New Feelings

New Beginings


"Wait a minute, I thought you guys were all going home? Where did you go?" I asked. Key and Mae looked at each other.

"Well, we did go home for a little while, but then we decided we wanted to make sure right away that everything went right!" Mae explained, Key nodded in agreement.

"After that we just drove around town for a little while, and when we thought we had given you guys enough time, we came back!" Minho said, a sly smile turned up one corner of his mouth.

I looked down at my hand, admiring my new ring as it glistened from the street lights as we passed them. I felt a smile shape my own lips and Taemin took my hand.

Soon we arrived at Mae's house. I turned to Taemin and we kissed goodbye. I could feel everyones eyes on me but i didn't care. Taemin and I parted and as I suspected each face was turned to look at us, a broad smile on each face.

Mae opened the van door and kissed Key before she hopped out. As I followed her, I held Taemin's hand until we were too far apart to reach anymore. I blew a kiss to Key and Jonghyun who were too far from me to hug and then I hugged Minho and Onew.

"Thank you all for a great night!" I said, bowing. Then I stood and waved as they closed the door and drove off. Then I just stood there, clasping my hands together in front of my mouth, still unable to believe tonight really happened. I rubbed my lips with my thumb, remembering the kiss that I had always dreamt about. It was comfortable, so natural, yet completely passionate.

"COME ON!" Mae called from her door. I wasn't sure what the hurry was. I was in no rush to catch up on all the homewok I had missed. I ran to her house, but as soon as I got to the door, she covered my eyes with her hands.

"What are you-"

"Just walk!" Mae demanded, nudging me through her front door. I could hear her grandmother run up to them whispering, "How did it go?" to Mae and Mae shushing her. I smelled the familiar perfume of Mae's bedroom. She stopped me from walking any further. She pulled her hands from my eyes and I could feel my mouth drop.

"WOW! Someone's been shopping! How did you afford all this? You HAVE to let me borrow some of these!" I said excitedly looking at the mountain of gorgeous clothes, some of which I could have sworn I had said I wanted tonight. I jealously picked up a purple cashmere turtleneck and black heels.

"Actually, I didn't buy any of this...Taemin did. This is all yours!" Mae said jumping and clapping. "But you should let me borrow some of it!" She said, suddenly serious, but then she smiled.

"How did you get it here?" I asked before thinking. Of course, she and Key had come here with the van. And that also explains the bag I had sat on that Taemin had claimed was underwear.

I looked at the pile of stuff he had bought me. Oh Taemin, don't you know you didn't have to buy me all these don't have to do anything to make me love you more, because I will always love you, no matter what!

"So, tell me everything!" Mae said from the corner of the room, sitting on a pile of new clothes.



I couldn't shake the feeling of- I don't even know what feeling this is. And that bothers me slightly...its a good feeling, but there was something slightly uncomfortable about it. It was a foreign feeling.

We pulled up to the dorm and one by one piled out of the car. We thanked the driver, who had dedicated his whole day to chaufeuring us around. As I entered the house, I noticed that everyone had waited for me in the living room.

"Ah dongsaeng, it's sad that you got a girlfriend before me." Onew said.

"Sooo? I feel like we should talk about this. Our baby has a girlfriend!" Jonghyun said messing up my hair. I pulled away, smiling.

"What do you want me to say?" I asked fixing my hair.

"Just how everything went down?" Key said.

"You guys, this really isn't any of our business," Minho said.

"It's ok, hyung. It was...," I sighed, "really romantic. And fun. And, I don't think I've ever felt as good about myself as I did tonight with her. Even when I'm on stage, which is when I'm most confident, I haven't ever felt as....special as she made me feel tonight." I smiled, remembering running around with her, playing like we were five...kissing her. It was more than I could have ever hoped for. SHE was more than I could have ever hoped for.

"AAAAW!" Onew squealed overdramatically, clapping. I rolled my eyes.

"Ok, now I told you, you can go to bed now." I said. Onew clapped once and walked over to me and hugged my head, then walked up to his room.

"Goodnight lover boy!" I heard him shout from upstairs. Minho high-fived me and Key kissed my head as he headed up as well. Jonghyun looked at me for a moment as if he were still expecting more.

