Part 2




The first thing you felt when you woke up was a headache that almost let your head explode. It was a mistake to sit up and everything started to spin like a crazy merry-go-round. But the shock hit you when supporting hands tried to help you standing and you flinched back with wide eyes and your heart beating as fast and hard against your rib as a jackhammer. The only color you saw was red and you felt sick. Automatically your hand went up to your neck and you felt the rough little scars on your skin.

"What are you doing here?”
Your voice was hoarse and cold but that didn’t bother your opposite.
"I saved your life. You’re welcome," he snapped back at you and all you could do was stare at him in disbelief. Who was this giant brat?
You slowly backed up, searching for anything that might support you as a weapon.
"Stay back! I know what you are and I know how to kill you. So don’t try anything stupid!" you screamed but at the same moment you realized the only stupid was you because there was no chance you could win against a vampire in your current state. And he knew it, too.
He approached your slowly like a cat that found her little victim and the glint in his dark eyes made you shiver. You knew you had challenged him with your words. He was fast, too fast for your eyes to follow and you screamed in pain when you found yourself pushed hard against a nearby wall (like who the hell had this brilliant idea to build them) with his face too close to yours.
You didn’t dare to breathe when you looked in his eyes, the fear froze your body completely when you felt his cold hands moving from your shoulders to your arms before they rested on your hips.
"Take care of what you say," his voice was a dark whisper, "because you don’t know at all what or who I am. I won’t hold back next time and then I will kill you, filthy human.” You bit your lip and closed your eyes when you wished that all this was only a bad dream, like always and you hoped you’d wake up any second, screaming and sweat of fear would cover your body but as much as you wished to wake up – nothing happened. You still felt his cold presence and a quiet whimper left your lips when he leaned down to your neck. You heard a dark chuckle and then he was gone and with him the cold that froze you on your place.
Slowly you opened your eyes and watched him walking through your apartment. “It’s comfortable here”, the red haired said lazily as if he wasn’t some dead buddy walking through a poor girl’s home. You stared at him. “Yeah, I know. What do you want from me? Who are you anyway and yeah why did you let me live? Things like you aren’t merciful,” you tried to speak with a light voice and hoped he would believe that you weren’t afraid. He stopped just for a tiny second as he looked through your things but moved on without looking at you. “The name’s Zelo. I saved your life because yeah,” he hesitated for a second, “your blood tastes like .” You stared at him, your mouth wide open. “Then just leave. Find another victim and leave me alone!” you tried again but it made him smirk mischievously. “No way. I finally found a nice place to stay and I won’t leave. Besides what could someone like you do against me?” he mocked while his slim, pale fingers ran across a picture frame of you and your mother. You whimpered when you saw his finger tip move along your face on the picture. When you didn’t response he turned in your direction before he leaned against the low cupboard, supporting himself by his long arms. “So what’s your name?”
You kept silent.
"Fine, not that I already informed myself before you woke up," he smirked before he looked right at you and in your eyes. "_______."
The feeling that built up in your heart was strange and you didn’t understand why it was such a special thing about him saying your name. But maybe it was the way how he said it. Like a soft prayer, like your name meant everything to him. As if you meant everything to him.

You narrowed your eyes, unable to look at him anymore.
"So you want to live here? Don’t you guys have a hiding spot like a hotel or I don’t know … graves?" He rolled his eyes at your lame joke and pushed himself from the cupboard. "Yes, we actually have buildings to hide and live but it’s boring and I want entertainment. Great I’ve found you," he smiled and though he looked like an angel his smile reminded more of the devil himself. You sighed and finally decided to just ignore him because there was something more important at this time. Your went to your living room, checking  the clock on the opposite and froze at your spot. "It’s already ten?!", you squealed, trying to get out of your sleep shirt to change for courses. A quiet but clear cough made you spin around and you stared at Zelo with your shirt half way up your body. Your cheeks went deeply red and you dragged your shirt down. "Don’t just stand there, go away I have to change!", you yelled at him when you grabbed the pillows from your couch and threw them at him. You heard him laugh when he fled in your room, hiding from your attack and this act was so human that your heart hurt because he looked like a young, naive boy who might be your younger brother who enjoyed play time.

You turned back, looking for your school uniform when you suddenly froze.
"You know, I’ve already seen you half so stop ing around because of that."

You didn’t dare to turn around because you felt the cold that radiated from his body and you felt his cold breath on your neck. It was unbelievable how fast those creatures were.
Zelo reached around you and you saw your school uniform in his hands. “Guess who changed you yesterday?”
You snapped your clothes out of his hand and sprinted in your bath room. Your cheeks were hot and you immediately needed cold water to sank your high temperature. You let out a shaky breath while you tried to get ready for your daily schedule. After you were ready you looked after your unwanted guest who already made himself comfortable on your couch, your last bag of chips in his lap while he switched through the TV. “You humans have a strange sense of enjoying entertaining,” he murmured when he noticed your head peering out of the bathroom. 
"Yeah, I’m leaving!"

