At Last

New Beginings


I buckled my seat belt as the door was being closed. As we swerved out of the driveway, I felt something under my . I reached under lifting my and pulled out a large plastic bag with something inside. I was about to open it when-

"AIGO!" Taemin shrieked as he snatched it from me.

"What is it?" I asked really confused.

"It-uh- I got new underwear!" And I could tell he was instantly embarrassed, remembering I had already seen his underwear before. I didn't reply, trying to save us both from this awkward moment.

Before long, we pulled into a restaurant. It looked expensive.

"See, I told you we would feed you!" Key piped up from the seat in front of Taemin.

"I- I can't eat here!" I said.

"Why not?" Key pouted.

"This place looks really expensive! I don't have any money!" My voice was shrill.

"That's why we-the gentlemen- pay for the food," Taemin said matter-of-factly.

"I can't let you guys pay that much money on me!" I said.

"Don't worry, we are superstars, money is not scarce." Jonghyun said from the passenger seat. I didn't have a good argument, there was just something that made me feel guilty when people bought expensive things for me.

We got out of the car, Taemin lending me a hand to help me step down from the van. Then he let go, even though I really wanted him to hold my hand inside.

I walked inside and the place was nearly empty. There were a few people I thought I recognized, but no one screamed 'SHINEE!' when we walked in...oh now I know why.

In the corner of the restaurant, I saw members from Super Junior, and near the back, G-dragon and Taeyang sat together talking. This was a restaurant for celebrities!

We sat at a table on the opposite side of the room.

"Why did you guys decide to go here tonight?" I asked.

"We missed you, and you have had no life for the past several deserve this," Taemin said. Aaaw!

I was speechless. They thought I deserved this? I was so blessed and they thought i deserved this?

Before I could retort, a waiter was already at our table handing us menus. I took one look at the prices and felt a little sick.

"Don't look at the prices, in fact, don't even look at the menu, I'll order for you." Taemin said grabbing the menu back. He's ordering for me?!?! I was pretty thankful because I had no clue what half the items on the menu were.

Onew rushed to tell the waiter his order first. No one was surprised by the meal he picked out.

Taemin cleared his throat.

" I'll have the ansihm-gui, and some bulgogi for the lady." Taemin said quietly as if not sure if he was doing it right. He shot me a glance.

Key ordered something for him and Mae to split. Jonghyun and Minho got the same thing as Key and Mae.

And before we knew it the waiter was back with a tray. He set a steaming platter of dak-gui (grilled chicken) in front of Onew, who appeared to be salivating, holding a fork in one hand and a knife in the other.

A plate of what looked like grilled tenderloin was placed in front of Taemin, who unlike Onew, did not start eating right away, but looked down and closed his eyes, looking back up a few moments later, and still did not eat. He had been praying for his food. How cute.

Suddenly a plate of barbecued beef was in front of me. It smelled delicious. I looked at Taemin who was looking at me, then I reached for my silverware and he did the same, then he dug in. He was waiting for me. How polite!

I took a bite of the juicy meat and then I couldn't stop. The food was so good! I noticed Onew was already nearly done with his food. Key held up a forkful of his food and raised it to Mae's mouth, and she ate it off his fork.

"Would you like some?" Taemin asked, gesturing to his food, which looked equally delicious. Before I could respond, he had cut off a bite sized piece and brought it to my face, one hand holding the fork, the other hand under the fork palm up, just in case something fell.

Giving in to the moment, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. I ate the piece and wished Taemin and I could just share all of our food this way.

I gestured to my own food with my eyes, still chewing on the delicious food and Taemin nodded and clapped, bouncing in his chair a little like a kid, broad smile covering his face.

I fed him a little piece and he hopped as he chewed gleefully, still smiling. Soon he had cut me another piece of his own food and teased me with it, bringing it close to my mouth, but then as soon as I tried to bite it, he pulled  it away giggling. He made me laugh, and we were all laughing, just like old times. Before Soon-Yi.

I dropped a piece of food I was offering him into his lap and the whole table laughed as he picked it up with his hand and dropped it into his mouth, clapping as he ate.

Too soon, the waiter came with the check. I didn't want to see it.

Taemin grabbed the check.

"Oh, c'mon, I got this one, maknae." Jonghyun said, still laughing.

"No, this is on me," Taemin said as he signed his name and put a large tip on the table.

The guys just shrugged.

As we stood to leave, Taemin whispered something to Mae and she nodded and giggled.

"Uh, Key? How about we go to my house?" She said winking to him. I did NOT want to know.

