One Way Love


I really don't know exactly when it was when I fell for Baekhyun. 

Maybe it was when he draped his jacket over me when he showed up to my musical rehearsal or maybe when he offered me his handkerchief and wiped out my tears. Maybe it was when we blasted 'Open Arms'  on his car, the day when I heard his particularly talented vocals. Maybe I fell in love with him singing the song as if he was a part of the band, standing on a stage of bright lights, playing his guitar in front of a sold out croud. Maybe I fell in love with him when he held my hand in the rain and maybe it was when we sat beside each other on the rooftop we were out eating. Maybe that was when I thought of the possibility of him being someone I’d be with. No thoughts of those cuddling scenes in the movies, but there was that gut feeling in me that I’d be happy with him.

Or maybe I fell in love with him in the smallest and most fleeting moments. When we laughed together, when we exchanged stupid jokes. Maybe I fell in love with the glimmer in his eyes, the lines of his smile, the steadiness of his voice-- heck, even his girly and puppy squeels. Maybe I fell in love with him when he told me that he had feelings for me.

I really don't know.

But, do I really need a reason? Do I need to know when, where or how it happened? 

I mean, just freaking look at the boy.

Byun Baekhyun is standing in front of me in his black and white suit, looking as handsome as ever. He ran his fingers through his now black and fluffy hair, wiping the non-existent sweat off his face. I gasped when I realized how close he was standing in front of me. He smells so amazing. Wait--- Do I sound like a creep? No? I cleared my throat and looked away when Baekhyun waved his hands in front of my face. 

"H-hey." I greeted, giving him a small smile. 

He looked at me up and down and chuckled as he stared lovingly into my eyes. "You look so beautiful. And pretty. And cute. And---" He said in an airy sigh.

I felt my insides fluttering. "---Shut up. Why do you look so shocked? Do I really look that horrible before?"

"No! Of course not. I was just, you're just... you look so..." He shook his head several times. "Oh god, I sound like a complete idiot."

I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "So you do realize that just now?" As soon as the words left my mouth, his eyes widened. I giggled. "Kidding. You look great, Baekhyunnie." I wiggled my eyebrows at him which made him look much flustered than he already was. "And black hair suits you much much better."


"Yeah." Okay, this is rare. Look at the school's hearthrob getting all shy.

"You... you called me Baekhyunnie." He blinked, nervously scratching the back of his neck. 

My mouth parted in an 'oh' expression. "I did. Is that... weird?"

"Of course no, I like it." He replied in a cute defensive way. A wide grin broke out on his face and he cocked his head to his side slightly after. "So, are you ready to go?"

I nodded in response. "Yeah." The scent of his cologne travelled straight up my nose and I almost forgot how to walk in heels, let alone walk at all.

"Let's go." 



This is it. I took a deep breath before braving myself to continue. "This is embarrasing but I think I have to tell you this."

"Tell me what?"

"Uhm.. uhh.. I.." I struggled to continue but I ended up failing. Aish! Why can't I say it properly? Three words, just three words, Eunji! "Just... I..." No, I can't do it, maybe next time. I tried to hide my face with the back of my hands. 


"Let's go."

"What is it?" Suddenly, I felt his hand caressing my cheekbone, and my face was gently lifted upwards. My eyes met once again with Baekhyun's soft ones. "Is this about you failing your Calculus exam? Don't worry, it's not your fault, I'll teach you again, okay?"


"Then, is it about that one time you secretly recorded me singing 'I Got A Boy' and uploaded it on SNS? I know, Eunji, I know and it's okay, at least I hit that high note well."


"That's not it? Then is it the---"

"---I like you." There, I said it, but only silence greeted me in response. Baekhyun showed no emotion other than blinking listlessly. My face was already red from the confession.

"Yeah, I hear that a lot---"

"Too much, that's the problem."

Baekhyun froze and his eyes widened. "Huh? I think I'm hearing things. Can you repeat it again? What is that you just said? Because I think I heard---"

"I-I love you." The words left my lips before I could do anything to stop them. 

"Well, that escalated quickly--- what? WHAT? Hey, can you pinch me--but not too hard alright-- now? I think my ears are playing games on me. Did you just... No, it's not because I definitely heard--" 

I didn’t think it was possible for me to blush any more than I was before. But I did, as red as a tomato and I reached forward to hold his shaking hands and gave him a nervous smile. "I love you, Baekhyun. You and your girly squeels, your eyeliner, your greasyness--no I hate it, but I kinda like it--" I didn't even realize that I was blabbing stupid things.

