

After a long day from yesterday, Jiyeon was exhausted because she got beat up by some of Myungsoo's fan girls. Then Myungsoo woke up and started eating his breakfast, thinking about what happened to Jiyeon yesterday. They both got ready for school and as usual, went to their first period, math. While they were doing their math test, some girl threw a paper at Myungsoo. The note said: Did you hear about the situation of Jiyeon? Then Hyomin came after their math test was finished. She came to Jiyeon and said, " Do you still have feelings for Myungsoo? " Jiyeon looked at Hyomin, " Yes. " she said in an annoyed tone. When math was over, it was time for lunch. Some of Myungsoo's friends threw a can of soda at Jiyeon's head. The SungJong appeared out of nowhere and said, " Why are you bullying Myungsoo's girlfriend? " while picking up the soda can up and opening it. Suddenly Myungsoo came and SungJong took Jiyeon to him. He took Jiyeon's hand and dragged her but Lee Joon followed. He broke their hands apart and started to yell, " Why are you still dating her when you already broke her heart? " causing Myungsoo to laughmyungsoo_gif_by_smoran-d50am76.gif, " Do you still like her? If you do, back off because she's mine, yongwoni-(forever). " he said as Jiyeon took Myungsoo and left. " Aish!!! " Lee Joon yelled while accidentally bumping into Hyomin. Then Hyomin said, " Yah! You made me spill my coffe ! Do you want to die?! " she yelled causing him to look down, " I'm sorry. " . Hyomin bit her lips and slapped Joon's head really hard. Jiyeon and Myungsoo turned around to look at what happened between Hyomin and Joon. They continued to walk to music class. In music class, Lee Joon, Hyomin, and Hyomin came in. Then they all had to sing and choose partners. " Today, the guys will choose their partners and the girls must cover their eyes so they can't see who chose them. " the teacher said as Myungsoo picked his partner. As he was choosing his partner, he tricked some girls by lightly touching their hands as he walked by. As expectedly, he chose Jiyeon as his singing partner. Then Lee Joon chose Hyomin but SungJong also came to Hyomin, making her have two partners. After music class was finished they all went home. Jiyeon went in the house first because Myungsoo was parking his car. She quickly fell asleep and he did the same. The next day, they went to school and the rules were different now, saying that school will be longer and they now will have dorms in school. Rules were a dorm with all girls and across was the guy's dorm, but some were too full. Some of the girl and boys had to go into the third dorm and share. Jiyeon, Hyomin, SungJong, Lee Joon, and Myungsoo had to go into the dorm because there was no more room. There were only two bunk-beds so SungJong and Hyomin slept on the first bunk-bed, Hyomin on the bottom and SungJong on the top. Jiyeon, Myungsoo, and Joon slept on the other bunk-bed. Joon on top and both Myungsoo and Jiyeon slept on the bottom together. When everyone fell asleep, the principal checked on each and every dorm to see if everyone was sleeping. When he checked all the dorms, he went back to his office and wrote announcements that he would say tomorrow morning. 

The next day, they woke up . Jiyeon and Hyomin were the first to wake up, and they got into their uniforms and then woke the guys up. When they were waking the guys up, they warned them not to look, so they obeyed. After they got changed, they came out of their dorms. Then went to math class. Once they got to math it was Hyomin's only chance to be mean to Jiyeon again, but Jiyeon didn't care. After Hyomin was done being mean to her, she sat back in her seat and the teacher came, " There is nothing to learn again because the math book isn't here. " then he left. Everyone started talking to each other instantly. When math was over, they all went to lunch. Hyomin smacked some random girl's head and then she got up and slapped her back. Hyomin slapped her back harder but Jiyeon came and smacked both of them, " Stop it. You're acting immature. " she said while walking away to get her food. After the slapping fight Jiyeon went to the dorm and started to change clothes but Lee Joon was coming. Lucky for her, he knocks. " Is anyone in there? "he asked , ' Yes, there's someone in here. " she yelled as he waited. Once she was finished changing, he went to go get his jacket. Myungsoo came in and said, " What are you doing with my jacket? " , " Taking it. " Lee Joon answered as Myungsoo punched him. Then Lee Joon punched him back but instead of hitting him, it hit SungJong. Then he got angry and kicked Joon in the shin and then punched him. But Jiyeon came back and SungJong's elbow hit her. Then the principal camein and put her to bed while the 3 were acting cool. Then Hyomin came in, " What happened to her? " the Lee Joon blurt it out and she was shocked. After the principal left, she woke up and hit all of them in the head. So they all said " Sorry. " to her but once she left they faught again. But Hyomin was still there and she was watching but texting because someone texted her. But she didn't see them coming her way and they didn't hit her. But SungJong hit Myungsoo in the face which made him knock out. Then Lee Joon accidentaly punched Hyomin and Jiyeon came back and said, " You guys were fighting again, were you? " so after she yelled at them Myungsoo woke up and so did Hyomin. Then Myungsoo said , " Awe~ my teeth hurts. " while looking in the mirror. He saw that his back tooth was broken. When he was looking in the mirror, he saw that the principal came in, " What's going on? " he asked as they all replied, " Nothing. " so after that big fight Hyomin noticed that her nose was bleeding. She decided to continue to wipe her nose. After that, she went to sleep. Then they all went to sleep. 

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Well you cant tell me how to write my story.
If i want to write it like that then i will.
But im not because its my story not yours.
Chapter 16: TOTOMATOSHISHIMATO , I agree !!! My HyoSoo/MyungMin feels !!!
Chapter 16: NO~!!!!! My Hyomi can't fall in love with SungJong or Lee Joon !!! :'( *sigh* if only Hyomin were to get severely injured and almost die like in Day By Day ......
ok ill do that
amelia_mega617 #5
can you add more tag name character in foreword so people would read it if have many characters.
and ill make the story with more drama
thanks and ok ill do that.
By the way I love your poster !!!
Chapter 14: Ohy my !!! No one even cared about my Minni !!! You should make the fight more dramatic like someone hurts Hyomin and Myungsoo helps her . You should put more HyoSoo/MyungMin in the story instead of just Myungyeon scenes . Make it , Dramatic !!!


Man is Zinni_Kim still helping you ? Why jsnt she updating for me ?!
Chapter 13: Ya ya ya !!! You should put more Hyomin in the story with MyungSoo Jiyeon and Yerim . More drama . Even though Hyomin is my bias , you should make her a bigger b**** and then make her start a fight like beat up girls . More drama like this and your story will be a big hit !!! Please do it !!!