Bonus I


Bonus I: He cares too.


Time Period: Still in Japan, before they got together.




When you’re tired, I’ll always be there.




The clock ticked seven as he stood up from the computer desk and keyboard. It’s been a long day that he had spent composing. It was difficult for him to keep composing but his teacher here in Japan has already made it clear that he must compose a song every week so that it could be submitted to him. It was very different here in Japan as the teacher’s expectations were higher; he was more strict and demanding. Jiyong has had many compositions thrown back at him that needed to be amended. It was hard, but it was worth it.


He stretched his tired back and glanced at the clock, expecting a knock on the door any moment.


Time passed.


Ten minutes.


Twenty minutes.


Thirty minutes.


Jiyong furrowed his brows as he waited patiently again. It was already seven thirty. Usually, Ye Hee would be there knocking on his door, inviting him to her dorm for dinner. Though Ye Hee might be untidy, careless and messy, when food was concerned, her reliability increased tenfolds! So what was it that was keeping her?


Then he recalled. Throughout this week, Ye Hee was always late for dinner. Monday, she was ten minutes late. Tuesday, fifteen. Wednesday, twenty… Ye Hee was not as punctual as she were for this week. He wondered what happened.


Whipping his phone out, he called for her, only to be transferred to her voicemail. He then walked over to the shelf near the door, grabbing onto a set of keys before leaving his dorm. Using the spare set of keys, he opened the room to Ye Hee’s dorm, only to be greeted with silence.


Her dorm was as usual, messy and unkempt. He clucked his tongue as he tried to control his laughter.


‘She must be the only girl that is so messy,’ he thought as he snickered.


Then, he helped her pack a little, tidying the living room and placing her piano books back onto the numerous shelves that were placed to the wall.


“Han Ye Hee,” he called out into the dorm.


No response.


He then walked to her room door and knocked, “Han Ye Hee? Yah! Aren’t you always very punctual in cooking dinner? You wanna starve me to death?”

No response.


“Yah! If you don’t open the door, then I am coming in!” he faked his tone to be threatening.


Still no response.


Then he opened the door and got greeted by the silence inside.


“Yah! Ye Hee, where are you?” he raked a hand through his hair as he thought about where she could be.


If she is not here, then she must be…


At the conservatory!




He walked along the corridors, following and recalling the directions that one of Ye Hee’s classmates has given him. His eyes scanned the surroundings, realizing the details that differ from his music block. Realization fell upon him as he walked: he has never been to Ye Hee’s block before. She was constantly appearing at his music block.


Then, he came to the studio door and peeked inside, only to see a familiar girl sleeping on the piano. He opened the door quietly, careful not to disturb her and walked in. He stared at her sleeping posture and shook his head in disapproval, ‘She’s gonna have a stiff neck when she wakes up.’


“Han Ye Hee,” he shook her gently.


The said girl continued sleeping.


“Han Ye Hee,” he called a little louder and shook her harder.


She slowly stirred from her slumber as she sat up straight.


He watched as she rubbed her eyes tiredly, thinking about how cute she looked like right now.


‘Yah! Cute?! No way. Han Ye Hee is anything but cute.’ He mentally chided himself as he threw the thought away.


Clearing his throat, he asked, “Why are you sleeping here on the piano?”


“Ah!” she gasped.


“Sunbae! I am so sorry! I totally lost track of time when I was practicing! Mr Auclair wanted me to practice hard for the competition this weekend! I am sorry! Mianhe, mianhe!” she apologized furiously as she stood up and stuffed her things into her haversack.


“Gwenchana,” he tried to stop her from apologizing.


Wait, competition?


“You’re entering a competition?” he asked out loud.


She giggled sheepishly, “Yeah.”


“Don’t you know you shouldn’t tire yourself out before a competition?” he chided.


She stuck her tongue out sheepishly as she stole a glance at him.


Then, she realized the time, it was already eight at night!


“Mian, Sunbae! I’ll go back to start cooking dinner now!”


“Yah! Didn’t you hear what I said, you shouldn’t tire yourself out before a competition. Tonight’s dinner, I’ll cook,” he declared and grabbed her hands, dragging her back to the dorm.




