Day Before the Rest

What We Can't Have

"What did you do Myung?" Woohyun asked.

"I was a rude Oppa to her and yelled a lot." Myungsoo started.

Woohyun stepped back and watched Myungsoo walk towards me. My heart was racing, it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest any second now. Every inch, every step Myungsoo took closer to me made my heart beat a little faster. I think just about everyone in the room was watching us except Dongwoo who was using the restroom. I planted my feet firmly on the ground as Myungsoo finally arrived close to me. I could feel his body warmth because of how close we were.

"I'm sorry Ga Eun, that is not how Oppa's are supposed to act. I was rude and still a little upset, can you forgive me?" Myungsoo asked as he held my poorly wrapped wounded hand.

"U-Uhm...yes." I whispered before he grabbed my hand and brought me to the couch. He made me sit down as he got the first aid kit.

After properly wrapping my wound he kissed it, like a father would do to his daughter after she skinned her knee. I knew I was getting no where with Myungsoo because to them I was just a fan. A person whose prescence was in their life for the time being. Once I left they'd probably forget about me and not remember that I was the girl that stayed with them for a week.

Later that day, they were all getting ready to go to a restaurant.

"Gia, aren't you going to change? You're coming with us." Sungjong asked.

"I am?" I questioned feeling a bit surprised.

"Yes, of course." Sungjong added as he pushed me into Myungsoo's room to go change.

I walked in on Myungsoo who was combing his hair. I remember walking in on my grandmother one summer. She was brushing her thin long gray hair. I heard her mumbling to herself. At the time I was only about 6 years old, but this memory stuck with me. She was counting the amount of times she brushed her hair. She was up to 250 when she stopped and placed the brush down. You could see the pain in her hands from holding that brush in the exact same position for 250 . When she finally noticed that I had watched her count up to 250 she grabbed my arm and yanked me towards her. She untied my hair from the braid my mom had tied up earlier that day. My grandmother began brushing my hair and got up to 124 before my mother entered the room. She screamed at the top of her lungs and snatched me away from my grandmother's lap. My grandmother was bleeding from and I noticed their was blood on my hair. She was very ill and I couldn't understand that back then. Now whenever I have free time I brush my hair no more than 124 times just to show my respect towards her. This memory came to my mind because I could hear Myungsoo counting to himself.

"You're not dressed yet Ga Eun?" Myungsoo asked as he placed his comb down.

"Uhm...not yet." I replied as I grabbed a couple of clothing and was ready to head to the bathroom.

"Ga Eun, you can change in here." He said as he pushed down his side burns.

"With you in here?" I questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Ha, no silly girl, I'm leaving." Myungsoo said he grabbed his camera bag and exited the room.

I finally finished changing and doing my hair. I exited the room wearing black skinny jeans, a dark purple plaid long sleeve button up. I accessorized with a gold circle style necklace and small purple stud earrings. My hair was in an elegant bun with small dangling curls. I wore purple flats with gold sparkles on them, I felt really pretty and was delighted to wear this outfit. I walked into the living room clinging to my black purse.

"Wow, Ga Eun you look so pretty!" Sungjong smiled as he ran over to me and felt the fabric of my shirt.

"Thank you." I bowed, being cautious of my necklace.

"Doesn't she look pretty hyungs?" Sungjong announced.

The rest of Infinite darted their eyes away from the TV screen and stared at me. I felt like they were mentally judging my outfit.

"I approve, it was my destiny to approve." Hoya joked as Woohyun playfully slapped him for his ridiculous statement.

There was a short pause of silence as they continued to look at me.

"You look very nice, you can be my date for tonight." Woohyun chuckled as he stood up and extended his hand.

I slowly placed my hand on his palm as he led me and the rest of Infinite out of the dorm and into a big van. The van took us to a restaurant called Marty's Eat and Fun. It had a closed sign on the door, but with was only about 7pm. I followed the rest of the members as they entered the restaurant. I remember thinking to myself, they must have rented the place to avoid paparrazzi. We sat in a big family table and were greeted by a nice old woman who took our orders down.

"Let's go play the games." Dongwoo said as he jumped out of his seat and headed to the bowling alley across the restaurant. Hoya and Sunggyu followed him as Sungjong and Sungyeol went to the dancing game.

"Do you want to go play a game, date?" Woohyun chuckled.

"No it's okay, I'm fine." I replied with a smile as I pushed a couple of dangling curls behind my ear.

"Are you sure?" He question one more time.

"Maybe later." I smiled again.

"Okay, well come on Myung I want to go bowl." Woohyun said.

"Okay, I'll be there in a bit." Myungsoo replied.

