Back to Hell

Black Pearl

~ Next Day ~

Yay................... I get to face hell again.

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I got to school to be greeted by two shoves by elbows, leavingmy rib cage in pain. Next came a skater boy. He skated past me with a knife and lefts cuts in my left arm. Blood dripped everywhere and I was on my way to the nurses office when HE blocked my way.

"LOOK! It's the black haired !" James cried out; causing a scene. "How was last weeks run? Did you get home this time?" He asked in a babyish voice. I stayed silent and tried to walk past him but he didn't budge. "Were do you think you're going? To the nurses office to fix those cuts?" Everyone in the corridor watching were laughing and pointing at me. "You know what? The nurse can't fix everything.." James smirked as he pulled out a knife. It looked like he was about to jab my stomach with it so I shut my eyes and... Didn't get stabbed..

I slowly opened my eyes to see another hand clutched to James' wrist; Preventing the stab from happening. I looked at the person and it was KAI!!


Kai pushed James away from me.

"Stay away from Sooyoung.." Kai said to James.

"Oh yeah? Who's going to make me? You? The GAY guy from exo? Please!" James smirked and chuckled. I could see Kai's fists bundled into a tight ball. He took aim and ounched James, knocking him out. Everyone gasped and ran away As they all did, James came to, got up and ran too; scared of Kai.


Kai turned to me and felt my stomach. "No cuts? Stabs? Bruise?" He asked in panic. I shook my head. "Why didn't you call for help?"

"Why didn't you just let me get stabbed....?" I said as tears fell.


..............................."BWOH?............." Kai said in shock.

Sorry this update took so long. (This is just a filler chapter)

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