Chapter 5

I'm In Love With My Cousin


A wide grin slowly appeared on her face as she thought about what just happened this afternoon.  That kiss it was amazing, just like what she always expected her first kiss to be… it was perfect. But of course that wasn’t her first kiss. She looked at the photo of Teamin and her when they were little on her bed side table, and felt a pang of guilt. What would their parents think if they knew about them? ‘them’? Is there even a ‘them’ in this relationship? Her smile slowly faded away.

Teamin is confused so, so confused. Confused about her? Confused about his feelings? Their relationship? About everything! He sighed looking out his window from his study table. Sighing has been his new habit since he realised he had loved her.

But for now they both decided to put every feeling away, except for happiness.

 “Sweetie wake up...” Jonghyun shook Minjee gently, not wanting to wake up his princess, but had to anyways. Minjee has been a part of Jonghyuns life, a huge part actually. Minjee didn’t move a muscle, so he put a little more force into it.

“What?” She mumbled. She pressed her face against the pillow, making a fish face slightly parted and shrugged Jonghyuns hands off

Jonghyun smiled at her adorability and said “Babe its Friday, come on one more day, it’s not the weekend yet”

“Kay, just get out, I’ll be ready in a minute” she muttered lazily, pulling the covers over her face.

He did what he was told and made his way back to the kitchen table where the rest of his friends waited, eating breakfast. He heard compliments, giggles, shouting and apologies on his way.

“Is she awake?” Onew looked up from biting his half eaten toast.

“No. Yes..Sortah. She said she’ll be ready in a minute” Jonghyun replied, grabbing a toast.

“And you believed her..?” Keys eye brows rose at the older man, his arms crossed almost dead bored waiting for his best friend; he looked at the hungry boys in front of him in disgust and looked out the window.

They waited fifteen minutes more 'til Minjee came running down the stairs. The inner sleepy grumpy teenager was replaced with a hyperactive one. “Morning everyone!” She grabbed her school bag from the bottom of the stairs and headed over to the table for her toast. She thanked and bid her mum goodbye, so did everyone else and headed for Onews car, they decided to give their bikes a break and go with the car.

This was their normal routine.  She yanked the cars old rusty door open and hopped in at the back.

 “Minho, could you pass me the iPod?” she reached out her hand to the passenger seat, and Minho kindly gave her the device with a cheeky smile. She took out her head phones and turned the music up. She looked out the window and quietly prayed that Taemin won’t be at Sullis house to pick her up again. Her neck stretched at the familiar street, looking for that white house and felt disappointed when she saw Teamins car parked outside her house. She sunk back down to her sit and listened to her music quietly for the rest of the ride.

“You comin in?” Minho asked Minjee who has leaning against the gate with that pissed expression.

“No, you can go in, I’ll see you guys later. I’m waiting for someone” She said without looking at him. He didn’t need to ask who, he already knew, so he just shrugged and caught up with the other guys.

And there he was casually walking beside Sulli, and even holding her book. Minjees face flushed with red shades and her face fuming with anger. *He didn’t even bother to pick me up, her own cousin..and, and girlfriend? I mean we kissed that! HE kissed me! That must have meant somthin’ right? Look at him, slaving himself for her…* She scrunched her face.

 “Oppa!” She shouted at them, running directly to them trying to control herself from kissing him here in public, instead just gave him one of her bear hugs.

“Minjee…” Taemin said rather shocked, but not too shock from what else she could have done instead of a hug. He found himself awkwardly patting her back. He planned everything last night, every single detail of what he would do when he sees her, but for some reason he just forgets everything and just go with the flow.

Sulli looked at both of them, slightly moving away, she looked at Taemin who was also looking at her, trying to see her reaction, instead all he got was a wave and Sulli walked away. Taemin sighed and let his arm fall on his sides, this was awkward, extremely awkward.

“Wanna kiss just to break the awkwardness?” Taemin asked pulling away from the hug, and peaking her lips. MInjee blinked surprise at his behaviour this past two days. But smiled anyway and peaked him on the lips too. She wrapped her arms around his neck, ready for a makeout session. But he un-wrapped it “Not now, there’s lots of people.” MInjee pulled away and suddenly remembered why she was angry.

“You can’t pick her up from now on, I’m your girlfriend remember. She’s just a  bestfriend” She said folding her arms.



TEEHEE Updated, how long has it been lol, almost 4 months? ahahah

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Chapter 5: plssssssssss update!!!!!!!!!! is nice story :)
Chapter 5: Update soon please!
...and the story stopped.

When are you going to update? T^T
T^T the story stops.... why?? i hope you haven't dropped it
new reader~ update soon~
Why do u write REALLY good fanfics but you freaking at writing assignments at school @@ You crazy bastard >.<
OMO New reader! OMG please update soon!!!!
updaatteeeeee....omg..i never really read taemnnnie ff...u make me read it...and like it so much...heheheh XD
Aigooo. Update please.<br />
And Get Well Sooon, dear. :)
peoji99 #10
omo!! she's special for him.. he could be falling for her.. omo!! omo!!