Chapter 10

Present in the Past

I asked my mom if I could I could go out alone. I really need some time to think. As I was walking, I could feel someone following me and I have a feeling that this person might just help me right now. I already know who you are might as well end it right now. I took a deep breath before walking again.  I went to the place where it all begins. 

I tried to keep myself calm while eyeing the cliff before me. I couldn't help but let my tears fall from my eyes when i remembered what happened here. I turned around when i heard a chuckle.

" Seems like you want to know something" kris said while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Why? why did you do it? why did you killed him, your bestfriend?"

"SHUT UP! if he was really my bestfriend he would have never confessed to you 'cause he knows that i like you" I could feel him hiding something behind his back

" Did you really killed suho?'

"Do you want to know the whole story of how i killed your precious suho?" i nodded before looking at him

"Well, why don't we listen to my favorite part"


"It shouldn't have ended this way." You whispered to yourself

"Yumi, why can't you understand my feelings for you. From the very start I was there for you!" Said the boy who tightening his grip on the other boy's collar.

"Kris, please don't hurt him. It's not his fault please, kris, let him go. I promise I'll do whatever you want me to." You said while trembling in fear.


You looked at suho and saw that he was bleeding all over. You can't understand why he won't fight back. He just stood there receiving all kris' s punches.


"It won't work like that, baby. It dosen't work like that." Kris whispered before jumping into cliff while dragging suho with him.


Before, kris jumped you saw suho mouthed the words *I love you* to you.

"KRIS, NOO!" you yelled. You saw the two of them rolled together down the cliff. You were about to jump too when things suddenly went black.


"That's it" i looked at him in disbelief

"Yup, that's it" he smirked at me

"You're lying. I know you are. Stop! playing with me" i yelled at him.


"Stop playing with me!" she screamed at me.

"If that's how suho died, then why didn't you die too?!" i stared at her in disbelief. Does she really hate me that bad? All i wanted was for her to return my feelings back and i felt my heart throbbing from the pain.

"You want the real story fine!"

" I beat up suho the moment we arrived at this very place. I want him to be dead for good but since he has to be the " angel" one he didn't fight back. He said he desereves it from stealing you away from me. He said it could lessen my pain but it didn't it only made it worse. The moment you came i know that you're going to beg to stopped it all but no this time i won't obey you anymore. I want you to feel the pain that i felt. The pain that turned me into something different....into something like this. That's why i decided to jump while dragging suho with me.At least, in that way both of us can't have you. We both rolled off the cliff together,we both got bruises but the only difference was he died while I'm alive." I walked to her showing the gun that i have been hiding.

"How? haha.....'cause i shot him. I shot him right in the heart while we were falling. He could be alive if i wanted but no. I want him dead. I watched his body rolling off the cliff lifeless. When i heard the police came, i quickly stood up and ran away. Since they didn't found they assumed that i was dead." I looked at her while she was trembling in fear.

"You don't how much happy i was when still think that suho was still alive that you were just imagining all the things about him. I was happy to know that you were just crazy as me." i leaned to her making her step back. I stopped when i  notice that we reached the end of the cliff.

"Do you get in now, yumi? Suho was dead from the VERY beginning" i laughed darkly at her.


I stopped my tracks when i felt the end of the cliff. Is he going to push me too?

" You're sick.... a monster" i whispered to him while looking up to meet his eyes. There were only hatred in his eyes nothing more. Kris, where did you go? What happened to you why are you being like this? Where did my bestfriend go?

"How dare you say that to me?!" he yelled. Before he could do anything i quickly grabbed the gun from him and hugged him tightly. I jumped while dragging him with me. We both fell in the cliff and i hugged him much more tight.

"i'm so sorry kris" i whispered to him

"what the--yumi! let go"

I pressed the gun at his back and pulled the trigger.


That's the last thing that i heard when i felt the bullet went past through my body.

That's the last thing that i felt when i caught a glimpse of suho at very top of the cliff.

"Eveything's going to  be normal now"




I kneeled before the grave that was infront of me. I put the flowers at the top.

"Yumi,dear, are happy now? Is everything ok up there? I wish that you're happy there with suho and kris. I'm sorry if i have to lie to you. I just don't want to see sad and i can't help but to cry everytime you wil mention suho's name eventhough he's dead already. It hurts me to know that you're going crazy the moment he was gone. But i hope everything is fine now right? I wish you all the happiness there."

"Good bye, yumi." I stood up. Before i went past to the gates i felt a breeze of air hit my body. I looked back and saw yumi, suho, and kris satnding right before there gaves. They all have a smile plastered on their faces. I felt my eyes getting teary as i waved back at them. I went out and looked back again to see that they're already gone. I looked up at the sky

"I'm glad you're happy there with them" i smiled before leaving.





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SuhoSandi #1
Chapter 6: Ow is really interesting,,,plz next chapter !!!