The Ice Princess

Young Girl Meets Love

3 months has passed since the graduation of Yoona and Yuri. The two are reviewing for their entrance exams in different universities while Seohyun started another school year as a fourth grader.

One Monday morning, Yoona and Yuri decided to go to a nearby library and study.

“Yul” Yoona called Yuri who is busy writing notes.

“Hmm?” Yuri responded but didn’t look at Yoona.






“Just say what you want to say. I’m listening”

“Stop writing, will you?”


“Yul” Yuri dropped her pen and sigh in defeat.


“Okay. Now, you have my full attention”

“I have good news for you”

“Good news? You better tell me real good news or I will hit you with this book” Yoona looked at the book. It is an old and thick book.

“This is real good news. Well for you”

“Okay. Spill it”

“Do you remember my cousin?” Yuri’s ears twitched.


“Oh c’mon, Yul. Stop pretending that you don’t who I am talking about because I know there is only one who popped in your mind when I said ‘my cousin’ “

“Okay. What about Jessica?” Yoona smiled widely. “What? Don’t just smile there”

“Before I continue, I just want to know something”

“What is it?”

“Do you like to see her again?” Yuri suddenly became flustered.

“I – If there would be a chance, o – of course, why not? We were only 10 years old when I first met her.” Yuri said while avoiding looking Yoona’s gaze.

“Of course, you know that my birthday is approaching, right?” Yuri nodded.

“What about it?”

“She has a special gift for me”

“And what is that special gift?”

“Well, that I also don’t know” Yoona ended their conversation and started reading.

“Im Yoona!” Yuri shouted and all the people inside the library looked at them. The librarian came and gave Yuri a warning. Yoona silently laughed at her best friend’s mishap. “You” Yuri angrily stared at Yoona.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Calm down. I’ll tell what it is. She’s visiting” Yuri’s mood suddenly changed

“Huh? Visiting? You mean?” Yuri asked while pointing downwards. Yoona nodded in response with a smile. “When?”







“N? O? W? N.O.W….N.O.W….Now….Now….No – NOW!?” Yuri slightly raised her voice.

“Actually, I’m going to the airport at….hmmm…right now. Bye” Yoona stood up and was about to walk but Yuri stopped her. Yuri didn’t say anything but just look at her.


“….” Yoona can’t help but smiled at her best friend.

“Alright, alright, you can come with me”



It’s been 10 minutes already since the duo arrived at the airport.

“So that is why uncle let you drive his car today.” Yoona nodded. “Yoong”


“Why didn’t you tell me that your cousin is coming?”

“I did tell you, didn’t I? A while ago?”

“Okay, let me rephrase that. Why did you just tell me that your cousin is coming?”

“Because I know that if I had tell you beforehand you will become like a lovesick puppy that would always bug me about her”

“Who’s the lovesick puppy?”

“The person on my right” Yuri looked at Yoona and realized that she is the person on the latter’s right.

“Yah! I am not!”

“Yes you are my friend”

“No, I’m not”

“Yes you are Kwon Yul. Stop denying it”

“No, I am no – “ Yoona covered Yuri’s mouth.

“Shh…I think I saw her already” Yuri removed Yoona’s hand.

“Really? Where? Where?”

“Can you see that blonde who is wearing sunglasses?”

“Is that her?”

“That is………not her” Yuri slapped Yoona’s arm.

“Quit kidding around”

“Hahaha! Just wanted to tease you”

“Stop it. I don’t even know if she remembers me.”

“Well, you can’t blame her. Just like what you said, we’re only 10 years old back then. But I know that you’re friends in facebook”

“You know that she seldom goes online”

“It doesn’t make any difference because I know that you don’t have the guts and courage to chat with her”

“You really know me, huh?”

“Of course”

“Yoona!” A soft high-pitch voice called Yoona. The duo looked at the source of the voice and saw a brunette who is wearing sunglasses walking towards them.

