Released, Shopping, Interviewss!

P.L.H vs SNSD *Application Closed* (/|-_-)/|


            Friday morning came and it was the morning of the Pep Rally for Seoul Performing Arts High.  Minhee was jumping around early in the morning while Xiu was attempting to curl her hair. “Stop moving! Or else I will burn your ear!” Xiu said and Minhee sat still. But kept moving her feet.  Young Sun was getting Allie ready and Hye Ri was getting Eun Mi ready.  “I’m shaking!” Allie said as she put her hand up and it was shaking violently.  “You will do great! You are doing awesome in the routine.  Just breathe in and out.” Young Sun said and breathed with Allie.  “Unnie! You tied the wrapwrong.” Eun Mi said and Hye Ri rolled her eyes.  “Child, there is only one way to tie awrap.” Hye Ri said and Eun Mi pouted and retied it. 


            “Noonas we are here!” Zelo and Lixi chanted as they walked in.  Absolute trailed along too, to support their younger sisters.  B.A.P was gonna come too, but they had to do something before they could go.  Allie walked down stairs to greet the two when Zelo eye’s got wide a little.  “Noona…” He said quietly, surprised about how good she looked.  “Teenage hormones.” Maz said as he looked at Zelo’s face.  Allie saw his priceless face and how he wasn’t blinking.  “Zelo…Junhong!” She said and waved her hand in front of his face, still not moving. Eun Mi walks down the stairs and steps on his foot. Hard.  “EUN MI!” He said and grabs his foot in pain.  “You’re welcome.” Eun Mi said and walked to the kitchen. 


            Hyun Mi grabbed all the girls to her room and she had to ask them something.  “I was wondering if maybe the pep ralley, we could go shopping for my wedding dress?” She asked and everyone agreed to do so.  “We just need to get these three checked out though.” Hye Ri said and called to get doctors excuses for the three.  “Alright we got to go!” Allie said and everyone got into their cars and drove off to school.  Allie was called to the gym to practice once more before the pep rally started.  The sparklers practiced in the auditorium and the dance team moved the cafeteria.  While Minhee was practicing with the team, she saw Daehyun sneaking a look at her.  She giggled to herself and kept dancing. 


            “Alright can we get all teams in here please?”  Sol Bi asked and the teams gathered in the gym with some students coming in.  “Girls, we wish all luck to each other and let everyone be safe! On three SPAHS, 1….2……3.” “SPAHS!” The girls screamed and did a big group hug.  More students started to come in.  But people began to spaz when Absolute, B.A.P, and P.L.H coming in to sit in the visitors section.  Chung Hee and Kianna arrived too.  The students in different grade levels had their own area in the bleachers and the sophomores were on the other side of the room.  They yelled to catch the three’s attention and they waved at them.  Eun Mi and Allie giggled, while Minhee went to go see Daehyun.  “Minhee and Daehyun kissing in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” The dance team yelled and Minhee blushed.  Ri Young called Minhee to come back because the pep rally was about to start, so she pecked his lips and ran off to her team.


            The rally opened up the teachers and the principle doing Gangnam Style.  And the students laughed about how funny they looked, but at least they took a risk.  Then they did a dance battle round, where students could go up and dance.  Zelo went down and did his really cute dance moves and some girls either did y moves or did something and ran off.  “Alright students please clear the floor for The Sparklers!” The principle said and the gym went wild.  The girls took their spots in the chairs and Sol Bi counted, “Ready? 1,2,3,4.” And the girls sat down in the chairs with the book prop blocking their faces. 



Candy Man



(This is my schools Sparklers team’s dance)


“GO EUN MI!” P.L.H and Absolute shouted and Eun Mi smiled.  The music started and the sparklers started to dance.  Her facial expressions were on top awesome and her toes were pointed, and that’s all that mattered to Soo Lin.  When the phone part came, Eun Mi was the one who answered the phone and rolled her eyes when Buddy’s voice came on.  The dance ended and everyone applauded.  The girls did a group hug and then walked off the floor to their spots.  Some skits went on and then it was time for the Dance team.  Minhee breathed in and out and smiled.  Rim looked over at her and said quickly,” You will do fine!” and Ram nodded.  Minhee thanked them and they got into positions.



