5. The Truth

To Love A Human

Pots and pans clattered onto the kitchen floor, plates were broken here and there, and the all kinds of food were scattered onto the countertops.

“Not now.. Please!” Yejin screamed into the air as she struggled to stand up.

It wasn’t midnight yet but Yejin’s body was already quivering and shaking. Her muscles contracted every few seconds and she could barely keep up with it. If you were to look in her eyes right at that moment, it would surely give you a shock. Since she was starting to change, Yejin’s eyes followed suit and both of them were now half-brown and half-silver. Her nails were starting to grow longer and she scratched the wooden cabinets beside her, thinking it would somehow ease her pain.

On any other full moon, Yejin wouldn’t have minded any of this.

But she wasn’t in the forest. Not this time.

She was in a human’s home – Kris’s home to be exact. The person who saved her and given her shelter and food. And was this the proper way to repay him? By wrecking his home?

Surely Kris would be furious once he comes home and sees the state of his kitchen.


At first, Yejin planned on going up to her room, but she quickly shook the idea out of her head, knowing that she would just destroy the Kris’s other belongings on her way up.

She couldn’t go out, either. It was too dangerous, and she couldn’t risk exposing herself. Also, Yejin knew that hunters wouldn’t let Kris off the hook easily if they find out he was helping someone like them.


There were no other options.

The only thing she could do was wait…..wait until she fully turned.



An hour later, Kris came home after having dinner with his friends. Needless to say, he was in a very good mood.

He unlocked the door and went inside, closing it behind him. “Yejin?” Kris called out

He was about to go up to her room to check up on her, but that was soon forgotten when he heard a loud, clattering noise coming from the kitchen.

“Yejin?” he repeated while walking to the source of the sound.

No doubt that he was shocked, and also fuming at the sight of his almost-destroyed kitchen.

Kris closed his eyes as he tried to control himself “What the hell happened here?!”

He looked around once more, and heard a soft whimper behind the counter. He was this close to calling Yejin out but what he saw left him speechless.


A wolf with silver fur stepped out from behind the counter, staring at Kris. Its paws stepping on the floor one after the other – and it was headed towards him.

Kris’s knees weakened and he instinctively grabbed the chair next to him, trying to put distance between him and the wolf.

‘How did this animal  get inside my house?! And where the hell is Yejin!’

However, he didn’t have a chance to move another inch when the silver wolf leaped onto the seat. It stared right at him and moved it head forward, sniffing him.

Kris stood still.

He thought of running out the back door, when the wolf suddenly bowed it head and nuzzled its nose against Kris’s forearm.

“What the…” he muttered.

Why was it sniffing him? Wasn’t it supposed to bite or attack him?

The wolf continued to do so, before getting back down on the floor and circling around Kris. It stopped and sat quietly in front of him.

Before he had a chance to reach out and pet the wolf, it suddenly whimpered as if it were in pain. The wolf became restless as it started to run around the kitchen, occasionally bumping into the corners of the table. It moved differently, and it only came to a stop when it collapsed behind the table.


When there were no more sounds, Kris carefully made his way to the wolf…..only to find Yejin in its place, completely bare.

And just like that, it was déjà vu all over again.



Sunlight shone through the curtains of Yejin’s room as soon as morning came.

Unbeknownst to her, Kris stayed up the entire night, watching her. Waiting for any other “anomalies” that may occur. He skipped classes today, telling the school he was feeling ill. He knew he wouldn’t be able to focus anyway – not after everything he’d seen the night before.


He was brought out from his thoughts when he saw Yejin moving slightly on the bed.

Kris stood up just in time as Yejin opened her eyes. The smile she gave him was only returned with a cold and angry glare.



“Talk. Now.”





A/N:     as promised, another chapter :)

            please, please comment! it'll make me feel better if i knew how you guys feel about my updates~

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Chapter 1: Hehehe♡ updatee soon:)