
What We Can't Have

Being the fangirl I was, I wasn't surprised Myungsoo was hugging me, just excited. Every Inspirit knows Myungsoo is the Infinite member who shows the most skinship. That is why it is easy to ship him with everyone. These are the unofficial otp's Myungjong, Myungyeol, Myungya, Myunghyun, Myungwoo, Myunggyu.

I woke up that morning with Myungsoo's right leg between mine, his left hand squeezing my ponytail, his right arm around my shoulder and his head resting on my shoulder. I didn't want to move because this was something I've only dreamed about, but I had an itch at my lower back. I lifted my arm and tried to reach for it, but instead I accidently touched something else. Myungsoo jumped up out of the bed with very wide eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to touch you there. I'm sorry." I kept repeating as I bowed countless times.

"It's okay." Myungsoo said as scratched the back of his neck.

I bowed once more until Myungsoo lifted my head up before walking out of the room to shower, I supposed. I shrugged my shoulders and wiped my eyes. Suddenly, Woohyun walked in bearing a plate of eggs.

"Here some breakfast, why don't you come into the living where it is more comfortable." Woohyun smiled.

"Okay." I said as I followed him into the dining room and sat on the mat that laid on the floor.

"So Ga Eun, you will be heading down to the college in four days?" Sungyeol asked as he stuffed his face with eggs.

"Yes." I replied trying not to talk while chewing. I got the impression that the boys never really ate in front of girls before because they were sloppy. I thought it was cute, but still had to keep my feminine image.

"Do you want some water?" Dongwoo questioned.

"Yes, thank you."

"Do you mind staying here later today because we have a meeting." Sunggyu asked.

"Alone?" I replied placing the glass down slowly.

"No, we are leaving Sungjong here."

"Don't worry Ga Eun, I'm very friendly." Sungjong smiled.

"Yes, the lemon boy is really friendly." Woohyun laughed.

"When you're having lots of thoughts, have lemon candy!" Dongwoo said imitating Sungjong's voice.

"Hyung! That's not how I said it!" Sungjong whined.

"Sungjong says it with a higher voice." Myungsoo chuckled as he exited the bathroom putting on a black t-shirt over his wet hair.

"Aish, why don't you guys leave already before you're late for the meeting!" Sungjong yelled.

"Fine Fine Fine we are leaving." Woohyun laughed.

"Bye Jong, see ya Ga Eun." Dongwoo said.

"Bye." Myungsoo said as he walked out of the door following the rest of Infinite.

"Okay Ga Eun, what do you want to do?" Sungjong asked as he sipped his glass of orange juice.

" doesn't matter." I whispered.

"Hm, well what's your major?"

"Medicine." I replied.

"You're an Inspirit right?" Sungjong asked as he looked at my Infinite bracelet.

"Yes, one of the biggest." I smiled trying to contain my excitement. Infinite was my favorite subject to talk about. I knew everything about Infinite from their blood type to their pant size.

"Well, want to listen to music? I like to keep up with my vocal practices." Sungjong smiled.


"Good, I'll put on the radio." Sungjong said as he rushed to the radio and stereo.

Infinite's Destiny was playing and Sungjong was dancing. Suddenly, I made the embarrassing move to dance along with him since I already knew the whole dance.

"Whoa, you know the dance?" Sungjong exclaimed in amazement when the song finished.

"Just a little." I chuckled as I caught my breath.

"Oooh, wow I'm impressed. Let's do another song!" Sungjong shouted.

Then we found ourselves dancing to the entire Evolution album! We jumped onto the couch and panted, gasping for air.

"Wow, you're good! The Hyungs would be amazed! Our choreography is usually pretty hard." Sungjong panted.

"Haha thank you, I told you I'm a big fan." I smiled as I playfully punched Sungjong's arm.

"Let's go to the karaoke center!" Sungjong suggested as he playfully tapped my shoulder.

"Okay I love to sing, but just not in front of a lot of people." I laughed finally catching my breath.

"Well I'm one person so you should be alright."

"Okay." I smiled.

"Well, let's get going since we have to walk there." Sungjong said as he put on a small gray sweater.

I scavaged through my suitcase and pulled out a black cardigan.

"Are you ready Gia?"

"Yup." I smiled.

Sungjong and I exited the dorm and began walking down the street.

"Sungjong Oppa?" I asked.


"Why are you guys letting me stay in the dorm until I go off to college?" I questioned.

"Well, we don't want you to leak our address, it's the right thing to do and I think Myungsoo likes you." He replied.

"L-L-Likes me?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, he likes to help children." Sungjong clarified.

"Oh." I whispered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just Myungsoo likes to help children so I guess his attitude towards helping persuaded him into helping you."

"I understand." I replied feeling a tad bit hurt. Sungjong basically covered my wound with a band aid then ripped it off and set it on fire. I got so happy when I heard Myungsoo likes me, but reality must always swoop in and destroy happiness.

Finally we arrrived at a place called So Hee's Karaoke. Sungjong held the door open for me like a gentleman and got us a karaoke room. The room was colorful and had lights everywhere surrounding a big TV screen.

"Ooo, very nice. Pick a song Gia so you can sing." Sungjong insisted as he sat on the couch that was in front of the screen.

"Okay." I said as I scrolled down on the list of songs. I clicked on APink's Mr Chu and grabbed the microphone.

"Nice song choice, I actually memorized the dance for this one." Sungjong chuckled as he stood up preparing himself to dance.

I began singing and Sungjong stopped dancing and started cheering me on. Once the song finished he hugged me and jumped up and down.

"Wow, you have a nice voice!" Sungjong applauded.

"Thank you." I bowed.

After 8 more songs Sungjong and I left the Karaoke club and ate at a nearby chicken restaurant. We arrived back at the dorm around 8pm and opened the door slowly.

Everyone was already at the dorm sitting on the couch watching Running Man.

"Sungjong-ah where were you?" Woohyun asked.

"I took Ga Eun to the karaoke club and to Chick-len." Sungjong replied as he took off his jacket. He joined the rest of them around the television.

"Did you have fun Ga Eun?" Sungyeol asked.

"Yes, Sungjong is a good dancer." I chuckled.

"Oh yes, Ga Eun is a talented singer!" Sungjong exclaimed.

"Sing us a song." Myungsoo insisted.

"My throat kind of hurts, maybe another time." I lied.

Suddenly, the lights all shut off and the TV went black.

"What the-" Dongwoo yelled.

"The power went out!" Hoya shouted back.

"Gyu fix it." Woohyun said.

"How can I fix it? It looks like the power is out all around the neighborhood." Sunggyu replied looking out of the window.

I was trembling in my shoes, I had always been slightly afraid of the dark. I made my way to the couch and sat next to what smelled like Myungsoo. I only knew his scent because I slept next to him last night.

"Oooo the ghost is going to come and get you Myungsoo because you wear black too much." Woohyun joked.

"Oooo I'm so scared, hold me Sungjong!" Myungsoo laughed as he grabbed me instead of Sungjong who was on the other side of him.

Myungsoo squeezed me as close to him as possible. I squealed a little which was EMBARRASSING!

"Oh, I'm sorry Ga Eun, I thought you were Sungjong." Myungsoo said feeling embarrassed as well.

"It's okay." I replied as I still clung to Myungsoo for security.

I guess Myungsoo realized that I was scared because he still held onto me.

I was in for a LONG night and Myungsoo would be by my side the whole time.



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