Cant help thinking about you...

I'm In Love With My Cousin

Taemin sighed for the nth time, as he walked lifelessly with Sulli towards his school. Sulli looked at him in concern, he's been like that, sighing, lifeless, since he picked her up from her house. She tugged on his shirt " Oppa, Is something wrong?".

Taemin looked at her, and sighed again, *thats what Minjee asked me the other night too 'Is something wrong?'*, He forced a small smile "Nothing" He said patting her head.

"Okay, then." She let it go for now. What ever it is, he'll tell her anyways, he always does.

It's been more than a week and he just can't help thinking about her.


Another day ended and he looked at his phone again,it's been a habit for him to checking if she texted, or called. *What's wrong with me?*

He was about to go in his car when he saw someone familiar with four guys trailing behind her, "Minjee..?" He squinted his eyes to get a better look.

She hopped on to one of their motor bikes. And sped off.

"MINJEE!" He shouted, it was useless, she was too far away now.

He went in his car, and followed the motor bikes.

They all stopped in front of an isolated warehouse, he stopped too, not too far, but not too close either. Taemin looked around him, it was dark and scary, walls graffitized.

*What's she doing here? In this kind of place. Who are those boys? Are they her friends? Are they bad people? They look bad. Why is she with them?* questions filled his head. He was angry. Not thinking properly he got out of the car and walked towards them.

Minho saw a familiar guy, too familiar, walking towards them, his seen his face, but can't remember when or where.

Then it hit him. "KEY!" he whispered to Key, the closest to him, lightly nudging him. Key looked at him, "Isn't that Taemin, MInjee's cousin...?" Minho looked at him walking towards them. Key followed his gaze. "Yeah... What's he doing here?" Key furrowed his eyebrows.

Taemin grabbed Minjee arms ignoring the two pair of eyes looking at him.

"The -" Minjee paused when she saw Taemin. "What are you doing here?"

"Let's go" He said rather coolly and started dragging her without waiting for her answer, he didn't need an answer, because he was going to get her out of that place, away from those people, whether she likes it or not. Her friends looked at her being dragged to Taemins car. They knew about, Taemin, about her love for him, even though they opposed, they couldn't do anything, they loved her too, plus, she was stubborn, always does what she wants, and gets it. 

"Wait! Ah,you're hurting me!" She slapped his hands. He let go of her.

"Get in." He said, opening the door for her. She smiled and got in. Taemin got in as well and sped off, not really knowing where to go.

Minjee looked at him the whole ride, smiling, happy, that she hasn't forgotten about her, happy that even if his mad at her, he still chose to see her. She can take everything, him angry at her, annoyed with her, hating her, but the thought of him avoiding her, and she cant see him or hear him drove her crazy. She didn't know when, when she started loving him more than a cousin.

The car suddenly stop, causing her to stumble forward a little. She looked at Han River in front of her and looked at Taemin.

Neither spoke.

A comfortable silence for her. Awkward for him.

Taemin looked at her and catches her looking at him, he looked back, at the river.

"Why'd you bring me here?" she asked first.

Taemin thought about it. He doesn't know too, Why did he bring her here? Maybe simply because he cant help thinking about her...

He slowly leaned in, he looked at her lips, and kissed her. Without hesitation she kissed him back.



WOW! Another update! I must be sick!

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Chapter 5: plssssssssss update!!!!!!!!!! is nice story :)
Chapter 5: Update soon please!
...and the story stopped.

When are you going to update? T^T
T^T the story stops.... why?? i hope you haven't dropped it
new reader~ update soon~
Why do u write REALLY good fanfics but you freaking at writing assignments at school @@ You crazy bastard >.<
OMO New reader! OMG please update soon!!!!
updaatteeeeee....omg..i never really read taemnnnie ff...u make me read it...and like it so much...heheheh XD
Aigooo. Update please.<br />
And Get Well Sooon, dear. :)
peoji99 #10
omo!! she's special for him.. he could be falling for her.. omo!! omo!!