SMACSE Officially Begins

Soy Milk & Twisted Dough Sticks
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~Chapter 6 – SMACSE Officially Begins~

            The Tea Dorm house was relatively quiet with snores and deep breathing as everyone was happily dreaming, well happy enough to the point before Suho slammed his bedroom door open and yelled out “WAKE UP! FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! LET’S GO!!!” eliciting groans and complaints all over the once quiet dorm as they said goodbye to their vacation and prepared themselves for the annoyance that was called school.

            The twelve boys finally made their way on campus to the main building after their hectic morning and rushed breakfast, sluggishly dragging their feet towards their homeroom and chattering among themselves.

            “Alright first years, since I like you well enough I think I should give you some pointers about our homeroom, one, never mention the other homeroom down the hall in the presence of the teacher because she’ll go ballistic and we’ll never be able to leave the classroom since her rant on it will be so long that we could have graduated the school at least twenty times over. Two, don’t disturb my sleep. Three… I actually got nothing for three so you got what I told you?” said Chen as he looked at the two youngest.

            Sehun just nodded at Chen not really caring for the given tips.

            “Sure? But what’s with the teacher going ballistic about another classroom on the same campus about?” questioned Kai.

            “It’s because our teacher Ms.Jae has an old rivalry with Mr.Hyun since they were students themselves here at SMACSE, the two of them have been arguing and competing with one another since they were teenagers and now since they both hold the same position as homeroom teachers of the Sugar Rush program they have a tendency to also drag their students into their fights or what they call a ‘friendly competition of skills’ which usually ends up with one of the homeroom teachers in a really great mood while the other in a terrible one for at least a whole month,” informed Lay.

            “Wait, so there are only two homerooms for the Sugar Rush program? Wouldn’t that be too small for all the students to fit in?” asked Kai.

            “What do you mean? The Sugar Rush program is very critical in allowing which students to enter, so in actuality out of all the students on the entire huge campus, I’d estimate about one fourth most likely less to be enrolled in the Sugar Rush program which is why two homerooms are more than sufficient for it despite all grade levels being allowed to take the same course. Besides our classroom is set up very differently, on one side of the room we have the desks and books that we use when we are taking our usual requirement courses or assessments and on the other half we have our kitchen stations where we perform actual patissier work,” clarified Lay once more.

            “Oh okay I get it now, thanks,” replied Kai happy with a complete explanation of how things worked in this school.

            “Awww, Lay you’re too nice we should have let the newbies struggle for a little while,” whined Chen as he threw he arm around Lay’s shoulders.

            “But, that’d be too mean and this is their first day of class here,” replied Lay pouting a bit at Chen.

            Chen sighed dramatically “I guess there’s no way to tempt the angelic Lay into the ways of trickery, oh well it would have been a fun sight if we saw it.”

            “Stop influencing people to do weird things especially Lay,” laughed Xiumin as the twelve boys finally reached the inside of the building and headed towards their homeroom.

            Entering the classroom, the boys went to claim an open seat for themselves as quickly as possible in order to avoid getting any seats up front where the teacher could keep a close eye on them. Luhan being one of the first to get situated quickly managed to get a seat next to the window close to the back of the class. He looked up and noticed that Sehun was setting his things down on a seat in the far corner by himself, feeling unhappy with Sehun’s decision Luhan called him over “Hey! Sehun, come over here and sit next to me!”

            Sehun turned his head in Luhan’s direction, seeing the older gesture towards an open seat next to him, “Ah, I’m fine here though so it’s okay,” responded Sehun already sitting in the seat he had chosen.

            Luhan frowned at Sehun, a bit upset over having been rejected, he quickly gathered his things, “Well I’m not okay with it,” mumbled Luhan under his breath as he got up with his things and walked over to Sehun’s desk and placing his things down on the open seat in front of Sehun “Fine, since you don’t want to move, I’ll move.”

            “But I said I was fine here and you already had all your stuff out, you didn’t have to move from your seat,” replied Sehun a bit shocked at how Luhan just got up to sit beside him so quickly.

            “But you’re all by yourself here! Isn’t that going to make you really lonely?” asked Luhan upset that Sehun would have preferred to sit by himself in a corner.

            “I don’t mind being alone though, so it’s okay,” answered Sehun honestly with a blank expression.

            “Really? But you must want someone to be there for you, being alone can be painful when there’s no one that you can turn to,” Luhan had a saddened expression.

            Sehun narrowed his eyes slightly towards Luhan’s comment and looked towards the window while saying in a cold voice “I’m indifferent, being alone just makes things easier is all.”

            Luhan was surprised at the reaction and t

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