"Ok, well goodnight then," he said, tousling my hair again. Then I felt nervous as the urge to say something came to me, and I was almost too embarrassed.

"Jonghyun," I said meekly as Jonghyun was about to go upstairs. He turned to look at me, he must have detected I was nervous.

"What's wrong?" he asked, searching my eyes. I looked up so that he was not looking into my eyes. I didn't want to see his face when I spoke. This was going to be awkward enough as it is.

"I feel strange, hyung, and I've never experienced this feeling before. I don't really know what it is," I explained.

"Ok, well what do you mean?" He asked. I took a deep breath.

"I feel really happy, abnormally happy-well I think its happiness, but I'm not sure...I mean I KNOW I'm happy, but the exess happiness, I don't know if its happiness or not- am I making any sense at all?" I asked, still not daring to look at Jonghyun.

"Uh, I guess. Not really." He said, confused, but in a way that sounded like he really was trying to understand. I sighed again.

"Okay, um- I feel nervous in my tummy and- theres a -ahem- that is," I didn't even know how to say was so awkward.

"What?" Jonghyun said impatiently. C'mon Taemin just say it! Say it or don't say it, but don't make Jonghyun stay up just to hear you babble! I swallowed hard, and I was a little weirded out that I could hear myself swallowing and briefly wondered if Jonghyun could too.

"I get really excited sometimes, when I'm around her-Tiff that is-for no reason and theres a-th-theres." Why can't I just say it? He wont care, he's basically my brother! I took a deep breath.

"I feel all tingly-down there," I said quickly hoping he knew what 'down there' meant.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jonghyun stand up a little straighter.

"What do you mean?" He asked with a coy hint in his voice.

"Like, my p-pants feel tighter-I don't know," I mumbled so quietly I wasn't even sure he had heard me. I found myself hoping he hadn't.

But the wide smile I could see spreading across his face in the corner of my eye as his eyes got wider and he brought his hands to his head- told me he had heard me just fine.

"Oh my God!" Jonghyun laughed and covered his face with his hands. I felt my face start to burn and I instantly wished I hadn't said a word. Why did I have to say anything?

"Taemin! You're !" The words hit me like a blow in the face. Three big fat embarrassing blows right in the face. My cheeks nose and ears were burning hot.

"Wh-what? N-no! No I'm not! I-I probably just-I'm not- hyung I'm not!" I don't know why this upset me this much, it was just too much. I felt really vulnerable. I felt dirty-like I did something wrong! Jonghyun must have noticed this because he stopped laughing and grabbed my shoulder so I was looking at him.

"Taemin, it's okay! It's completely natural! I was only laughing because I feel like you're all grown up now! Its normal for a boy your age to have those feelings!" He told me looking me directly in the eyes. My eyes felt hot now too.

"I feel so dirty now," I said, voice raspier than I thought it would be. It sounded like I was about to cry. What am I, three?! I swallowed the pathetic voice that shame spilled out of with every word.

"Don't, you didn't do anything! If you didn't start feeling this way soon, I would be really worried about you!" Jonghyun said smiling slightly. I just looked at him for a moment.

"Really?" I asked, feeling a weight lifting.

"Yes. And you gotta know, every single one of your hyungs feels that way sometimes, too." He said, winking. I felt a smile force its way onto my face as a giggle bubbled up my throat.

"Just make sure you use a ," Jonghyun teased laughing.

"Shut up!" I laughed as I punched his arm hard. I hope he knows that that is the furthest thing from my mind. I am nowhere near ready for- anything like- that.

We headed to our rooms and as I reached for the doorknob, I turned to Jonghyun.

"Hey, don't tell anyone, okay?" I said as Jonghyun turned to me. He brought two fingers across his lips and twisted his fingers, zipping his lips and locking them. I walked into my room smiling.

I'm all grown up.

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angelcity #1
LOL ; taemin's so innocent. > <
iimayesiann #2
haha i think Key is still y even with that mood swing ;D<br />
this is one of my favorite fanfics!! <br />
hahahaha xDD<br />
jonghyun. "YOU'RE !" <br />
x) i could totally see him doing that to Taemin,<br />
& pointing his finger at him.<br />
truly priceless.
awhhh taemin. ^^<br />
finally, they're together! ;D