You never left your apartment that fast.


The whole day your mind was drifting away, thinking about Zelo. What did he want from you? Couldn’t he find somewhere else to live? Why you?
You sighed and clutched your things together, ready for heading home. As much as you wished that he was gone when you entered your apartment, the loud sound of the TV through your thin walls let you know that this wasn’t just a dream and it wasn’t just a coincidence. You bit your lip and looked in the living room, expecting him to jump at you and biting you again but to your surprise you found him sleeping. And unfortunately you had to admit that he looked really adorable and cute. You sighed and sat beside him, watching him the entire time. His skin was pale and smooth and honestly just perfect. His lashes were long and threw a long shadow on his high cheekbones. The cheeks where round and you felt the urge to squish them. But at the same time you knew the moment you’d touch him he’d wake up and attack you. But still, though he was dangerous he was also really beautiful – maybe a by-effect of becoming a vampire? 
Soon you became also tired and closed your eyes. Your head leaned on the couch and you tried to imagine for this short time to be alone and all by yourself.

The dream came back this night and you saw yourself running away from a black shadow. But no matter how fast you ran it came closer and closer and suddenly you felt a tight grip around your throat that compounded you breathing. You struggled and punched everywhere in attempt to hurt your attacker but it was like you were hitting the air. Tight grips held your arms and pushed you on a hard surface. You screamed and begged him to let you go, the only explanation was that a vampire attacked you and you struggled harder …

Until you were finally able to breathe again and you opened your eyes, sweat ran down your face and your heart beat so fast it almost hurt. You saw Zelo’s face, his eyes were big and round and if you weren’t panicking you’d notice the deep concern in his eyes. It were his hands that pushed you down on the couch but you were in panic and so you tried to kick him.
"Let me go!" you screamed, tears filled up your eyes, "LET ME GO YOU MONSTER!"

His grip loosened but only a little bit – as if he was surprised hearing those words from you – before he grabbed your arms and hold them tight like a vise.
You whimpered and struggled weakly, begging him to let you go.
"You forgot? I am a monster. And monsters don’t let their victims go,” he growled against your neck and you started shaking even more. “No, no please don’t-” But it was too late and you felt his sharp teeth sank in your skin. You didn’t care if it would hurt more if you move but now you only wanted to go away from him and you struggled and tried to push him away but he was too strong.

This time his swallows hurt more. He drank you like you where the last person on earth and if his life depended on your blood. It hurt much worse than yesterday and you felt like dying any second. You cried and sobbed and begged him to stop but Zelo only hugged your body tighter and pressed it against his own cold. He swung your bodies slowly back and forth like a mother would swing her little newborn; always close to the chest and heart.

You sobbed a last time and closed your eyes – hoping that you’d never going to open them again.

When the anger cooled down and Zelo noticed what he’d done, he slowly let you go and made sure you laid comfortable. He stared at you and he didn’t even notice how the blood ran down his chin and landed on his hands. His body felt numb though he felt how your blood gave him immense power. He still was thirsty and he saw the blood slipping from your fresh wounds. He his lips and felt the urge to punch something.
Why did he attack you again? He said to you that he wouldn’t drink your blood again but how you called him a monster though he only wanted to help you made him angry and he lost his control for this brief second. He cursed and clenched his hands into fists, dragging his nails in his skin though the pain was nothing – he had experienced worse. But the wounds never lasted long because they healed immediately. 
Zelo placed one of his hands on his chest, right at that place where people actually felt the heart beating. But in his case there was nothing. No warmth, no life.
But there was you in front of him – breathing and radiating a soft warmth that calmed him down and he knew he needed you. But there was no way to explain you that because it was hard for himself accepting that he was depending on someone. Slowly he brought his hand up to your face and your skin. He brushed your hair behind your ear and leaned forward – not knowing what he wanted to do but his body moved by itself and he found his face suddenly very close to yours. But then you shivered from his cold and he moved away as if you’d slapped him or your body was fire. He sat as far away from you as possible but was still looking at you. He bit his lip, still having the taste of your blood on his tongue. He cursed again and let himself fall back on the couch so he was facing the ceiling.
Friends told him that when you found your soul-mate everything would be easy and you would live happy together forever but Zelo doubted that this also included him and you. You both shared a different story.

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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!!! Update soon!! Also zelo with red hair <3<3
mrsthatguy #2
Chapter 2: Was listening to 1004 while reading, I love this, I really do, I mean seriously
mrsthatguy #3
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
mrsthatguy #4
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 1: anddd can you also post the other three chapters /shameless mode/ bc it's easier to read it here with all the chapters link in one place;w; thanksssssss
dreamIngstar #6
i love it sooo much and ;; keep it up!! i'll be looking forward!!
mrsthatguy #7
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! A zelo fic m officialy fixed on!!! Looks like it'll be awesome, cnt wait for your next update!!!