"Oh my god." He squeezed my hand back. "Eunji, I swear if this is a joke you better not---"

"Do I look like I'm joking? I'm about to die in embarassment here..."

"So... you love me?" He asked, grinning sheepishly. "You love me? Really?" 

I gripped the end of my dress in my fists. "Don't make me repeat it again. I already said it! I'll punch you if you make me repeat it one more time, really, this is so embarassing---" And the next thing happened so quickly. He held me close to his heart and locked me in harms. I could feel my heart explode from all the emotions that was trying to get out.

"I love you too."



The hall was all a flurry of elegance and festive decoration for the senior ball. The main entrance way greeted us with the warmth of glowing lights and the decorations were as beautiful as fantasy to me. Wow, Kibum and his crew did a great job with this event. Yeah, speaking of Kibum, how will he react if I tell him that---

"Eunji!" A girl yelled over the loud music. I turned around and saw Namjoo, the student council's secretary, walking towards me and Baekhyun. "You're here!"

"Hi, Namjoo." I replied enthusiastically.

"Thank God you're here! Problem solved." She darted her eyes towards my side. "Oh! Is he your date?" Namjoo wiggled her eyebrows at me. 

"Y-yeah." I blushed. 

"Hi, I'm Baekhyun." 

"Hi, I'm Namjoo. Wow, Eunji! He's cuter than Kibum, that annoying, grumpy kid."

Baekhyun smirked, smiling to himself. 

"Yah, shh! That grumpy kid might hear you." I chuckled and Namjoo pouted.

"Can you do something about him, Eunji? He's been really grumpy and cranky these past few days... I wonder why..."

"Ugh can you please stop talking about him." I heard Baekhyun mutter at my side. I ignored him and smiled at Namjoo.

"He's just tired and pressured. You know, if I were in his shoes I'd be like that too." I said with a grin that hadn't left my face since that evening. "And oh, what are you saying earlier? Problem solved? What problem?"

"We kind of need your help, Eunji."

"With what?"

"One of the performers called in sick, so we need someone to replace her. I know this is sudden but I heard you sing and you have a great voice... so yeah... can you help us?"

"What about the song?"

"Do you know 'Complete'? SNSD?"

"Oh, yeah." I breathed in relief. "I know that. I'll do it."

"Yes! Oh my! Thank you!" She jumped up and down happily. "Thank you!"

"Kim Namjoo what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the backstage?!" We heard a voice. It was Kibum, marching towards the poor girl in front of me. He walked in while shaking his head at Namjoo.

"Ugh! What did I do to deserve this?!" Namjoo stomped her feet after seeing Kibum. 

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Mr. President! Nothing!" She grumbled before whispering. "I swear I'll tell you to Kyungsoo."

"Go tell him, do I  look like I care?" Kibum spitted back. He didn't notice me and Baekhyun at first. I noticed that he looked so different from his school boy appearance, and he was finely groomed in his suit.

I chuckled as I felt Baekhyun nudging me and I looked up to see his examining eyes. "What?" I mumbled as I tilted my head innocently to the side.

He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyebrows. "Don't you think you're staring at him for too long?"

"That didn't even lasted for five seconds!"


I laughed, taking his hand and shaking it. "You look cute when you're jealous, Baekhyunnie." He was about to say something back when he was cut off by Kibum.


I could tell from his look of amazement that the very notion of me attending the ball was a surprise. "Hi, Kibum."

"You're here."

"Yeah, I decided to go."

"--with me." Baekhyun said.

"I see. You look dashing tonight." Kibum spoke in pure admiration, his eyes not leaving my face. 

"Thank you. You do, too." I heard Baekhyun huff and I tightened my hold on his hand.  "And good job with the senior ball, Mr. President."

"Thank you." He was about to hold my hand, but noticing it was in Baekhyun's, he faked a smile instead.  I noticed how his eyes flashed onto Baekhyun and then to me and then to our interwined fingers. His expression changed into pained one. He looked uncomfortable and he stepped back immediately. "Uh, we have lots to do tonight, I gotta go. Namjoo, let's go back."

"Excuse me uhmm, Eunji's replacing Taeyeon tonight, since she's sick and she told me she couldn't perform." Namjoo told him. "Eunji, we'll call you on the stage in a few minutes, okay? Since Taeyeon's the first performer. No need to go backstage."

