'm out to get you." Sehun said in the most threatening voice as he looked at Xiumin and stormed out of the room leaving the three boys staring at his back laughing as hard as they could.




"Hickory Tickory dock-or was it clock? whatever. The mouse ran up the clock the clock-oh Sehun!" Chen shouted as he saw Sehun running in and out of their dorm. "what is that kid planning to do now?"

"Hey! wait! that's my- Sehun! " Chen shouted before he continued singing as he noticed his pink towel being dragged around together with his piglet socks.




-sorry about short chapters.but now I am out of cracks. and I'm out to get some buns! who's with me?!-LH

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Chapter 7: From what I know, Kris just wants a reconfirmation of his contract. He's not going to leave. Don't worry, be happy! I was initially shocked that Kris will be leaving but it turns out, he just wants to change a few things about his contract, just like what Taeyeon did. :-) Even though his lawyer is the same one who represented Hangeng before, his case is different. He's going to be back. Cheer up! Fighting!
I love this! Well done :D
Chapter 6: Cunning Bacon ? HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Haha this is amazing xDD My cheeks hurt from laughing.
Chapter 6: Cunning Bacon...... *eyes glistening with evil ideas* XD
14 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hunnie doesn't want to shower with Lulu? 0.O
Well, that's weird. xD
NoMinSarah #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahaha! this is funny! update soon^^