The Gift

Young Girl Meets Love

“Yuri unnie!” Seohyun ran towards Yuri who is busy watching a movie.

“Wo – woah! What are you doing here?”

“I’m back” Yuri’s mother said.

“Umma, what is this little girl doing here?”

“I stopped by at your auntie’s house and Joohyun asked if she can come over”

“Yuri unnie!” Seohyun glared at Yuri.

“I’ll just be at the kitchen, Yuri”

“Ne, umma”

“Yuri unnie!” Seohyun glared at Yuri again.

“You know what? Let’s go to my room. Umma, we’ll just be in my room”

“Arasso. I’ll just call the two of you when lunch is ready”

The two went upstairs and went inside Yuri’s room.

“So why did you come here, Hyunnie?”

“Unnie, why did you give my number to Yoona unnie?”

“She needed it. She doesn’t know any ways to contact you except through me”

“That’s makes sense” Seohyun admitted defeat.

“Is that why you are upset?”

“That’s not the only one?”

“Then what is the other one?”

“I don’t know what I should give to her”


“Present! Gift!”

“What’s the problem with that? Haven’t you given anyone presents for their birthday?”

“I did unnie but this is different” Yuri smiled slyly at Seohyun

“And why is Yoong’s gift different?”

“O – Of course her gift will be different because she – she’s older than me. She’s 10 years older than me and I don’t know what she likes. It'll be a little embrassing if I gave her something childish”

“Oh, hmmm…that makes sense”

“I to-told you there’s nothing else behind it”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll believe you now. So, you’re here to ask my help?” Seohyun nodded. “Hmmm…okay but in one condition”

“What is it?”

“You’re going to buy my share of the gift” Seohyun hit Yuri’s shoulder. “Hahaha! I’m just kidding”


“Okay. Okay. After we eat lunch, we will go to the shopping district”

“Really?” Yuri nodded.

“Wait, you have your money, right?”

“Of course. I have my savings plus umma gave me some” Yuri heaved a sigh.

“I wish I’m young again so that I can just easily ask for money”

“I wish I’m already at your age unnie so that I can do things easily”

“Tsk. Don’t say that, Hyunnie. Being a kid is the best part of life, for me.”

“Joohyun ah, Yuri ah, lunch is ready”

“Oh, lunch is already ready. Come on, Hyunnie. Let’s go down”


After eating their lunch, Yuri and Seohyun went to the shopping district.

“You know, it’s a good thing that we arrived here at this time. There are not a lot people” Yuri said. “So, what kind of gift do you want to give Yoong?”

“What does she like, unnie?”

“Her likes? Hmmm…well she’s not a picky person and she accepts anything is good”

“You’re making it harder for me unnie”

“Eh? Really? Let’s see….Hmmm…Okay. I’ll ask you something”

“What is it unnie?”

“When you think of Yoong, what is the first thing that pops in your mind?”

“Savior…” Seohyun muttered under her breath.

“Huh? What did you say, Hyunnie?”

“I already know what to give her unnie”

“Really?” Seohyun nodded happily.

“Come one unnie”

“Where are we going, Hyunnie?”

“I know a store where I can buy the thing that I’m going to give”

“Can’t you at least tell me the name of the store?”

“I forgot the name unnie but I know its location." They started running with Seohyun dragging Yuri.

"Ah, there it is” Before Yuri could read the name of the store, Seohyun already dragged her inside.

*pant pant*

“That was tiring, Hyunnie”



“Stay here. Don’t follow me”


“I don’t want you to know what my gift is” Before Yuri could protest again, Seohyun already left and started searching for the thing that will be her gift.

“That little girl, it’s the first time that she will keep something from me”


“My little cousin is already growing up, huh?”

Five minutes has passed and Yuri could already see Seohyun walking towards her with a box that is nicely wrapped and has a ribbon. The former smiled at the cute scene before her.

“Now, that is a cute wrapping”

“I picked it” They went out of the store. Before Yuri could look up to look at signage, Seohyun stopped her by dragging her again.

“Yah Seo Joohyun, why did you keep on dragging me?”

“I don’t want you to know the name of the store”

“Huh? Why?”

“I just don’t want you to” Seohyun looked at the side and pouted.

“I – “


“How can I resist that pout of yours? Alright, I won’t insist on knowing the name of that store”

“Also you can’t go back there”

“Eh?!” Seohyun looked at Yuri with pleading eyes. The latter just sighed in defeat again.

“Arasso. Arasso. Now, come on” They started walking home. “Hyunnie”

“Ne, unnie?”

“Are going to stay at the house or you’re going home already?”

“Home. Wait, you’re not coming with me unnie?”

“I’ll come with of course because auntie and umma will get mad at me if I don’t let you come home safely”

“Yo Yul, Seohyun” A familiar voice called the two from afar.

“I – its Yoona unnie! Unnie, quick hide me”


“Yo Yul”

“He – hey Yoong”

“Oh, where’s Seohyun? I saw her earlier”


“Oh there you are Seohyun” Seohyun who just slightly peek was seen by Yoona. The former quickly hid again and drag Yuri in front of her.

“Uh, why are you hiding, Seohyun?”

“She – She’s hiding because she doesn’t want you to see her?”

“Huh? Why?”

“I – Uh, what I mean is she has some sort of skin irritation right now and she doesn’t want anyone to see her”

“I see but I don’t mind.” Yoona tried to approach Seohyun again but the latter drag Yuri again to block Yoona.

“She – she really doesn’t want anyone to see her” Yoona smiled in defeat.

“Alright but Seohyun, I will expect on my birthday party, okay?”

“O – Okay, Yoona unnie” Seohyun answered.

“Well, I better go now. I’m still running errands for my father. Bye” When Yoona was already out the sight, Seohyun came out of her hiding place – the back of Yuri.

“That was a close” Seohyun said.

“You know Hyunnie, you didn’t need to hide. We could’ve made up an excuse. Yoona wouldn’t expect that the gift your holding is for her right?” Yuri smiled teasingly. "She would think that that is for another person"

“I – I panicked when I heard Yoona unnie’s voice. I’m sorry, unnie”

“Don’t apologize. It’s alright. Now, come on. Let’s get you home and play like what I promised you”

“Really?” Yuri nodded. “Yay!”

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Chapter 7: for the special gift & the last gift, yoong so protective
Chapter 7: yoona is sure protective with hyunnie
Chapter 1: Aww! The pRologed is kinda sweet. . I really love y0onhyun. . Keke.
Chapter 6: seori~ i love them as well. but they are cousins here. keke
Chapter 5: cute yoonhyun. awww...
pre0611 #6
Chapter 5: damn this story is so cute hahaha, can't help but to smile whenever i read the updates
yoongielovesme #7
Chapter 5: Aw. Cute~~ Young love indeed. ^^
yoongie23 #8
Chapter 3: Yoonhyun sooo cute !!! Update soon !!!