One Way Love


After a full week of intense practice and days of being so nervous that I couldn't even eat, it was time for the school musical. I will be singing 'I Love You I Do' by Jennifer Hudson for my last act. A minute before the curtains up, I ran on the dimmed stage and waited for my music. 

My stomach is tied in knots but I wouldn't trade this moment for anything. I shut my eyes feeling my heart beat at million miles per hour. I took in a long breath and let it out slowly. I felt so excited, scared and a bit of a sick feeling. Am I ready? I guess it's too late to ask that question.

I began to sing. 


I never met a man quite like you

Doing all he can, making my dreams come true

You're strong and you're smart, you've taken my heart

And I'll give you the rest of me too

You're the perfect man for me, I love you, I do

Mmm, I love ya


I saw my friends on the crowd. Smiles were stretched across their faces hearing my voice ring out across the hall. I flashed a smile on their way and waved at them before I continued to sing.


I never ever felt quite like this

Good about myself from my very first kiss

I'm here when you call, you've got it all

And confidence like I never knew

You're the perfect man for me, I love you, I do


I looked out to the crowd again and saw Baekhyun on the front row, waving towards me. His eyes were shining as he sang along with me. "That's my Eunji!" He shouted. 

It was a cold night but my body felt warm from jumping around on stage. I felt strangely... alive.


You've got the charm, you simply disarm me every time

As long as you drive I'm along for the ride your way

You said it before, there won't be a door that's closed to us

I'm putting all my trust in you 'cause you, you'll always be true, oh!


Soon enough, the song was over.

I opened my eyes when the music stopped. I saw everyone with a look of awe on their faces and they were just clapping. I glanced over at Baekhyun and saw that he had the same look as everyone else. He saw me looking and smiled widely as he made a heart shaped sign. That smile faltered, however, at the same time when I felt Sunggyu, my partner, get on stage and put his hand on my shoulder. Breaking my eye contact with Baekhyun, I turned to see Sunggyu smiling widely at me.

"We made it!" Sunggyu whispered.

I was still too dazed to say anything. I bowed and made my way off stage. I went to the technical area and handed my mic over before heading straight to the dressing room. 

It took me a few seconds before realizing that someone was waiting at the doorway.

That person made his way towards me, looking handsome, as always. He stopped when he was a meter away from me. I can clearly see tears begin to sparkle in his eyes as he smiled. 

I smiled back slightly when I realized that, I miss him. I miss Kibum, my bestfriend.

"You are--it was perfect.. you're perfect..." 

I braved a look into his face. His hand reached over and brushed away some hair that had gotten into my eyes. I just stared stupidly at him, being unable to say anything coherent. "Y-you w..watched?" 

"Of course. I was there... on the farthest corner of the stage. I didn't want to distract you."

I took a deep breath. "Thank you." I didn't know what else to say. We stood there, in the loudest silence I've ever experienced. I could see in his eyes that he was ashamed, embarrased, scared even.

"Uhm... if you have nothing else to say, I need to go."

"No, no. Wait." He pleaded, taking my shaky hands. 

Again, I tried to leave and Kibum took both of my hands and held them right against his chest, making sure we had eye contact.

"H-hey..." I stammered. 

Still holding my hand, he took me by surprise by pulling me into a tight hug. 

"Eunji... I'm sorry for being so stupid... I miss you so much... sorry." He took a breath and plunged on. "Do... you hate me? Please... don't... because I don't want you to hate me. Because..." He looked at me with a strange look on his face, like he was struggling to find the right words to say or trying to figure something out about me or something. I don't know. "I think... I... I--"


He was interrupted by a noise. I broke from his hug and looked over to see Sunggyu at my back, smiling brightly.

"Yes, Sunggyu oppa?"

"Would you like to come with us? To celebrate, you know."


Kibum suddenly drapped his arms over my shoulders."She's going with me." He said in a low voice.

"Oh... okay." Sunggyu said, refusing to look over at Kibum. "Eunji, text oppa when you're home, okay? Bye."

"I will. Bye."

I blinked a few times, before settling on looking intently at Kibum, whose arms were still around my shoulder. 

"Why, Eunji? What's the problem?"

"You and your arm." I responded, shortly, and ducked away from him.

"I always do that, though." He said in an extremely casual voice.

I continued stared blankly at him until he sighed. 

"Eunji... since when did you start calling Sunggyu... oppa? You don't even call me that! And... and... do you always text him? Like, everytime?"

"I don't have to answer that..."

"Answer me."

"Why do you care?" I snapped at him.

He was strangely anxious as he said, "I care! Because I... I..."


Kibum grabbed my hands again and entangled his fingers with mine in a way that made my chest jolt. "Eunji..." He said in an exasperated tone. He glanced at our interwined fingers before letting out an audible sigh, and closed his eyes for a moment. "... I like you, no-- I think I'm in love with you..."

I froze in a moment, shocked to even say something.

"Say something..."

"Playing with my heart must be fun, huh? Kibum... stop." I bite out, after being finally able to pull away from his grasp. "You don't have to say that just because of what I told you." I smiled bitterly.

"I mean it. I know you won't believe it...I know after all what happened... but I'm here, taking the chance and telling you what I really feel. After breaking up with Arisa, after everything that happened in the music room, after seeing you distance yourself away from me, I realized... it was you all along. I guess you can’t appreciate what you really have until they are gone... It took me so long. I'm so stupid... sorry."

My head wanted to be away from the him as soon as possible but a part of me is insisting me to do the opposite.

"I took me a while to realize that I have loved you all along." 

