Part 1


Bonds [Part 1]


You woke up, screaming and panting hard from your horrifying nightmare that visited you every night. Sweat dropped down your chin and you got up from your wet bed, Why did this dream started hunting you again? Actually it wasn’t a dream but more sort of a memory that didn’t leave you. The scene was always the same: you saw yourself when you were younger; more naive and more vulnerable, in front of you stood a foreign man. Sharp teeth were to be seen under his lips when he smirked mischievously and you heard a low whisper that repeated always the same word like a prayer: blood.

Shaking your heard you stood up and walked to the big window opposite from your bed. The night was darker than usual and though there weren’t any clouds on the sky there was also no light of the radiant stars or the moon to light the streets of Seoul. Only its own light – lights of living people – was the proof of warm heart beats and blood rushing through veins.
This world was wicked and you knew it because they existed. The children of the night: Vampires.

With tiredness craving in your body and eyes you managed it somehow to pass the day at the library, studying hard-working for your exams and you, as always, forgot the time completely. So it wasn’t a surprise to you stepping out of the building and finding the streets dark and lonely. You sighed and rubbed your sleepy eyes when you started walking to your home. Mysteriously the streets were empty.
There were no different passerby, no driving cars and the muffled lighz of the lanterns didn’t calm you down as usually. Your heartbeat quickened, your instincts told you something was terribly wrong and you increased your speed. Maybe you were overreacting but if someone experienced things you did they’d already gone crazy.

You turned around a corner, taking a short cut and the building of your home showed between the end of the alley. Relief ran through your body, you already took your keys out when suddenly someone grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the road. You tried to scream but a cold hand closed your mouth, leaving you freezing. You stared at pitch black eyes that seemed to stare right in your soul and you thought you’d turn into ice. The next thing that jumped in your eyes was his hair color: a deep red that reminded you of blood. His skin was pale as snow and he smirked down at you.
"Hello beauty."
The voice was deep, almost like a growl of an wild animal. He pressed you against the wall, the hard surface pressed uncomfortably cold in your back and you tried to move. The boy watched you, his dark eyes slowly moved from your eyes to your cheeks, then to your through his hand hidden mouth before they slowly stopped at your neck. Your eyes widened in shock.
So yes – he was a vampire.

As if he could read your mind he smirked and revealed his sharp, white teeth before he leaned down to your ear. He growled: “Don’t worry, dear. It won’t hurtthat much.” You shook your head, unrecognizable words left your mouth when you tried to free you from his grip. He chuckled mischievously.

"They’re the cutest when they don’t surrender and try to resist," he smiled almost softly if there wasn’t this dark desire glowing in his eyes. Tears slipped from your eyes and slid down your cheeks, wetting his hand. He looked for a brief moment at you, apparently thinking about something when he narrowed his lips on the skin of your neck. He waited a second, expecting you to struggle but your whole body was stiff, almost numb and you didn’t move. You knew it would only hurt more if you’d cause more friction between his teeth and your skin.
The boy his lips before placing the tip on your skin, slowly moving it from right to left. You squirmed under him, making short, high-pitched noises and he smiled against your skin. He found you indescribably cute.
He on your skin as if his teeth wouldn’t be a mark enough and you moaned unwanted, closing your eyes in shame. He whispered something you weren’t sure to hear correctly. You’re beautiful.

But then he sank his teeth in your neck and you didn’t care whether he said it or not. Stars exploded behind your closed eyes, the pain made your knees weak and he had to support you standing – by pushing his cold body harder against yours so you were almost sandwiched between him and the wall behind you. You couldn’t even hiss in pain, his hand was still pressed firmly against your mouth and you felt yourself crying harder when he the blood out of you. You hated this feeling. It was disgusting to feel his tongue slipping over and over the little holes he made with his teeth and the pain was unbearable. Authors who wrote that a vampire bite felt great, almost like a drug didn’t know what they were talking about. Because it hurt like hell. You flinched and prayed to God the vampire might stop before you lose conscious or your life. But the boy kept on and you heard how he swallowed your life juice. You whimpered, moving your head from right to left in the attempt to make him stop. But he didn’t stop.

Because what you couldn’t know was that your blood tasted like heaven to him. He had already bitten many young girls but the special about you was: you were a . An innocent, naive and pure little girl that wasn’t touched yet and that’s why you were so rare and your blood tasted so good. He didn’t plan to everything out off you but his instincts pushed him further. They told him to completely eat you.
His hand was wet from your tears and the blood ran down his chin and your exposed neck but he didn’t care. Here in this forgotten alley no one would find you and he’d hide your corpse thoroughly so the police wouldn’t find you that fast. He knew he would kill you. He wanted to kill you and when he felt how your body became numb and your stopped moving that it wouldn’t take any longer. Even your heart already started to beat slower and he smirked against your skin, swallowing the next gulp of your blood… when you suddenly let out a last, little whimper and something inside him told him to stop. He opened his eyes he closed earlier in delight and withdrew his lips from your injured neck. You lost consciousness and fell into his arms like a puppet whose strings someone cut through. He looked at your face; it was pale from your lacking blood and dark circles were around your eyes. But while he looked at you – he didn’t even notice how he pressed a hand against your wound to stop your bleeding – he felt something in his chest that totally didn’t belong there because his heart stopped beating many years ago. But he knew what this feeling meant.
And while his eyes were still narrowed at your soft face – it looked like you were just soft sleeping – he knew he had lose the fight and the only word that slipped through his lips was a curse.

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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!!! Update soon!! Also zelo with red hair <3<3
mrsthatguy #2
Chapter 2: Was listening to 1004 while reading, I love this, I really do, I mean seriously
mrsthatguy #3
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
mrsthatguy #4
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 1: anddd can you also post the other three chapters /shameless mode/ bc it's easier to read it here with all the chapters link in one place;w; thanksssssss
dreamIngstar #6
i love it sooo much and ;; keep it up!! i'll be looking forward!!
mrsthatguy #7
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! A zelo fic m officialy fixed on!!! Looks like it'll be awesome, cnt wait for your next update!!!