6. Starting Over

To Love A Human

`”Don’t look at me like that.”

Kris didn’t budge, but instead leaned forward and eyed her curiously. “Like what?”

“Like I’m some kind of—“

“Monster?” he finished for her.


That was it.

Yejin hated being called a monster. Sure, she was a wolf, but she wasn’t some wild animal running around the city! And somehow, it felt even more hurtful hearing it from Kris. He was the last person she thought who would immediately judge her after he had helped her.

She spent the whole night trying to convince him of the reality of the existence of her kind, at the same time reassuring him that he wasn’t in any danger with her inside his house.

However, even with her constant efforts, Kris didn’t seem to change his mind in believing her.

They spent a good 5 minutes in silence before Yejin took the initiative and went out of the room.


Now here she was…outside.

It was already morning, and Yejin was leaning on the back door of the house, her back aching slightly from the uncomfortable position she slept in.

She knew Kris felt uneasy about her and her true form. So, she thought it might make him trust her if she put some sort of distance between them.


A few minutes later, Kris came down the stairs, having finished getting ready for his classes. He looked around the house warily, wondering where Yejin went.

“…Yejin?” he called out

‘Did she leave already?’


Just as he was about to walk out the front door, he heard shuffling near the back. He walked towards the place where the sound came from and was surprised to see Yejin standing outside his door.

She fiddled with her fingers before looking up at him.

“Look, Kris. I’m really sorry for the mess I made last night.. A-and I’m sorry about not telling you the truth. But you have to believe me when I say that I never meant to place you in any kind of danger.”


His mind was forcing him to tell her to leave, but another was telling him that he should let her stay.

He studied Yejin’s expression and he could tell that she looked ashamed and guilty, also fearful of being alone.

Kris turned his back and walked to the front door, and Yejin lost hope when he didn’t respond to her. But before she could leave, the sound of Kris’s voice surprised her.

“The house better not be a mess when I get back.”


Yejin smiled at his retreating figure. Those few words were all she needed. With a smile on her lips, she made her way back inside, promising him that she would be more careful this time.



What Yejin didn’t know, was that someone had been watching her the whole time – even before she went to sleep outside last night.

The figure eyed the house, as if memorizing every detail of it.

“Han Yejin..” he whispered.


From inside, Yejin scrunched up her eyebrows before looking to the door.

“Did someone just..”

“Yejin-ssi.” The voice spoke again.

This time, she quickly ran out the door and frantically looked around for anyone that might be calling her. She was met with disappointment, however, to find nobody.

“I could’ve sworn I heard my name.”

Yejin decided not to ponder anymore on the matter and made her way back inside. But this time, she wasn’t able to hear the sound of the man’s voice.


“We’ll meet each other soon enough.”

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Chapter 1: Hehehe♡ updatee soon:)