Say Night Night Sehunnie

Sehunnie's Bath Mate


SeHunnie's BathMate o1



"You know what Mr. Duckie. I'm sad." Sehun muttered as he squished the rubber duck in his hands. "Nobody wants to take a bath with me.well except you. but still."

"Sehun!" Kris shouted as he punched the door. "You've been there for 4 hours already! Get out!"

"No!" Sehun shouted

"What?! Listen! I want to pee!" Kris shouted even louder.

"I'll let you in if you'll take a bath with me." 


After that non-negotiable talk between him and Kris, Sehun still sat on top of the toilet bowl and pressed his rubber duckie.

"Rubber Ducky goes quack quack I go Mooooooo, Rubber Ducky goes swish swish I go weeeee, Rubber Ducky goes splash splash--" 

"Kris wants to PEE!" Kris once again banged the door. "Sehun!"

"Get Out please!" This time it was Suho's voice.

"10 freaking hours Sehun! You've been there for 10 freaking hours!" Chanyeol shouted.

"so?!" Sehun shouted back and continued singing. "Rubber Ducky goes Meh Meh--"


The door then slammed open, revealing a pissed off Panda, a huffing Dragon, a ninja Guardian, and a Derranged Giant starring at him.

"You've been here for 10freakingstupidlylonghours!" Chanyeol yelled or was that a rap? "and you still have not bathed?!"

"Nobody wants to take a bath with me" SeHun whined.

"Quit whining SeHun and get the hell out of the bathroom!" Kris ordered as he inched closer.

"No!!!!" Sehun continued to shout. "Rubber Ducky go No No.."

"SeHun goes Night Night." it was Tao's voice, a deadly tone can be heard as a flying kick was given to the poor maknae.



"All I want is a Bath mate..would you please take a bath with me?" SeHun pleaded a relaxing steamed Bun.

"SeHun, quit talking to that Bun and take a bath." Xiumin poked his head inside SeHun's room.

"Would you take a bath with me hyung?"

"Just take that bun with you," Xiumin coldly answered and left him all alone.

"Looks like it'll just be you and me and mr. rubber ducky.." SeHun sighed, but a coy smile started to form on his lips, "Xiuminnie Hyung..will take a bath with me..If pleading won't work, then let's do it in a hard way.."

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Chapter 7: From what I know, Kris just wants a reconfirmation of his contract. He's not going to leave. Don't worry, be happy! I was initially shocked that Kris will be leaving but it turns out, he just wants to change a few things about his contract, just like what Taeyeon did. :-) Even though his lawyer is the same one who represented Hangeng before, his case is different. He's going to be back. Cheer up! Fighting!
I love this! Well done :D
Chapter 6: Cunning Bacon ? HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Haha this is amazing xDD My cheeks hurt from laughing.
Chapter 6: Cunning Bacon...... *eyes glistening with evil ideas* XD
14 streak #6
Chapter 2: Hunnie doesn't want to shower with Lulu? 0.O
Well, that's weird. xD
NoMinSarah #7
Chapter 1: Hahahahahahaha! this is funny! update soon^^