Part 3


[Part 3]

This time the headache wasn’t bad but you felt like your throat was desiccating and instinctively you reached your hand out. “Zelo… I need water. Please,” your voice was hoarse and you tried to swallow but it only hurt more and you winced. You didn’t know why you called for him in the first place. Was he even there? Maybe he left after you fainted and the thought you were left behind and alone made your body go numb and cold.
But then you saw a shadow over you and Zelo’s eyes met yours. “Here.”
His voice was quiet and he carefully handed you the glass of water. You took big gulps and drank everything, the cold liquid felt heavenly and you felt your power return. You leaned up, supporting you with your elbows when you looked around. It was dawn and the sun sank slowly behind the huge buildings and it was already becoming dark in your room. Zelo stood there, watching you but he didn’t dare to say anything. His silent behavior made you curious but maybe it was because of what he’d done to you before… and you didn’t now why but you somehow didn’t care. This time when you slept you didn’t have a bad dream. Everything was black but there was no man hunting you and you kinda felt the presence of someone taking care of you.
You put the glass on your night shelf and looked up to Zelo. Actually you should had scream at him and try everything to make him leave your apartment. But you were exhausted by that and felt tired and you didn’t expect him to listen to you anyway so you could as well try to get along with him. At least you didn’t feel hate.
He shifted his weight and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “You don’t look really great,” he murmured but didn’t look over to you. You groaned and rolled your eyes when you snorted. “Yeah and whose fault is this?” you shot back and noticed how he flinched at your words as if they actually hurt him. You threw the blanket to the side and stood up when your stomach grumbled. “Urgh, I’m hungry,” you yawned after you stretched your muscles. Right when you wanted to ask Zelo if he wanted to eat with you – but of course he wouldn’t because vampires couldn’t eat human food and why did you want to ask him anyway – you heard your doorbell ring. With a questioning look you turned back to Zelo who blinked a few times but followed you when you walked to your entrance. 
Before you could open the door fully open you felt strong arms around you when someone hugged you fiercely. But it wasn’t an ‘I-missed-you’-hug. It was a ‘how-dare-you-to-stay-home-without-calling-me-because-I-was-ing-worried-and-now-you-have-to-pay’-hug. And there was only one person that would use this hug on you. Unfortunately, it was also the last person you wanted to have in your apartment at this moment until you smelled the nice warm food he brought with him.
"Ugh- Himchan… can’t breathe," you tried to make him let you go but the older only tightened his grip around you. "Yah! Why didn’t you call me, woman?! I was worried like hell when you didn’t come to our courses today!" He cuddled you even harder and rocked you back and forth. "Eomma missed her little princess so much.~"
You rolled your eyes an finally managed to get away from him. “Yah, shouldn’t you say something like ‘Oppa will take care of you!’,” you said the last part with a deep-switched voice, imitating Himchan who only growled in annoyance. “Appreciate my never ending kindness because I swear-” Himchan shut up when he noticed the other boy in your apartment. You already had forget Zelo but there he was – standing beside you and watching you both with a condemning face and though you didn’t get why, you felt guilty – as if you cheated on him.
"You serious? Here I am, worrying for you and you have an underage brat in your house?" Himchan sounded angry and you quickly spun around. "It’s not like that at all!" you shrieked, there was no way you could face one of them in this awkward situation.
Yeah, Fortuna hate you pretty much.

You ran your hand through your messy hair and felt like going back to sleep immediately. Dealing with Zelo was tough and Himchan could be a pain in the but both of them would definitely be your death.
"So since you came in, do you want to eat with me, Momchan?” you took the bag from his hand and went to your kitchen, not looking back if one of the boys followed you or not. Soon you heard foot steps behind you and the boys appeared in your small kitchen. You took two plates from the shelf and placed the warm food on them.
"Why don’t you ask your little friend over there if he wants to eat with you?" Himchan snorted and you groaned in annoyance. He was sometimes so over-protecting and jealous that you wanted to throw a chair at him.
"I already ate," was the unexpected answer of Zelo and when you noticed that he had narrowed his eyes at you, you immediately looked away, blood rushed to your cheeks when you remembered his lips on your neck and how he calming and soft – almost lovingly – had rocked you back and forth when you were in his arms. But why did you became red?
Why wasn’t the fact that he had bit you again not bothering you? Why weren’t you afraid of him?
The look of his face when you’d call him a monster was still lingering somewhere behind your eyes and you felt guilty. You still didn’t get why it bothered you how he felt but his hurt features hunted you like a dark ghost and somewhere deep in you, you knew you had to take care of that.
Himchan shrugged an joined you when he sat on the chair. The chopsticks you handed to him fit perfectly in his slim fingers and you stared at them because well you were weak for his beautiful hands.
"What?" Himchan noticed you were watching him and he knew that you admired his hands so when he registered your look he provocatively moved his fingers that led the chopsticks more graceful than before. You scoffed and looked at your food. Why weren’t your hands so beautiful?
While you ate you talked about everything. Your studies, your families, how your other friends were doing and about his roommate. You forgot Zelo completely and when you finished your meal you noticed something very important: the boy was gone.


