Payback Time

New Beginings


Soon-Yi screamed and fell to the ground when she saw the pile of raw steaks I had strategically shaped into a somewhat human form, hoping that it would look convincing enough. She wasn't really crying, but mumbling to herself. The plan had worked beautifully so far.

I remembered going back to the hospital early this morning and asking Tiff's permission to pretend to be in love with Soon-Yi. I was surprised when she smiled and said that was absolutely fine with her. She had asked the doctor to release her clothes to me. I remembered buying questionable chocolate from a man standing outside of a store. I had hoped it was vile, but seeing Soon-Yi eating them with much gusto, I was disappointed. I thought over all the details of the plan so far, and what had to be done. 

I went over by Soon-Yi and touched her shoulder gently, even though it made my skin crawl. I faked a few gasps and sniffles. I wasn't done yet. The charades were still on.

"W-why...she was-I didn't-" she cut herself off as she began to vomit violently. Well maybe the chocolates were bad after all. I lifted her.

"Oh my-"I gasped, trying to use my theatrical skills to the best of their ability, forcing a few hiccuping sobs.

"Sh-SHE WAS MY F-F-FRIEEEEND!" I cried, hoping it sounded legitimate. I then threw myself over the 'body', disgusted that I was getting my clothes all bloody and that I was touching raw steaks and cow bones. Then she said something I was not expecting.

"We need to get rid of this!" She said in a panicky voice. I had expected her to be riddled with guilt...but this was just sick.

"WHAT?" I said, not able to control myself. She was already kicking it to the side of the alley. What if it really had been Tiff?

"Someone will think it was us!" I could not believe my ears as she lifted the meat into the dumpster just outside the alley. Then she grabbed my hand and led me back inside, through  the building, then back out where the white van was waiting for us.

She pulled the door open and jumped inside and strapped herself in. Maybe she was feeling a little guilty....but no where near enough. This wasn't turning out the way I had hoped. I jumped in and sat myself next to her and buckled myself in and before I had even finished closing the door, Soon-Yi shouted "DRIVE!" to the driver.

Anger bubbled up inside me. Easy Taemin, save it for're not done yet.

It took everything inside me to put my arm around Soon-Yi to comfort her. This wasn't going to work unless she really believed I cared at all for her.

I had told the driver to take us to a tea shop that everyone from our school went to on weekends.

We pulled into the parking lot and I helped her out of the car. Any traces of remorse, or even the fear she had shown earlier was gone, replaced by a smile. It sickened me.

We walked into the shop, and she grabbed my hand and put it around her waist. I almost flinched and pulled it back. But I allowed her this last feeling of being wanted before she was humiliated.

Nearly everyone I knew at school was here. Eyes followed Soon-Yi and me as we sat down at a table. Instantly, five girls that I recognized from Soon-Yi's group surrounded our table, eyes wide with betrayal.

"You !" One said to Soon-Yi, "You were the one who made up the rule, 'once you have a turn, don't try again!' "

"Well then it is my right to change the rule! Besides," she looked at me and my face affectionately," He came back for me."

I watched as each girls wide eyes turned to him as Soon-Yi continued, "He's in love with me." I felt the anger welling up and I knew it was time...I couldn't hold it in any longer. Now she was toying with these poor girls emotions too!

"I do NOT love you!" I heard myself shouting. I realized I had stood up.

"I don't even LIKE  you! In fact I HATE you! And I have never hated anybody in my life! I know  about how you  threatened Tiff and me and THAT'S why she didn't want me...IM IN LOVE WITH TIFF! And you! You-you beat her! And I thought you would have some remorse, but-but NO! You only care about yourself! You are the most concieted b-GIRL I have EVER MET! "I was shocked at the language I had even thought about using, but I was so angry. " And I know why, too. You think you can have everything you want, your rich, who cares? But NO ONE likes you, and thats why you're so cruel. Its because even mommy and daddy don't ever want to see their little girl. You don't care about people!" I stopped seeing tears pouring out of her terrified eyes, everyone in the place had heard. She was utterly humiliated, just like I had planned. Then why doesn't it feel good? I felt my chest heaving, not noticing until now how heavily I was breathing. The girls around the table smiled.

"Well now you have nobody!" It was the same girl that had called Soon-Yi a b...the 'B' word. And the group walked away. In fact, I saw people from every table leaving, each casting a sneer to Soon-Yi as they left, and soon, the whole shop was empty except for me and Soon-Yi. Since I was already standing, I stomped out and got in the can, not worrying about how Soon-Yi was going to get home.

She had gotten what she deserved...hadn't she?

Then why do I feel sick to my stomache?

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angelcity #1
LOL ; taemin's so innocent. > <
iimayesiann #2
haha i think Key is still y even with that mood swing ;D<br />
this is one of my favorite fanfics!! <br />
hahahaha xDD<br />
jonghyun. "YOU'RE !" <br />
x) i could totally see him doing that to Taemin,<br />
& pointing his finger at him.<br />
truly priceless.
awhhh taemin. ^^<br />
finally, they're together! ;D