She's not the 'Black haired '

Black Pearl

Previously, on 'Black Pearl',

"Why didn't you call for help?" Kai asked me.

"Why didn't you let me get stabbed!?" I said as tears fell.

....."BWOH?"...........Kai asked in shock



   "I said... Why didn't you let me get stabbed? You see the way the they treat me! Let me be! If they want me dead, then let it be!"  I said.

"That's them. Who's to say they're any better than you are?"

"The whole school is against me... No friends, no family, equals to the question 'why live?'. You don't understand."

"We love you..?" His saying came out more as a question.

"Who's we?" I asked

   "You didn't think I'd come to school alone, did you?" Kai gave me a bright smile and moved to the side. Around the corner, EXO came out. They walked up to me and Kai. and that's when the attack of the hugs came.

"Hello again!" Luhan childishly hugged me from behind.

"Yah! Share her!" Xiumin said as he took my hand and pulled me way from Luhan.


This is how they make it better?

I have a feeling things are about to gwet worse.


   Xiumin and Baekhyun are in my class and sat on either side of me so I was 'Protected'. Girls came into the classroom and were blushing, giggling and fangirling around Xiumin and Baekhyun. Their eyes would move to me and they'd give me dirty looks.

"Hey, are you okay?" Baekhyun nudged me with his elbow.

"Yeah.. I-I'm fine. How do you cope with all this staring?" I asked.

"You get used to it." He smirked. I chuckled and shook my head.


   "OMG! Black haired can actually smile? I never knew that!" Ji Ho said i that hight pitched, try hard "cutie" voice. Everyone in the class was murmuring and laughing.

"It's because you don;t know me." I said playing with my pen.. OMO.. Did I JUST talk back?..... !!!

"Ooh~ What a comeback. I'll show you what a comeback is." She came up to me with a pocket knife but Xiumin and Baekhyun stood up and put thir arms in front of me, making a cross formation; protecting me.


   "If you're going to hurt her, you're gonna have to go through US first." Xiumin said sternly.

"Xiumin Oppa!! You're so funny!" Jin Ho laughed as Xiumin's face was firm.

"Oh.. You're actually serious? You're standing up, for black haired ?"


Oh...This is not gonna go well.....


"She's not a 'black haired '. YOU are." Baekhyun reflected. Everyone in the class ooh-ed at Jin Ho.

" I have the best dyed black hair in this school. I even have extensions!" Wow_ It makes you sound SO environmentally friendly!

"So? SooYoung is natural beauty. Her hair is naturally black, wavy and long. She's not 'Black haired '. She's beautiful black pearl." Xiumin explained.

I swear.. I stopped breathing. No one has EVER called me beautiful or referred to me as a black pearl.

Ji Ho scoffed and sat back in her seat; defeated with no remarks or comebacks. As the teacher walked in, Xiumin and Baekhyun sat back down to my side.

"Kamsahamnida..." I whispered.

~ ~ ~

   After class all of EXO and I met up to go to the cafeteria and have lunch.

   "I-I'm not hungry_" I said as we were about to the cafeteria.

"But you have to eat. The doctor said so. You've lost so much blood and if you don;t eat, you'll lose MORE energy." Suho explained.

"I'm fine. Trust me. I'm gonna go for a walk before school comes out to play." I said as I turned and started walking.

"Wait!!" Xiumin shouted. I turned around. "I'll come too." I was about to say something when he put his finger to my lip. "No buts!" I nodded as he walked along with me as the rest of EXO went to have lunch.



   "Thanks for what you did in class." I thanked.

"No worries. Me and the rest of EXO beleive that we should protect you after that horrid incident so... We came to your school." he explained "Can I ask?.. Why do you let them walk all over you like that? I mean, Ji Ho pulled a knife to you and you didn't even try to run."

"I've been trying yo let people kill me if they wanted too. I couldn't care less. I don't have anything to live for anyways. Plus, if I die, I'll get to see my parents." I replied as we walked along the borber of the soccer field, but all of a sudden he stopped.

"Can you promise me something?" Xiumin asked. I know it wasn't going to be something I didn't WANT to do but... I nodded. He softly took both of my hands and held them between his, keeping them warm and toasty from the cold.

"Promise me... You won't let people make you feel insecure, you won't let people control you, and you won't commint suicide." He said looking into my eyes. His gaze is amazing. Even though his eyes are small, his eyes sparkle and you couldn't compare them to stars.

   "I-I...I-I promise_" I quivered as I knew I couldn't keep it. Xiumin smiled.

"You have to remeber that you're not a black haired . Don't let that name ring in your head." He said. He pulled my hands close to his chest pulling me in as well. As he was a bit taller than me ((A/N: hahahahahaa! Then you'd be REALLY short considering Xiumin's height! XD)) he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"In this secret place you're.... My beautiful black pearl.." He softly sang in my ear. He pulled away and kissed me on the cheek, making me a shade pink.

   "Shall we go eat?" He asked. I know I didn't want to since all the people that hate me eat in the cafeteria but.. As long as Xiumin will be there, I'll feel safe And the rest of EXO.

 I nodded as we went to go eat.




I am soo sorry about the reeaaaaaalllllyyyyy long wait..

I was soo cought up in my exams for school and then summer started and I came to North Carolina where all my family is to visit them.

 So I have been going non-stop but this is the first time I had time to even be on the computer (I promise)

But I hope this made up for the really long wait.


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