Minhee Dance



(Again, it’s my school!)


            The girls did the same for her and she blushed.  When she began to dance, it’s like a new person came out, and everyone was surprised.  Her facial expressions could tell that she was happy. She did her bow and arrow part and everyone yelled some more (at 2:01).  The dance ended and everyone cheered.  More skits continued and a speaker came to talk to them about cyber bullying and the dangers of it.  “Now ladies and gentlemen, here are SPAHS CHEERLEADERS!” The principle said and everyone got excited. 





(Start the song when the video gets to 0:06)



Allie Cheerleading.


Everyone was left amazed at what they brought to the table.  Allie was one of the flyers surprisingly, and did some of the backflips.  When they were done, the girls bear hugged each other, because of how well they did.  “Let’s hear it for our cheerleaders and that amazing routine.” The principle said again and everyone hollered.  “Alright now before we go, we have the couples of the year. And what this means is that each grade has a couple nominated in that grade for the rest of the school year.  Friends nominate them and the couple can only be from this school.  Not someone older or anything like that.  And in my hands are the couples in each grade level that have won.” He announced the freshman class couple of the year and they hugged.  “And now for our sophomores.  Drum role please sophomores.”  The administrator said and they did a drum role.  “Choi Junhong and Allie!” He said and everyone cheered.  She blushed and went up with Zelo, holding hands to get their prize.  He kissed her cheek in front of everyone and she blushed.  Everyone awed and he said into the mic  “Allie noona is mine!” He kissed her cheek and she blushed some more.  She pecked his lips quickly and they walked off the gym floor.  “Oooohhhhh!” The cheer team said and she got even a darker shade of red.  They announced the juniors and then it was the senior.  Sol Bi and her boyfriend won, and the sparklers attacked her and her boyfriend with hugs.


Hye Ri checked the three out of school, even though it was a half day, and they left to go to the Kleinfeld Bridal to look for wedding dresses.  “Hello, welcome to Kleinfeld bridal, my name is Han Bi and I will be your consultant, Hee Jin.” She said and bowed and the girls bowed back.  “So who is the luck bride?” She asked and Hyun Mi raised her hand.  “Alright, if you can come with me to the back we will find some dresses for you according to your price and the style you would like. “ Hee Jin told her and she nodded.  They got into one of the dressing rooms, and they began to talk.  “So what is your price range?” “I don’t really have one. Whatever works, just works!” She said and giggled.  “And what style would you like?” “Something fun, maybe a little poofy, but not like all out there.” She said and Hee Jin nodded.  “Do you have any dresses you would like to try on?” Hyun Mi nodded and showed Hee Jin the pictures of the dress Hyun Mi liked and what the girls liked.  “Ok well, we have majority of these dresses in the back.  So I will go grab them for you while you undress.” Hee Jin said and smiled while Hyun Mi nodded. 


“Oh my goodness!” Hyun Mi said as Hee Jin and other girls come in with the dress Hyun Mi had on her phone.  They hung the dresses on the rack and walked out of the room.  “Let’s begin.” Hee Jin said and Hyun Mi clapped.  “This is a ball gown from Galina Signature and this cost 1,411,215 won (1,300 US dollars).” She said and Hyun Mi nodded as she was getting the dress on.


            “This is really nice!” She said and Hee Jin was getting it put on.  “You look really nice!” Hee Jin said and Hyun Mi twirled.  “Let’s go show the girls.”  Hee Jin said and Hyun Mi nodded.  When she walked out, the girls gasped! “You look so pretty!” They begun to say, and she saw Chung Hee arrived.  “That looks nice on you Hyun Mi.” He said and she smiled.  She stood on the little stage thingy and looked in the mirror. “Do you like it?” Kiomo asked and Hyun Mi shrugged. “It is really pretty. I just think that the bottom attracts more attention than the top does.  Because I would like the bottom and the top…” “At the same level of attracting everyone?” Hee Jin finished her sentence. “Exactly.” She replied and Hee Jin nodded.  “Alright well lets go try on the next dress!”  She said and skipped to the room. 