I nodded. "Sure."

"Okay. Good luck, Eunji." Kibum whispered and I sensed sadness in his voice. "Let's go." He quietly said before leaving with Namjoo. 

I sighed while watching them walk away, Kibum walking slowly with slightly staggering steps. 

Baekhyun pushed the tangled hair out of my face.

"I feel bad." I murmured.

"Do you regret it?"


"Telling me you love me." He whispered back, looking into my eyes.


"... are you sure?"


"You don't regret it?"


"I knew you'd say that." Baekhyun replied, grinning. "Come here." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and I felt comfort as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Getting hurt is a part of life. People will let us down, and at one point, we will also let them down. In our life, we will experience these kinds of things, but thats how we learn, right? " After a moment, he pulled away, giving me a reassuring smile. "Now go. They're calling you."

I nodded with full understanding. "Thank you, Bacon."

"Baekhyunnie's much better."



"I'll go now." I winked at him before walking off to the stage.

The crowd went loud as I stepped on the center stage and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes when the music started playing. I let myself be surrounded by the music that was being played. And I felt it, wholeheartedly. 

As we pass by a fragrant road in this beautiful season
My cautious footsteps pound in my head
When you come closer while smiling for me
It feels like all the happiness in this world is mine.

I sang with my heart all throughout. I knew, without a doubt, that the audience felt the emotion of the song too.  

The late afternoon sun wakes me up
And I don't know why but I smile
Although it might still be far in the future
I don't want it to just be a dream
Just one love
I hope to walk the same road together with you

My heart overflowed with sincere bliss when I glanced over Baekhyun, and saw him flash me a heart sign using his hands. He was literally beaming, his face showing pure joy and his eyes glistening. He gave me a tiny wink that sent my gaze away and I pinked my cheeks when I realize that I'm starting to lose the beat of the song, all because of a wink. 

Although as time passes, we may change
Let's not let go of our hands
Just for love
Let's let this be our last love forever
I wish for that

Towards the end of the song, I happened to glance over at Kibum who was standing quietly on one side of the room and even though he's on the darker part, his teary eyes were still noticeable. He lifted his head up and looked at me directly in the eyes as if he knew that I was staring at him. He smiled and said something which I can tell just by reading the words from his lips. Good job.

Thank you.





* A/N: Sorry for the super late update and for throwing you guys an unedited and crappy one! I wrote this chapter in parts and it took me days just to finish it, since I've been really busy with university. I promise to update as much as I can. Anyway, thanks for subscribing and for the comments" I really do appreciate it! :3


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Chapter 9: It was just lovely , the way you wrote , the starting till the ending was beautiful
Chapter 9: This such a wonderful story..you are great writer..please write more
Chapter 9: Aw, this was just simply amazing. Nice and amusing, yet sad and bittersweet. Very well written, flowing so naturally, that I didn't even realize when I had reached the end. I especially like how the first and last chapter were linked - the vicious circle of one way love, when it starts with unrequited feelings and ends with them. Seriously, great job, dear author!
Chapter 8: This is so late, but I really like how you made everything realistic. You have a crush on someone that doesn't even know you exist and the minute you meet someone else, that's when they want you. Eunji was in the right place to move on and develop a relationship with Baekhyun and Key ended up standing in the place she was when he was with Arisa, it just made sense. Even though I'm sad that Key was heartbroken, I'm glad he respected her happiness and decided to move on.
i hope you'll write another Baekji story in the future {}
Chapter 9: I'm happy with eunji and baekhyun, but I don't know, it's really sad too seeing kibum hurt like that T^T anyway, thank you so much for a great story author-nim!! I'm gonna miss this story :')
Chapter 9: aaaaaaaaa~~~ this story complete already. i know, i supposed to be happy because Eunji ended with Baekhyun. but... how about Key? :(
he deserve happiness too.
Chapter 8: please update this story author-nim..... miss them SO MUCH. i don't care whether it'll be Baekji or Keyji in the end. this story is really great and i'll be glad if u can make an update. FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 8: Awwww baekji!!!! But I don't ship them in real life. I support Baekyeon all the way! But still this story is so good!! Can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 8: wooooooo ur killing me author-niiiimmmm XD I don't know why but I kinda fluttered and dugeun dugeun when I read this, gosh, it seems ur stories still have some effects to me