“Jessica?” The girl removed her sunglasses and smiled at Yoona. “It really is you” Yoona hugged her cousin.

“Long time no see, Yoona”

“Indeed, it’s been a long time”

“Ah oh yeah, I want you to meet someone” Yoona dragged Yuri closer to them. “This is Yuri. You remember her?” Jessica’s facial expression suddenly changed

“H – Hi” Yuri greeted Jessica.

“Where’s the car, Yoona”

“Huh? Oh, it’s still in the parking lot. Wait here, I’ll go get it”

Yoona left Yuri and Jessica. There’s an awkward – slash – cold atmosphere surrounding them. Yuri is fidgeting and keeps on looking at things except for Jessica while the latter is just silently waiting for Yoona.


“I’ll help you with your luggage”

 ”No need. I can handle this myself”

“Ah...Al – alright.” Jessica put her luggage on the car and went inside.

“Yah, Kwon Yul, did you do something to her?” Yoona asked Yuri.

“Nothing. You know that we just met again”

“Why is she cold to you?”

“Like hell, I know”

“You know what? Let’s go already before she becomes impatient”

The duo entered the car and left the airport.


The three went to a restaurant to let Jessica rest and eat lunch. While eating, Yuri was awfully quiet. The cousins are catching up to each other.


Wae neon ajikdo mitji mothae? Jinjja! Bimireul allyeojullge~

“Whose phone is ringing?” Jessica asked.

“Oh, it’s mine. Excuse me.” Yuri excused herself to accept the call.



“Do you remember, Yuri?”

“Your friend?” Yoona nodded. “Sort of”

“Sort of only?” Jessica nodded.

“Um, sorry but I need to go now” Yuri who just came back, apologized to the two.

“Something came up, Yul?”

“I need to fetch Hyunnie at her school. The school dismissed them earlier because of an emergency. Auntie is still at work so she asked me if I can fetch Hyunnie”

“Oh, I see”

“I’ll just leave my share”

“Oh, don’t bother anymore, Yul. It’s my treat.”

“Okay. Thank you. Uh, I’ll get going now. Nice to meet you Jessica”

Yuri grabbed her things and went out of the restaurant.

“Okay, I won’t pest you about your problem with Yuri but please treat her nicely”

“I’ll try. Let’s go, Yoona. I want to have some nap. I still have jet lag”



“Hyunnie!” Yuri waved at the school’s gate to gain the little girl’s attention.

“Yuri unnie” Seohyun ran towards Yuri.

“Hey little princess, how’s school?”

“It’s fine”

“Umma is still at work?”

“Yes and that is why I’m the one who fetched you. Hyunnie”

“Yes, unnie?”

“I have a question”

“What is it unnie?”

“Does unnie look like bad person?”

“No, unnie. Why did you ask?”

“Well there is a person who is being cold to unnie but I didn’t know what I did to that person to make that person treat me coldly”

“Maybe you need to recall really hard unnie if you really didn’t do anything bad”

“That is the problem, Hyunnie. It’s been 10 years since I’ve seen that person and we just met again earlier”

“Hmm…Your problem is too complicated, unnie”

“Yeah, I know”


“Come on, Hyunnie. Let’s drop by to an ice cream store. I’ll treat you”

“Really? Yay!”

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Chapter 7: for the special gift & the last gift, yoong so protective
Chapter 7: yoona is sure protective with hyunnie
Chapter 1: Aww! The pRologed is kinda sweet. . I really love y0onhyun. . Keke.
Chapter 6: seori~ i love them as well. but they are cousins here. keke
Chapter 5: cute yoonhyun. awww...
pre0611 #6
Chapter 5: damn this story is so cute hahaha, can't help but to smile whenever i read the updates
yoongielovesme #7
Chapter 5: Aw. Cute~~ Young love indeed. ^^
yoongie23 #8
Chapter 3: Yoonhyun sooo cute !!! Update soon !!!