Suddenly, it was just me and Myungsoo alone at the table. I tapped my slightly long nails on the table and stared at my pants.

"They said I lacked emotion and projection." Myungsoo blurted.

"What?" I questioned with a very confused look on my face.

"The directors, they said I lacked emotion and projection and they had to let me go." He said as he planted his hand over mine to stop me from tapping my nails.

"....." Before I could say anything Myungsoo continued.

"They said it was for the best of the show that I leave properly. They didn't even show an ending to my character's life. They just said I was on vacation and that was it. The director told me I would have more talent if I stayed in acting school longer. He said I'd have a better shot learning how to sew a wedding dress than acting. I always thought acting was something I excelled in, I guess not." Myungsoo said before let go of my hands and sipped his water.

"Myungsoo, this is probably going to sound cheesy, but you're my bias and I think you do EXCEL in acting." I replied shyly.

"Thanks Ga Eun." Myungsoo smiled.

"I mean it. You  have a unique voice that people don't expect when they hear you sing. Not to mention, you are quite appealing to the eye as well. This director was either extremely dumb or jealous." I managed to say without going into detail about how attractive he was.

"I love the guys with all my heart, but it's easier to talk to you about this." Myungsoo said before standing up and extending his hand.

"Thank you." I said as we walked to the bowling area together. He had his hands busy fiddling with his camera the entire time. I kept pointing at things I thought he should take a picture of.

"Look my date is here." Woohyun joked to Sunggyu.

"You mean my date." Myungsoo laughed as he placed one arm around me.

Woohyun pretended that someone hit him in the stomach.

"Low blow Myungsoo, low blow." Woohyun chuckled.

After rolling a couple balls in the gutter and posing for Myungsoo's camera we finally headed back to our table to see our food waiting for us.

"Ah if my meat is cold I'm giving this restaurant a bad review." Hoya laughed.

"They could have at least notified us our food was ready." Sungyeol added before stuffing his face with meat.

I nibbled on my kimchi and watched the boys scarf down pieces of meat like hungry wolves.

We all filled our bellies up with food, some more than others. Myungsoo and Sungjong excused theirselves from the table and headed to the restroom.


"Ah the bathrooms are over there." I said pointing to my left.

"Hyung?" Sungjong questioned with his big innoncent eyes.


"Do you like Ga Eun?" Sungjong asked.

"I like her as a person, she is really nice and sweet." I replied.

"You don't see her as anything more than that?" Sungjong persisted.

"I's possible....highly likely....close to certain..." I continued.

"Aha so you do like her!" Sungjong exclaimed.

"Sh... will you be quiet?!" I said pushing Sungjong into the bathroom and closing the door.

"So what if I like her, she is just a fan." I added.

"She seems like she likes you too." Sungjong chuckled.

"She is just innoncent! I just want to help her." I admitted.

"Oh really, or do you want her to help you?" Sungjong questioned before stepping into a stall.

I just came in the bathroom to wash my hands. I began heading back to the table without Jong so I could think. The possiblity of me liking Ga Eun was very high, but the possibility of my feelings just being temporary were even higher. I remember when some of my fans shipped me with Suzy. I had not real interest in her until I found out I was apart of Myungzy. I thought just like many other fans, I thought we were meant to be. I realized that those feelings quickly went away after a week. These feelings for Ga Eun could just be the same thing I reminded myself.

After an hour of talking and laughing we arrived back at home feeling stuffed.


I felt completely stuffed from eating all that kimchi, I knew I should have saved some instead of gobbling it down. I waddled myself into the bathroom and changed into something more comfortable; sweat pants and a black v-neck shirt. Everyone was already in their rooms probably sleeping. I headed to Myungsoo's room and noticed the door was fixed. I walked in and saw Myungsoo laying down taking pictures of his hand.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled as I tied my hair in a ponytail.

"Observing my hand." He replied.

"Interesting." I chuckled some more before laying down next to him on the bed.

He grabbed my unwounded hand snapped over 20 pictures of hit in different angles.

"You have girly hands." He stated.

"Hm...I am a girl." I laughed.

"I mean look at the comparison of our hands." Myungsoo said as he showed me the pictures of our hands.

That was the first time I noticed how manly his hands were.

"I see." I whispered staring intently at the pictures.

That night we stayed up late looking at the pictures he took today. I remember thinking to myself he is a great photographer!

"Goodnight Gia." Myungsoo said after placing his camera down.

"Goodnight." I replied with a smile.

We fell asleep facing eachother like real couples usually do. The only problem was WE WEREN'T A REAL COUPLE.




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