"Sure," He said, glancing in my direction. Mae walked over to me.

"You guys have, fun. Key is going to help me with the school work we missed. You should spend the night at my house and copy my answers, okay?" It was not really a question.

"Uh-" I began to retort. Onew, Minho and Jonghyun suddenly looked at each other.

"Ugh, you know I'm really tired and I don't really want to be home alone," Jonghyun said as he yawned dramatically and stretched his arms over his head. The other two boys nodded. What in the world is going on here?

"But I don't want to spoil your fun, guys," he continued, looking at Taemin and me.

"How about we drop you guys off at the park or something and then once the driver takes us home, we'll pay for him to get you guys and take you home."

"No thats ok, if everyone wants to go home-"

"Nooooo nononono! You've been cooped up in a hospital! You need some air! You two have fun," Jonghyun winked at me. I didn't argue, I didn't really want to go home just yet. Tonight had been great, spending time with all my closest friends...with Mae.......with Taemin. We all piled into the car again and the driver stopped at a park. I recognized it instantly. I had been here before, with everyone. I remembered sitting on the swings with Taemin. Taemin and I got out of the car. The door shut quickly before I could turn around and hug everyone goodnight amd thank them. The van sped away, leaving me alone in a dark park.

It seemed less magical now, more eerie as the foggy black engulfed us. I heard my breath become unsteady. And then a small, warm, gentle hand took mine and squeezed. I looked down at my hand to make sure I wasn't imagining it. Then I looked up at Taemin, who smiled playfully at me. Then he started to run, laughing, and it wasn't until now that I realized how low pitched his childish laugh was. Taemin was a man now, and yet here he was, holding my hand, running and giggling through a park at night. I couldn't help feeling special.

He pulled me to a seesaw and sat me on one end as he ran to the other and plopped himself onto it, sending me into the air. For someone so small, he makes a pretty big impact, even though I 'm sure I weigh more than him. He pushed up with his mighty legs, which I knew were very strong despite being twig-like, there was just something so...fascinating about his body, the way it could be so delicate and small looking, but also powerful and muscular. To me there was nothing hotter.

He held onto the handles and threw his head back, laughing as he leaned as far back as his arms would allow, legs raised above his head, sending me high up again. I cringed as I heard his crash against the ground, but when he rose back up, trading places with me, he was still laughing, as if he hadn't even noticed.

Suddnely, when he was at the top, he leapt from his seat and landed in a crouching position. I was at the bottom already so all I had to do was roll of rather ungracefully and stand up.

When I looked up he was running, looking back like he wanted me to chase him. So I did. But his long legs made it so he moved much faster than me, running back and forth through trees, and every time I got close, he switched directions. I turned, and couldn't see him.

Suddenly I felt scared. I was alone. At night. In a park. By myself. And Soon-Yi-she was going to find me and attack me! Again! And the kicking! And the coughing! STOP STOP!

My mind raced irrationally as I ran through the trees.

"AAAH!" Someone jumped at me from behind a tree trunk! I screamed and nearly punched the figure before I heard a familiar, fluttering laughter as Taemin ran from me again.

"Now your gonna get it!!!" I shouted after him, embarassed of my freak out. I ran after him with all my might, laughing. This time I was gaining on him fast. Soon he was only a few feet in front of me, panting mixed with out of breath laughter. I seized my opportunity.

"AAAH!" I shreaked as I leapt onto him pulling him down to the ground. I pinned him so he was looking up at me as I sat on his stomach, holding his shoulders to the ground. He was smiling, breathing heavily, making me rise and fall.

I fell over, also out of breath and lay beside him in the grass, both of us panting hard.

We looked at each other. Taemin started laughing. Soon I was laughing too. And it was just the two of us, laughing together like we used to.

Finally, we stopped laughing and looked at the stars. Tonight was a beautiful night. I looked back to Taemin. There was a look on his face. I could tell he had something on his mind. He sat up suddenly and walked to the swing set. He sat in the same swing he had sat in last time. Something was wrong. Oh no. He's not having fun. I got up and sat in the swing next to him. He didn't look at me. Oh. Why did I think this meant anything? He missed me as a friend, that's all...then it had to get all romantic. Oh well.

I tried to convince myself it didn't hurt that he wasn't interested in me any more, but it did. We sat on the swings for maybe ten minutes and he didn't look at me. Not once. Where was that van? It shouldnt take this long to go to the SHINee house and Mae's. I stood and started to walk toward the street to wait for the van.

