Part 5


Bonds Part 5

The confession was too soon and instinctively, to safe itself, your body moved on its own and shoved Zelo hard away from you. As soon as your eyes met his, you immediately regretted you looked up. There was pain, shock and a bit of self-doubt in his eyes before they turned cold.
He watched you through half closed eyes.

I love you. Is this what you want to hear?“ he asked you mockingly and you blushed because yes, you kind of expected that… but those words from him were impossible, right?
He scoffed and smirked condescendingly. 
„I knew you liked it. What I did to you in your room. You’re almost begging to be touched,“ his voice lowered and lust glanced in his dark eyes, „after all… you’re nothing but a useless human . Be glad that at least I give you this attention.“


When you slapped him his head followed the direction and he stretched his jaw – his eyes were shut. Your breath was heavy and your heart hammered against your chest – filling you with anger, adrenaline, power and entirely sadness..
„ you! Just because you spared my life back then in this alley it doesn’t mean I owe you something and you can do to me the you want! I didn’t expect those words from something like you because you can’t love and you’ll never experience love because you’re a freaking 
monster!“ In your rage you didn’t notice the change in his eyes. „And don’t ever touch me again!“
You stormed out but the tight grip of his hand on your wrist and his sudden crazy but also desperate laugh stopped you. 
„So what?! What could someone like you do against me?!“ he exploded.
You reacted too quickly and too impulsive.
The knife on your cupboard was perfect to reach and your body ignored the voice of your mind that clearly screamed „No!“ when you rammed the knife in his chest.
Zelo’s eyes widened in surprise and he looked at first down than at you before he collapsed and your kitchen floor was colored by red blood. Disbelievingly, you stared down at him, not able to breather properly as the pool of blood became bigger and bigger. Zelo’s eyes were closed and he shivered slightly but the rest of his body didn’t move.

The only question that repeated in your mind was: What had you done?
Why did you stab him?
Helplessly, you fell on your knees and tried to get a hold of his cold hands.
„Hey, hey…,“ you shook his hands. „Stand up. Stand up, babo-yah,“ you murmured but Zelo didn’t move.
And again:

What had you done?


The days went on and you though you were about to completely lose your mind. Zelo became paler day by day and you visited him every time after your courses. The majority of the time you weren’t concentrating on what the professor said. Your mind always drifted away to the red-haired boy who was lying in your bed. You looked after him and tried to figure out what could help him or at least bring him back to consciousness. But nothing happened, not even when you punched his chest and yelled at him he better wake up immediately. But he didn’t move and didn’t open his eyes as if he told you in his own stubborn way „ off.“

Why were you even so desperate to see him again? You should be happy because now you could live on like before. Still, your heart cracked every day a little more without him. Why did you feel like you missed someone very important? Zelo wasn’t someone you should miss. And still on your way back home you only thought about him.

And then it hit you.

It hit you so unprepared that your head went dizzy and you had to stop walking. Then you stormed as fast as you could to your apartment. You threw your backpack somewhere in the floor and hurried to the kitchen, grabbing a knife before you returned to Zelo. Without thinking twice you cut your wrist and placed the injured part above Zelo’s lips. Blood dropped on them and slowly slipped in his mouth.
„Come on,“ you whispered, „open your eyes.“
And when he did, the crimson color of them made you flinch back but Zelo quickly grabbed your wrist and pressed it against his mouth; on your skin and drinking your blood. You hissed in pain but didn’t say anything – too big was the happiness of seeing him moving again. He let go of your wrist and placed a hand behind your neck to fist your hair and pull you against him. Your chest was pressed against his and you knew he could feel how hard your heart beat. Zelo nuzzled his nose in the crook of your neck and took a deep breath – inhaling all your scent. 
„Your last chance to stop me,“ he growled hot against your skin, „because I won’t be able to control myself anymore.“
Without hesitation your nodded and slipped your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck. „It’s okay,“ your bodies molded perfectly together, „I’d rather die than spend another day without you by my side.“

And that was it.
He sank his teeth in your and took one of your hands to remove it from his neck, only to intertwine your fingers together. He bend over, making your back arching and pressing your chest harder against his.
You didn’t care that he handled you rougher than the last times and that your whole body screamed in pain. You were with Zelo and that was the only thing that mattered until your eyes became heavy and darkness embraced you.


When your consciousness came back you could heard quiet, soft sobs beside you. Was someone crying?
Slowly, you opened your eyes and noticed Zelo sat beside you, his cheeks wet from his tears. He looked like a broken angel and you felt broken, too.
„Zelo…,“ you tried to reach out to him and he immediately took your hand.
„I’m sorry,“ he breathed out, „I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.“ He pressed your fingers against his lips and you wondered why did you felt numb but at the same time soft sparkles flew from where he kissed your skin to your heart.

Your heart.

It wasn’t beating.
You didn’t feel shock though and just stared at Zelo who watched you carefully.

„Why?“ Finally you found your voice. It sounded foreign to you.
„Why did you do that?“ You thought back about your fight and tried to hide your boiling feelings.
„Was it because of what I said to you? Because it was the truth…“
„It wasn’t the truth!“ Zelo reached up and slammed both hands beside your body to trap you; the tears were gone and he suddenly had a strong fierce in his eyes.
„Back then, I didn’t spare your life because I want you to be thankful or you to think you owe me something! I did it because I ing love you! Yes, _______, I love you even though you said I’m a monster and I’ll never feel something like love. I love you and even if God will punish me for the sin turning you to something like me I won’t stop loving you because it feel so damn right and since hundred of years I finally feel ing good and that’s all because of you. Because I love you.“

You stared at him and he stared back and you couldn’t stop the feeling growing in your body.
„Is this just love?“ you whispered, „because it feels so much stronger. It frightens me….“
Zelo sighed softly and leaned his forehead against yours. „There is a very old story. When God created Adam he took one of Adam’s ribs to create Eva. They both are bond to each other. Every creature in this world – mortal or immortal – belongs to someone else. You just have to find this person… We’re also bonded, ______. Back then in the alley when I understood this feeling I was afraid of it and I was afraid of you and the things you could do to me and I would just let you because I’d never bring up enough power to stop you. That’s because I love you until the end of my being and even after that.“
He took a deep, shaky breath after he finally told you his feelings he finally acknowledged at this time.
„What about you?“

You smiled and placed your hands on top of his.
„From the first time I saw you I knew we were born under a star with your name. I said I’d rather be dead… and now I am dead but I know I can spend the rest of my life with you.“
Hope and joy flickered in his eyes and then he pressed his lips against yours and the kiss felt so good that you couldn’t help but cry. Of course you responded the kiss and moved your lips against his when you both sighed at the same time. Your lips-pecking was interrupted by soft chuckles that turned into giggles until you both were laughing and you finally saw his lovely lips curl into an angel-like smile.

„After so many years, I’m finally able to start living. Thank you.“
Zelo held you firm to his chest and rocked you back and forth, humming in a good mood. You hugged him back and nuzzled your face in his chest.
„Then let’s live together forever.

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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!!! Update soon!! Also zelo with red hair <3<3
mrsthatguy #2
Chapter 2: Was listening to 1004 while reading, I love this, I really do, I mean seriously
mrsthatguy #3
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
mrsthatguy #4
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 1: anddd can you also post the other three chapters /shameless mode/ bc it's easier to read it here with all the chapters link in one place;w; thanksssssss
dreamIngstar #6
i love it sooo much and ;; keep it up!! i'll be looking forward!!
mrsthatguy #7
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! A zelo fic m officialy fixed on!!! Looks like it'll be awesome, cnt wait for your next update!!!