

Tonight: II


My memories flow towards you, whom I have forgotten, yet still stays in my heart.

I yearn for the moment when I first met you.




“Why? Why is it the project season now?” Ye Hee whined as she ruffled her hair.


Junhyung chuckled as he stared at the frustrated girl in front of him. At first, he was worried about working with her as he had heard rumors that she was eccentric and weird. However, once he came to know her, he realized that it was fun just being with her. She was humorous and carefree; hence it’s so relaxing to be with her because he can be who he is, without having to practice courtesy and refrain from saying things straight. Girls he once worked with were either too sensitive about his comments towards their work that they end up feeling bad about it or cry or they were too busy just fawning over him.


He was also another good-looking guy after all.


“Junhyung-ssi! We only have three days to come up with a performance of our song right?” she asked straight as she stopped ruffling her hair.


He laughed loudly when he realizes how messy her hair has become.


“Neh, Ye Hee-ssi,” he patted her long hair back down, making it neat once again and chuckled.


She pouted. Then she will have to be away from Ji Yong-sunbae for three whole days!


“Okay, then I am going home to pack something. I’ll meetcha back in this recording studio?” she picked up her backpack and slung it haphazardly over her shoulder.


“Neh, this is going to be our camp for the next three days. Until,” he paused dramatically for the effect, “we come up with something that will awe everyone!”


Yep, he was determined to perform well with Ye Hee.




“Come on in then,” he gestured to the girl standing at the door.


“Ji Yong-oppa, so this is your dorm?” Hyeyoung’s eyes wondered about the neat and pristine dorm curiously as she giggled. She’s finally able to step into the Kwon Ji Yong’s dorm. Though she was from a different music academy back in Korea, thank her lucky stars that she was able to meet him even here in Japan!


He hummed an answer before preparing a chair beside his computer chair and beckoned her to sit. She tittered excitedly to him before sitting down while he switched the computer on. Her eyes continued to wonder about the dorm. It was neat overall, except for a few piano books strewn across the white wood coffee table.


She stood up to walk about, while calming her heart down. She is going to be working with him for two days! Then, she is going to make him hers. Her classmates will have something to talk about for the next semester if she ends up with Kwon Ji Yong. She smirks inwardly.


“Ji Yong-oppa,” she called in a sickly sweet tone, “these ornaments are pretty.”


Her finger fondles the crystal treble clef structure.


He walks for to her, adjusting the ornament back and nodded in her direction. She smiled sweetly at him and all he could do was to be polite and smile back.


She took a step closer to him, placing her hands on his chest.


“Oppa,” she whispered huskily.


Then, without warning, she placed a kiss on his lips.


“I’m back!” the door opened and Ye Hee skips in happily, swinging the keys in her hands.


She came to a halt, her happy feelings also coming to a halt, when she saw the scene right in front of her eyes. A tall and pretty lady currently has her hands on Ji Yong’s chest and they were… they were kissing?


“Oops!” she let out a gasp, at the same time feeling a sharp jolt in her heart.


Upon hearing the intruder, Hyeyoung broke the kiss and seem startled that another girl has entered the dorm. She stared at Ye Hee with despise in her eyes.


‘Why is she so messy and casual?’ the thought flew through her mind.


“Urm! Sorry! I left my piano books here that time I came by!” with that, Ye Hee fumbled with the piano books on the table before carelessly shoving them wholesale into her half-opened backpack.


“Urh…” she stuttered as she looked into Ji Yong’s eyes and then to Hyeyoung, “continue!”


Then she disappeared like the wind, out of the door in a flash.




He should be glad that the fact that rejection is finally in Han Ye Hee’s dictionary right? So why is he at a lost, facing and staring at the computer while nothing ran through his mind? Why did he order Hyeyoung to leave harshly after Ye Hee left?


“Don’t ever do this again Hyeyoung-ssi,” he glared into her eyes and pushed her away from him as he grounded the sentence out between his teeth.