"I don't know, Kibum, I don't know anymore--" I froze again when I catch a glimpse of a figure standing a few meters away from us. "Baekhyun?"

"O-oh... Eunji, Kibum, sorry! Don't mind me... I just happened to pass by... again." Baekhyun nervously stuttered and walked away with quick steps. "I'm going!"

"Wait, Baekhyun!" I shouted out getting his attention. He must've heard everything. I don't understand myself... staring at his back view, why do I feel... bad? 

"Hey! Baek--"

"Eunji.." Kibum stopped me.

"I'll talk to him first, excuse me." I sighed, and ran after Baekhyun. What am I doing? Why?

I increased my running speed when I saw Baekhyun running towards the school garden. The gap between us decreased and soon, I was right behind him. He turned around and saw me---and started running faster. Our feet pounded against the concrete road in perfect harmony. Both of us were panting and I gulped down my dry saliva.

“Hey!” I yelled in between pants. I grabbed at my heart and collapsed, using my hands to brace my fall.

Baekhyun skidded to a stop and spun around. He gasped and ran back towards me. “Eunji!” He knelt down and pulled me into his arms. “Who told you to run after me?!” He snapped before leading me to a nearby bench to examine my scrapes. 

I grabbed his arm. “Gotcha.” 

He stared at me in disbelief, his mouth gaping. He rolled his eyes and dropped my arm.

“Yah! Why are you acting like this? I don't understand you...” I muttered. I looked at him and watched as he bit his lip. "Why are you running away?"

"Why did you ran after me too?" I heard him mumble something I don't understand.

"What did you say?"


"Well?" I asked Baekhyun again, desperately wanting an answer. "Why did you ran away?"

He took a few deep breaths before answering. "I wanted to give you Kibum you a time to talk. So I guess, you have already... sorted things out? I heard he c-confessed. Congratulations, Eunji... you must be so happy to hear that. I mean, you... waited for so long right? You must be happy. I just hope he won't hurt you again... because if he does, I'll definitely---"

I pinched his ears. "You nosy thing! And you tell me you just happened to pass by, huh? You!"

"Awww! Let go! It hurts!"

I hit his shoulder with my palm, although there isn’t much force in it.

I sighed. "I don't know what to feel, honestly. I know I should be happy, but... I'm not. The feeling is nowhere near that... I don't understand myself. I mean, I have wanted so hard to hear those words from him..."

"What did you tell him? What's your answer?" Baekhyun asked me quietly, his eyes never leaving my face.

"How can I tell him anything when I ran after you? Aish, so stupid!" Damn. Why did I say it like that? 

"Well, obviously, you chose me over him." He replied, and I could hear a smile on his voice. He let out a light laugh. "I knew it! You always had a thing for me, right? Baekhyun vs. Kibum, Baekhyun wins!"

"You're so cocky, you know?"

Silence. We sat there at the school bench staring up at the stars. Baekhyun started humming a tune of some song. 

"Do you know that song?" He asked me.

"I'm quite familiar with the tune. I don't know it's title though."

"Don't go."


"It's the title." 

With that, he closed the gap between us and forced my head to rest on his shoulder.

"Yah, what are you doing?" I jerked my head back instantly.

"I know you're tired. Just rest a bit and don't move." He leaned my head again into his shoulder. I didn't fight back as I felt myself getting drowsier; it has been a long day. I couldn't help but let out a yawn.

"Do you want me to take you back in?"

"Uhhh... no." I felt a strange feeling. It's like... I wanted to stay like this? 

"Good." He cut me off and chuckled afterwards. "Let's stay like this... for a while."

He began to hum the song again. I found myself starting to smile like an idiot that I am. I absentmindedly put my hand over my chest to where my heart was. It was beating fast and I could feel it.



A/N: Keyji or Baekji?


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Chapter 9: It was just lovely , the way you wrote , the starting till the ending was beautiful
Chapter 9: This such a wonderful story..you are great writer..please write more
Chapter 9: Aw, this was just simply amazing. Nice and amusing, yet sad and bittersweet. Very well written, flowing so naturally, that I didn't even realize when I had reached the end. I especially like how the first and last chapter were linked - the vicious circle of one way love, when it starts with unrequited feelings and ends with them. Seriously, great job, dear author!
Chapter 8: This is so late, but I really like how you made everything realistic. You have a crush on someone that doesn't even know you exist and the minute you meet someone else, that's when they want you. Eunji was in the right place to move on and develop a relationship with Baekhyun and Key ended up standing in the place she was when he was with Arisa, it just made sense. Even though I'm sad that Key was heartbroken, I'm glad he respected her happiness and decided to move on.
i hope you'll write another Baekji story in the future {}
Chapter 9: I'm happy with eunji and baekhyun, but I don't know, it's really sad too seeing kibum hurt like that T^T anyway, thank you so much for a great story author-nim!! I'm gonna miss this story :')
Chapter 9: aaaaaaaaa~~~ this story complete already. i know, i supposed to be happy because Eunji ended with Baekhyun. but... how about Key? :(
he deserve happiness too.
Chapter 8: please update this story author-nim..... miss them SO MUCH. i don't care whether it'll be Baekji or Keyji in the end. this story is really great and i'll be glad if u can make an update. FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 8: Awwww baekji!!!! But I don't ship them in real life. I support Baekyeon all the way! But still this story is so good!! Can't wait for the next update ^^
Chapter 8: wooooooo ur killing me author-niiiimmmm XD I don't know why but I kinda fluttered and dugeun dugeun when I read this, gosh, it seems ur stories still have some effects to me