She stared at the table in wonder. Croquettes, tempura, oyako don?!


“Sunbae,” she glanced unsurely at him, “you whipped all these up?”


“Mmhmm,” he hummed as he turned around to place the cutlery on the table, “sit down and start eating then. It would be cold if you continue to drag your time.”


“Are you sure you didn’t order delivery when I went to bathe?” she asked as she sat down as she thought back to the time when she first entered the dorm.


Jiyong immediately demanded that she took a bath, claiming that she stink and pushed her all the way into the bathroom before slamming the door on her.


“Yah! Han Ye Hee, chugule?” he glared at her.


She chuckled guiltily.


“ I know how to cook. It’s just that I am lazy and prefer to eat out. Since you offered to cook dinner, why not?” he shrugged as he took a bite into the croquette.


“HMM! JIYONG SUNBAE! IT’S DELICIOUS! MASSISEO! MASSISEO!” Ye Hee screamed in approval as she bit into the croquette.


Unknowingly, Jiyong smiled and chuckled a little.


The food disappeared in a short period of time as Ye Hee gobbled them down at the speed of light.


“Yah! Eat slowly, don’t choke.” He warned.


He stared at this girl in disbelief.


Can there be any other girl that is like her?!


Then, he shook his head and sighed, all while smiling inwardly to himself. He didn’t know why. But hearing Ye Hee praise his cooking made his heart flutter a little. Just a little. Other than that, it made him happy.


“Yah! Why isn’t your hair dry up till now? Dinner is already over and half an hour had passed,” he chided as he wiped his hands after washing up.


Ye Hee was about to doze off, staring at her piano book with markings all over the place.


“Hmm?” she wondered dreamily, “It will dry soon! Sunbae! I’m gonna sleep! Thanks for the wonderful dinner!” then she shuffled her foot to her room.


Before she could reach the door, Jiyong pulled her back.


“Yah! You will get a headache if you sleep with your wet hair!” he pulled her to the couch in the living room before retreating to her room and coming out later with a hairdryer with him.


He sat behind her and started drying her hair for her, while reprimanding her in the process, “You know! You will have a headache if you sleep with your wet hair!”


Her smile couldn’t be wept off her face! She is on cloud nine now! She pinched herself to ensure that she is not dreaming. Jiyong-sunbae is drying her hair for her! She could feel his slender fingers raking through her long hair.


She giggled uncontrollably.


“Yah! Sleep with your hair dry next time! Hairdryer is invented for a purpose!”






BONUS I IS FINALLY UP!!! HAHAHA! Please enjoy! :D Thanks for all the comments that you all have written so far for TONIGHT! I really really appreciate them so much! XD My heart flutters just like how Ye Hee's did when Jiyong dried her hair for her! :D


Continue to comment, maybe also letting me know what you all wanna see in the upcoming bonus chapters? HAHAHA! Hyperventilate over JIYONG being sweet! 


Till then!

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deadlyxerxes #1
t-t-t-this is so cute;___; can you write another bonus chapter pleaseee?
HatrednAshes #2
awesome :)
fsdklfds.<br />
I kept on smiling when I was reading how Jiyong was blow drying her hair.<br />
I could imagine him doing that xD!<br />
Could there be a bonus chapter where they interact when they're together ?^^
Muhahaha you updated bonus, I wish I had a boyfriend who would do that!
THANKS FOR ALL THE COMMENTS! HAHAHA, enjoy the bonus chapter! :D<br />
<br />
@dream_keeper88: Heehee, yeaps, now that I start writing this story, I suddenly realise that some parts are similar to Nodame Cantabile. Hahaha, but luckily GD confesses his feelings strong enough! :D Heehee, hope you have enjoyed the bonus chapter :D
cute. reminds me of nodame cantabile ^_^
This made me smile and laugh :)<br />
And I like its simplicity<br />
<br />
bonus chappyyyyyy~~
I thought this as going to be an long story ut I guess wrong, I don't mind but please do bonus parts! I really liked this stroy!!!... CUTE please bonus
jung2min #9
It's damn sweeet :3<br />
extra chapters please? :D