She was floored after seeing the cold in his eyes. It was so unfeeling that his eyes only resemble cold onyxes. Then, she left the dorm immediately.


Why did he felt something jolt his heart when he saw Ye Hee witness this forced kiss? Why did he care whether she minds or not?




He thought back to the time where he first met her. He was amazed that someone was able to see through his compositions easily and identify the emotions behind it that simply. Usually, people could only identify the superficial emotions that the tune expressed without dwelling in deeper. Yet, she could do that.


“Chogi, that’s a nice song you have there!” she grinned as she opened the studio door a bit wider and stepped in.


He glared at her as she walked in, oblivious to his unfriendliness.


“It sounds sad and lonely. More so, it sounds lost, like a man with no ideals, no goals. A sudden lost of it sent him spiraling in this confusion. He’s lost,” she paused as she thought of how to continue, “but he seems like he is trying to find those ideals, goals and purpose back!” she broke into a breathtaking smile of exultation as she finished.


Then, the glare in his eyes turned to surprise as he stared at this seemingly weird and loud girl while she laughed. How did she… how did she see through him so easily?




“Ji Yong-sunbae!” she called loudly into the studio as she happily skipped in.


He groaned inwardly and stared at her with weariness in his eyes. This girl never knows when to quit? She has been at his tail since the last time he saw her! And she is not letting loose.




“Ji Yong-sunbae! Saranghaeyo!” she screamed at his retreating back.


That immediately stopped him in his tracks, stunned momentarily by that loud confession. Then, he slowly his heels, facing her, hardening his resolve, “I don’t like loud and eccentric girls.”


Hoping that he had made his point clear, he turned to leave only to nearly stumble over when he heard her shout, “You’ll like me soon enough!” then she laughed.




Her piano… those notes flowing were magical. Each note was crystal clear and every sound was carefully played, following all legatos and staccatos. The music was enchanting him, bringing him into her world as she played. She was a storm on the piano; the music had him conjuring images of the fantasy world as he listened to her play Chopin’s Etude in C Minor. It was rapid, urgent and it was driving him onwards, making him want to listen to more. The Revolutionary Etude… suits her well. He watched as her fingers flew expertly over the white and black keys. Her body moved along with the vibrancy and urgency of the music.


Then he realized, her piano attracted him just as his compositions did to her.




“Ji Yong-sunbae!” she called excitedly, shattering the silence in his dorm.


“I’ve cooked dinner!”




Snapping out of his memories, he mentally slapped himself.


And for the first time in his life, Kwon Ji Yong was lost.






Hope you all have enjoyed the first, although first chapters tend to be a little boring. I will upload the next chapter soon!


PLEASE COMMENT! and let me know about your ideas on this fic. It's ending real soon~! Lemme know what do you all wanna see~ 

Critisisms and comments are welcomed! :D so don't be shy! :D




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deadlyxerxes #1
t-t-t-this is so cute;___; can you write another bonus chapter pleaseee?
HatrednAshes #2
awesome :)
fsdklfds.<br />
I kept on smiling when I was reading how Jiyong was blow drying her hair.<br />
I could imagine him doing that xD!<br />
Could there be a bonus chapter where they interact when they're together ?^^
Muhahaha you updated bonus, I wish I had a boyfriend who would do that!
THANKS FOR ALL THE COMMENTS! HAHAHA, enjoy the bonus chapter! :D<br />
<br />
@dream_keeper88: Heehee, yeaps, now that I start writing this story, I suddenly realise that some parts are similar to Nodame Cantabile. Hahaha, but luckily GD confesses his feelings strong enough! :D Heehee, hope you have enjoyed the bonus chapter :D
cute. reminds me of nodame cantabile ^_^
This made me smile and laugh :)<br />
And I like its simplicity<br />
<br />
bonus chappyyyyyy~~
I thought this as going to be an long story ut I guess wrong, I don't mind but please do bonus parts! I really liked this stroy!!!... CUTE please bonus
jung2min #9
It's damn sweeet :3<br />
extra chapters please? :D