Finally Free

New Beginings


I knew I had just given Soon-Yi what she deserved, but it still felt like I had done something wrong. I had talked to Tiff, and we agreed that I should was the right thing to do.

I didnt know how to get ahold of her though. But it wasn't long before Key entered the hospital waiting room.

Tonight, Tiff was going to be release from the hospital. Key brought yellow flowers as we waited for visiting hours to start. We were going to stay with her all day, even if it meant Mae and I skipped school. Thursdays are my least favorite school days anyways.

We had the night planned out, and we knew we were skipping school tomorrow, too.

Tiff hadn't had any social privileges in a week, so tonight, we were going to own the town!

Soon the nurse came out and told us Tiff was ready for us. We walked in slowly, as if not trying to scare her.

I had visited her every day this week, but I still missed her so much. I hadn't actually hung out with her basically since school began. It was like we didn't even know each other...then it occured to me.

Maybe it was meant to be that Soon-Yi beat her up, otherwise, we still wouldn't be talking. On the other hand, the reason we weren't talking in the first place was because of Soon-Yi.

"Good morning sunshine!" Key said in a sing-song voice as he burst into the room. Tiff, looking like she was just waking up, smiled as she stretched her arms out and closed one eye. Key handed her the flowers and made an O. She kissed him on the cheek.

"We're staying with you ALL DAY!" Mae giggled. Tiff looked excitedly from Mae to me.

"AAW! You guys are the best!" She squealed.

We all sat down. We spent the day talking and laughing and Jonghyun singing and me dancing, Mae told Tiff about everything she had missed in class.

And all day, all I could do was think about how I wanted tonight to turn out. I didn't have much experience as far as girlfriends went, but tonight I was really hoping Tiff and I could make our relationship official.

Suddenly my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out. I didn't recognize the number, so I answered.

"Hello?" I said turning from the group.

"How could you do this to me?" It was the last voice I ever wanted to hear.

"Soon-Yi," I breathed, and I felt the eyes of everyone in the room staring at me.

"How could you have me arrested! Everything I did I did for US!" And just like that, all the guilt I felt was washed away and replaced with a deep loathing.

"Listen," My voice was stern and feirce, "There is no us, there has never been an us nor will there ever be an US! You got that ?!" I heard the entire room gasp and felt instantly embarrassed for my sudden loss of temper. I didn't know what had come over me! I have never used that kind of language! But it came out like word vomit and it felt good, because...thats what she is, all she will ever be. And with that I hung up, not caring what she wanted from me or even if she would have appologized.

I turned back to my friends, who were all staring at me with wide, unbelieving eyes.

"Taemin! Where in the world- I have never heard you talk like that...ever!" Key looked stunned, like his baby had just been corrupted. I felt my cheeks turn red as I shrugged.

"I'm sorry everyone," I bowed, "that was rude of me. I was angry, forgive me."

"Forgive you?! THAT WAS GREAT! You put that girl in her place! I'm so proud of you! Although in the future, I would prefer you not to use language quite like that, especially in front of our noonas, which does include Jonghyun's noona, which we haven't really hung out with yet-" Key looked accusingly at Jonghyun, crossed his arms defensively.

"Well, you guys are weird and she and I like to be alooooone!" He snapped playfully. We all knew he liked dates more than just hanging out.

Tiff started to giggle. Soon Key joined in, and I found myself awkwardly laughing. Soon the whole room was cackling with laughter at my outburst, Onew still looking shocked.

I felt relieved, not only that I had not been reprimanded for cussing, but because the awful guilt was gone, and Soon-Yi was out of the picture for a while...and Tiff is all mine. I couldn't help thinking it, although it wasnt necessarily true...but it could be, I reminded myself. It was only a matter of hours.

Then I felt flushed and I gulped. What if she rejects me yet? How will I be able to deal with that?

A few hours would either make me or break me. I had to make it through those few hours. I had to prove to Tiff that I could be what she needed, that I could protect her from crazy freaks like Soon-Yi, that I would never let anything happen to her ever again. And that I needed her. I felt myself exhale as I admited it to myself. I need Tiff. I know if I can't hold her in my arm, have her as my own, then I well never preform from my heart again, dancing won't feel as good, singing will be empty sound, and my life will be next to empty. I don't know why I need her so much, I just do. I know I'm pathetic, and dependent...I just hope she can see past that- see past all my flaws.

Before I knew it, the nurse had us leave the room so Tiff could get dressed for her release. My heart and stomach fluttered in unison in anticipation.

She took longer than I expected, which only added to my stress.

But then I saw why. There she was, looking spectacular. Wearing the clothes that had been put on raw meat and washed- the clothes she had worn the night I should have seen her. Her hair was done up in a way that made me wonder if they had a salon here, or if she had brought a curling iron. She was stunning, breathtaking. I breathed out slowly and hoped to God she was not looking at my pants, as I had just realized just how tight they were.

She stepped forward, looking me in the eyes.

"Okay, let's go!" She said cutely.

"Oh what you don't want to stay just a bit longer?" I teased. She smacked my arm playfully.

"Hell-to-the-no! I've been here too long, lets get out of here!" She sang as she ran out the door, looking back, and without thinking, I chased her. She laughed when she saw, and ran faster, trying to get away. She ran around a pillar outside the hospital and sprinted to the van, which was waiting for us. She hopped inside and I jumped in after her, and soon the car was filled so that Mae had to sit on top of Key.

As we drove off to our first destination, Jonghyun started us in our tradition to sing in the car, choosing some American songs I pretended to know all the words to. We sang loudly, and soon the girls joined in, not quite on key but they knew the words perfectly and said them just right. There's something about english that is hard for me, but it sounds cool, so listening to Tiff singing in english intrigued me, even though I wasn't really sure what she was saying.

Soon we pulled up to the mall. Tiff hopped in her seat, clapping excitedly, she was obviously in the mood to shop! Key nearly leapt out of the car, with Mae still on top of him, and we all piled out. We all basically ran into the shops, Key ran to every little thing, saying "OOOOOOH this is SOOOOO cute!" or " Oh this is really pretty!!!!!" just like a fact, I think he was more enthusiastic about shopping than Mae was. But then anytime she looked remotely interested in something, he bought it for her. I thought it was sweet. That was the way I wanted to be. I wanted to provide for Tiff, anything she wanted, I wanted to be hers.

We walked from store to store, and I had secretly bought Tiff a new outfit, knowing how she liked to dress up, and I bought her three new pairs of high heels. And every time I made a purchase, I payed them extra to have someone take it to the car so I could surprise Tiff.

Then something caught my eye, and one look at Tiff, I knew it caught hers too.

In a glass case, was a silver ring with a large purple gem in the middle and several smaller gems surrounding it. I knew I was going to get it for her. As the rest of the group left the store, I bought it, and this time, I brought it along with me.

I caught up with the others knowing it just wasn't time yet.

I have to wait for the perfect moment....

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angelcity #1
LOL ; taemin's so innocent. > <
iimayesiann #2
haha i think Key is still y even with that mood swing ;D<br />
this is one of my favorite fanfics!! <br />
hahahaha xDD<br />
jonghyun. "YOU'RE !" <br />
x) i could totally see him doing that to Taemin,<br />
& pointing his finger at him.<br />
truly priceless.
awhhh taemin. ^^<br />
finally, they're together! ;D