Part 4


Bonds [Part 4] - RATED M


A firm grip around you woke you up and you shivered due to Zelo’s cold body. Even the blanket over your bodies didn’t help to warm you and when you slowly opened your eyes you met Zelo’s. To your surprise you didn’t flinch back or felt the urge to remove his hands from your hip. You just stared at each other. 
„Good morning,“ you whispered automatically as if it was the most normal thing to greet a vampire in the morning. He didn’t respond and just watched you until you felt awkward. Did he remember what he told you last night? Suddenly you noticed that yesterday had been your chance to get rid of him. But as soon as this thought appeared in your mind you felt bad and to avoid in your mind you felt bad and to avoid his intense stare you sat up and swung your legs off the bed.
His grip around your waist didn’t ease and you waited.
„Where are you going?“ his voice wasn’t cold but there was something behind his words and you swallowed. „I only want to go drink something,“ you answered, „could you please… let me go?“
He moved behind you and for a short moment you thought he was going to let you go. But then the cold surrounded you again when he sat behind you, his hands were around your chest, pulling you against him and he placed his long legs beside yours so you were sitting between them. You gasped when his lips moved over your neck, kissing you slowly.

„Don’t go,“ he murmured against your skin, „I need you.“

The tip of his tongue poked the crook of your neck and you reflexively closed your eyes and leaned your head on his shoulder, giving him more access. „_____,“ he whispered your name desirably then he your skin until there was a red mark left behind.
I’m hungry.“

The pain was still unbearable but this time you could feel something deep in you: pleasure. Hi fingers moved soothingly along your bare arms as he drank your blood The cold sent little shocks through your body and you felt hot. Because of that and because he drank slowly and carefully. You moaned in surprise when he suddenly gave you a hard and something dangerous built up in your belly. Somehow Zelo noticed your feelings and he slowed down again, one of his hands was at this time on your right and he squeezed your through your shirt. You arched your back slightly but Zelo immediately pushed you back to him.
His other hand wandered south and though you gasped a helpless „don’t“ when he slipped his hand in your pants and pressed his middle finger against your cloth-covered . You jumped slightly and squealed as you tried to close your legs. But it didn’t stop him from pleasuring you.
His finger moved lazily in circles on your bundle of nerves and you squirmed under his touch, making his teeth sink deeper in you and you moaned in pain.
„Wait,“ you panted as you tried to get support through holding on his thighs, „wait, wait – no.“ Your moans were quite and soft and as a respond you received a soft groan from Zelo.
He didn’t stop; neither on your neck nor massaging your and womanhood. It was the first time you felt this pleasure and though you begged him to stop the majority of your body urged him to continue and as if Zelo could read your body language he tightened the grip around your and his finger increased the pressure on your . By this time he had stopped drinking your blood. He placed soft kisses on your neck and shoulder and only concentrated on pleasuring you. Every time a moan left your lips he answered you with a deep, soft groan; like an approval of our angel-like sounds. 
Your neck was full of love bruises and his fingers pressed deeper in the soft flesh of your covered .

When his finger quickened moving and he pressed the tip of his finger hard against your you knew you were going to reach heaven. When the hit you you threw your head back and gasped his name: „Zelo!“

His body behind you stiffed and when your mind registered everything you quickly pulled his hand out of your pants and stormed out of the room, feeling tears in the corner of your eyes.

After you cleaned yourself you stood in front of the mirror and analyzed the marks on your skin. They weren’t bad but it was clear they wouldn’t disappear easily. Looked like you had to wear scarves the following days…

But why did you cry?
The whole time you expected to experience this wonderful feeling with someone you really loved and this person loved you, too. But Zelo didn’t love you. He just used you and your body. But still why did it make you so sad?
It felt wrong to think that everything you both had could be more than just a using-relationship in which you didn’t have any chance to decide something. But whenever he touched you it felt somehow good and you wanted more. At the same time you were afraid of everything and you wanted him to leave immediately – to disappear from your life so you could continue it without him like you did before. Why did your life suddenly become so complicated? You never wished for a miracle and you never wanted something special happen to you so why did this everything hit you and changed your life completely? Why did you choose to take the short-cut on your way home. You suddenly realized if there was a chance to turn back the time and to make you switch your decisions, you would definitely do that and try everything to stop your encounter with Zelo.

A good decision, right?
So why did your heart tremble in pain at this thought?

You flinched when a soft knock came from the door and your heart jumped in fear.
„___,“ Zelo called for you in a quiet voice, „are you hungry?“
Your belly responded for you with a rumble. You blushed when Zelo chuckled behind the wooden door – of course he had heard how your body betrayed you.
„Come out. I’ve prepared something for you.“
You hesitated but slowly went to the door and opened it. You weren’t surprised that he was already gone and you walked to the living room. There was a plate with eggs and bacon and you wondered why you didn’t notice how he had used your kitchen.
Zelo leaned against the door frame to your kitchen, watching you from a safe distance. You sat carefully on the chair and observed the breakfast. „Don’t worry. You can eat it,“ he assured you and you nodded, taking a bite.
Of course you wondered why he could cook but it tasted well and you didn’t want to complain. The awkward silence that hovered over you was only interrupted by the sounds of the fork scratching on the plate and you didn’t dare to look up at him. Soon you finished and took the empty plate to care it to the kitchen. When you reached the door Zelo moved to let you go through but when you passed him, he held your arm and stopped you.

„I’m sorry.“

You waited for him to continue but he didn’t say anything else and though you didn’t want it, you couldn’t stop yourself. „Do you hate me that much?“
Your voice was barely a whisper and your throat was thick with disappointment and sorrow. Behind you, Zelo took a sharp breath and with a quick, smooth movement he turned you around so you were facing him. „I don’t-“ Too late he noticed that his action was too impulsive and that he betrayed himself. Your eyes were wide in half surprise and suddenly he was too afraid to continue. What did he want to say? I don’t hate you. 
Why couldn’t he say it?

He loosened the grip around your arm and allowed you to turn around to place the plate in the empty washing machine. He noticed how your small, petite fingers shook and the only thing he wanted to do is to take you in his arms and just hold you tightly. But somehow this wasn’t possible. Not after what he’d done to you. He didn’t understand what demon suddenly possessed him for doing those things to you; he only thought about how perfectly your body fit in his how beautiful you sounded when you moaned his name. 
He didn’t expect to feel something like that towards a human but since he met you he couldn’t control himself and his actions anymore. 
Like at this moment.
Without noticing he was already behind you, his hand reached for you shirt and he tugged the hem of it, making you turn around to him.
He leaned down and softly kissed the corner of your lips before he rested his head on your shoulder.
„Make me stop,“ he whispered though his whole body screamed for him to stop speaking further, „please make me stop from falling more and more in love with you.“

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Chapter 2: This story is so interesting!!! Update soon!! Also zelo with red hair <3<3
mrsthatguy #2
Chapter 2: Was listening to 1004 while reading, I love this, I really do, I mean seriously
mrsthatguy #3
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
mrsthatguy #4
Chapter 2: I can honestly say m already lov7ng this alot, say, do u mind send7ng me a link to your tumbler? I saw on the other comments that you post stories ther too, I just signed up a few days ago n m not really active ther yet
dreamIngstar #5
Chapter 1: anddd can you also post the other three chapters /shameless mode/ bc it's easier to read it here with all the chapters link in one place;w; thanksssssss
dreamIngstar #6
i love it sooo much and ;; keep it up!! i'll be looking forward!!
mrsthatguy #7
Chapter 1: Yes!!!! A zelo fic m officialy fixed on!!! Looks like it'll be awesome, cnt wait for your next update!!!