"Tiff," Taemin called from behind me. I turned. He still wasn't looking at me.

"Can I ask you something?" For some reason that made my heart panic. But I nodded. He looked really uncomfortable.

"Do you remember-the first time we-at concert-the SHINee concert that is, when we first met?" He asked uneasily, blinking with every word, like he always does when he's nervous.

"Yeah?" I said, confused.

He finally looked at me, and just kept looking for a few seconds.

"Nevermind," he said, looking away again.

"No, ask me the question." I said, getting really nervous. He sighed.

"You know how-you walked in while I was...changing?" he asked almost inaudibly, I could see that his face was completely red. I gulped, also blushing at the memory I thought about more than I like to admit.

"Uh-huh." I nearly whispered.

"I-I just wanted to know-"he stopped and swallowed hard.

"I wanted to know if I repulsed you." He breathed, at fisrt I wasn't even sure I had heard him right.

"What?" I asked.

"Please don't make me repeat it." He cringed almost as if he were in pain.

"Wh-why would you-"

"Because I'm scrawny. People say so all the time." He nearly choked on his words. He leaned his cheek on his hand which was holding the chain of the swing so tight his knuckles were white. I just stared at him, wondering if he was joking.

"I won't be offended. I'm just not used to girls seeing me that way. And in all honesty, when compared to my hyungs, I'm not used to girls thinking I'm the attractive one, choosing me."

"How could you say that? You have so many fans that adore you!" I retorted.

"I have girl fans that tell me I'm so handsome and that they like me, yes. I am constantly flattered by girls who say they adore me. But that's only when I'm not with my hyungs. You must admit, they are all more handsome than I am. I have a pretty face, but that's all; pretty. People think I'm like a girl."

All I could do was stare for a moment before I could finally speak.

"You are the most attractive man I have ever seen. But that is not all you are. You are funny, you are sweet, you are fun and considerate! You are maybe the most talented being alive! You know what I thought that night, Taemin? I thought, Oh my God, I'm not even worthy of being in the presence of someone so beautiful. And when I saw you-that way, I thought you were sooo y. I had to leave the room so I wouldn't stare!" I said, voice shaking with embarrassment. Taemin looked at me at last. His eyes searched mine for any sign that I was lying.

"Really?" he asked shocked. All I could do was nod. He smiled and suddenly looked taller. He stood and held my chin delicately, pulling it so I was looking at him. When did he get so tall?

He looked into my eyes and in that moment, all I wanted to do was lean forward and kiss him. But he looked down and reached into his pocket.

"I want to make this as official as possible, so tell me if I do a good job-" he said holding something up in fron of my face. "I've never had a real girlfriend. But I want you. I wanted to wait for the right moment, and I think this is it. I want you and I to be us, and yours and mine to be ours. I don't know if I'm making sense but I don't care!" He said placing a silver ring with dark stones onto my middle finger on my right hand. I gasped.

"Because I need you. Theres no other way I can say it! So what do you say? Did I do a good job?" He said, laughing a little.

"Yes! I want to be your girlfriend!" I gasped wrapping my arms around him, this time I threw my arms around him and pulled him so close, I could feel his heart beating, and I closed my eyes and kissed him.

This was the kiss that should have been, our first, but I was perfectly fine with it being our second.

There was no nervous opening and closing of lips this time. It was perfect.

Beep beeeep!

The van honked at us from the street, every window rolled down as Jonghyun, Minho, Onew, Mae, and Key stuck their heads out the window and waved at us, Jonghyun whistled.

Taemin and I backed away from each other, embarrassed. But then remembered, we are now officially together. We grabbed hands and walked to the car with our dignity.

"Way to go, lover boy!" Key shouted from the car.

"By the way you did a great job, very romantic." I said only to Taemin.

"Yeah, but I should have told them to stay away just a little longer," Taemin said scratching the back of his head.

"You little!" I giggled in realization that all this was his play as I slapped his arm jokingly.

"Ow!"He laughed rubbing his arm.

Onew opened the door and Taemin and I squished in. Mae nudged me and winked, telling me tonight I had to tell her everything. I nodded and winked back.

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angelcity #1
LOL ; taemin's so innocent. > <
iimayesiann #2
haha i think Key is still y even with that mood swing ;D<br />
this is one of my favorite fanfics!! <br />
hahahaha xDD<br />
jonghyun. "YOU'RE !" <br />
x) i could totally see him doing that to Taemin,<br />
& pointing his finger at him.<br />
truly priceless.
awhhh taemin. ^^<br />
finally, they're together! ;D