You should had been happy about that, right?
Your problem was gone and you could live on without worrying about him anymore. But as you laid tin your bed and stared up to your ceiling you felt empty. 
You felt cold.
And you felt lonely.

It was barely one day you’d spend with him but you felt as if you were missing someone you knew your entire life long.
But how was this possible?
Didn’t you actually had to hate him?
To wish his death for what he’d done to you?

But no – you wondered what he was doing and if he was alright and even if he was drinking someone else’s blood right now. Maybe of a more beautiful girl that didn’t push him away and engulfed her with her warmth…

… and this thought; this picture of him pressing his body against someone else’s was like poison.
It made you jealous and angry.

Why did he leave you?

Tears of anger and distress and maybe a little desire welled up in your eyes and you quickly closed them when your lips moved by themselves and formed one name that echoed through your head the whole time. “Zelo.”

You felt his presence before you noticed the cold beside you. But it surprised you because he moved quietly. You sat up in your bed and stared up at him.
"Where have you been?" you asked when your breath almost choked you and your throat started burning.
"Why do you care?"
Yeah, why?
And why did the harsh, cold respond hurt you as if someone stabbed your heart. So you couldn’t answer because you didn’t know it.
Zelo suddenly threw his head back and burst out into laughter, almost losing his balance as he stumbled back. You panicked a little when he then leaned forward and hovered over you – a dark, hazy glint was in his eyes. Was he drunk?
But vampires couldn’t drink alcohol, could they?
"So you feel it too, huh?" A quick glance at your lips, then he moved closer to you. "Move over."
You made him space and then you both sat on your bed, backs leaning at the headboard of your bed as you stared at the opposite wall. Zelo put his head back and closed his eyes with a groan (you noticed with a quick shot at his face that he had a really well defined Adam’s apple) and swallowed.
"God, that woman tasted bad," he shook his had in disgust. Your heart froze.
So your expectation was right… but no. Maybe it wasn’t an expectation; it was a forecast.
And your heart hurt in betrayal.

"You know," he started softly, "when we drink bad blood we’ll become sick. It’s like cheep alcohol to us or a bad drug." He giggled like a little child before he placed his head on your right shoulder.
"…she was such a ."
He sighed and nuzzled his face in your neck. “But you… your blood is really delicious,” he carefully nipped on your skin and you bit down your lower lip because it felt good. You didn’t even consider to move away from him. The cold was gone and something else – something warmer but also more dangerous replaced its place.
"I thought you didn’t like it," you whispered, trying to erase the image of him with another woman from your mind.

"I lied."
He removed his head from your neck, suddenly the wall became more interesting than you.
"You never had , right _________?"

You blinked twice, arguing with yourself if you misunderstood him but then he looked at you and you became red.
"I know you didn’t have yet. But did you thought about it? How you’d do it with this… Himchan."
Your mouth made an ‘O’ as you stared at him in shock.
"What?! Himchan? No! He’s just a friend!" Your face burned in shame when you clawed your fingers in the sheets.
Zelo was silent.
"I hate him. I hate how he looks at you and how he touches you and how easy and happy you’re around him."
He took a sharp breath – as if he was choked by something.

"I can’t stand the thought of you being with someone else. It’s suffocating me."

As Zelo said his hand went up to his neck and he slid his slim fingers around it, squeezing slightly and scratching the ivory skin, leaving red marks. You were worried and automatically cupped his hand to remove it from his neck.
"Stop that", you told him and when you placed his hand down he quickly intertwined his fingers with you as if he was too afraid he might losing your touch again.
"I knew you are the right one," he whispered quietly and you heard the tiredness in his voice. "I want to tell you that we…" but he didn’t end his sentence and when you looked up to him you saw his eyes were closed – Zelo was sleeping and you could’t resist to his hair a little back, revealing his forehead.
He was so beautiful.
And in his drunk state he seemed so vulnerable that you felt the urge to protect him… you even saw him laughing before…
You had no explanation for your behavior but you let your fingers returned the firm grip on his fingers when you slid a little down and laid your head on his chest.
There was no heart beat.
His body was cold so you instinctively pulled the blanket over his body and hugged him in the attempt tp give him some of your warmth.
To give him some of your live.

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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!!! Update soon!! Also zelo with red hair <3<3
mrsthatguy #2
Chapter 2: Was listening to 1004 while reading, I love this, I really do, I mean seriously
mrsthatguy #3
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
mrsthatguy #4
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 1: anddd can you also post the other three chapters /shameless mode/ bc it's easier to read it here with all the chapters link in one place;w; thanksssssss
dreamIngstar #6
i love it sooo much and ;; keep it up!! i'll be looking forward!!
mrsthatguy #7
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! A zelo fic m officialy fixed on!!! Looks like it'll be awesome, cnt wait for your next update!!!