            “Next is one of the dresses in the Mori Lee Blu collection.” Hee Jin said and slipped the dress on Hyun Mi.


            “The beading is amazing.” Hyun Mi said as she ran her fingers over it.  They walked back outside and Allie jumped. “That’s the dress I picked out for you!” Hyun Mi giggled and stood on the little stand.  “What do you think?” Hee Jin asked and Hyun Mi had a look on your face. “You don’t like the bottom part?” Eun Ji asked reading her mind and Hyun Mi nodded.  They went back into the dressing room and tried on some more dresses:


Eun Ji:

Hye Ri:

Young Sun:

Eun Mi:



Soo Lin:

Soo Yun:

Hwa Young:



Chung Hee:


            She picked some more dresses out :


            Some of them she liked, other she didn’t.  Some she did not know what to say.  “I just got a call from the producer of Weekly Idol, AOA had to cancel and they would like you guys to be the guest stars.” Chung Hee said and everyone agreed, but Hyun Mi.  “What about the dresses?” She asked as she looked down.  “Lets pick the top ten, and then we will decide from there, ok?” He said and she agreed.  She picked Eun Ji’s, Soo Lins, Xiu’s, the two from Chung Hee, Crystal’s, Soo Yun’s, Kiomo’s, and the other one she had picked out.  They bowed to Hee Jin and said they would come back soon.  They drove off to Weekly Idol and greeted and bowed everyone.


Soo Lin:

Soo Lin




Hwa by yowzer135 featuring a clutch purse





Eun Ji:

Eun Ji


Young Sun:

Young Sun




Hye Ri:

Hye Ri

Hye Ri by yowzer135 featuring h&m


Hyun Mi:

Hyun Mi


Eun Mi:

Eun Mi






Xiu Strong Heart


Soo Yun:

Soo Yun



Minhee Strong Heart


            “Hello and welcome to Weekly Idol! And today our guest for today are-“ DeFcon was saying until the two were hit with frizzbees with peace signs on them.  And then balls with hearts on them.  They looked at them and looked at each other, “Yah! Do you guys really think viewers are going to get this hint?” He replied and everyone laughed.  “Ladies and Gentleman, P.L.H!” Hyun Din said and the girls walked on the set and bowed.  “Ah, looking lovely as ever.  You girls might be one of the best girl groups with a fashion taste.” Defcon said and the girls thanked him.  “Alright let’s dance!” Hyun Don said and ‘Calling all the Monsters’ came on.  The girls got into positions fast and began to dance, even though the choreography was not made with the girls wearing heels.  “Wow!” The two males said as the girls dance.  It then changed to In The End and the girls quickly began to dance to that.  “Wow, why so perfect?” DefCon said as Hyun Don feel to his knees.  The girls laughed and then I’m not Perfect came on.  They looked confused and then a light bulb lite up and they went to their spots.  “They look like they have never heard this before.” DefCon said and Soo Lin bursted out laughing. 


            Absolutes song came on and they all looked at each other.  They shrugged and just started randomly dancing.  They laughed and then the music died down.  B.A.P’s Stop It popped up and Minhee and Allie started to dance to it.  “I’m surprised Hye Ri didn’t dance to it.” DefCon said and Hye Ri shrugged and started to dance with it. The next scene they were sitting down about to learn the facts of each member.  “Let’s start with Ms. Hye Ri.” DefCon said and she nodded, “Choi Hye Ri, 21 years old, 170 cm and 48 kg.  Freestyle rapping is one of your talents. Can we get a taste?” Hyun Don asked and she nodded. 


Well regardless my rhymes will put you in the NEW YORK TIMES

I come with power to “defeat”, you gon need a MIC 2 STOP IT

I’ll probably stomp on you unintentionally cuz you MI-CRO-SCOPIC

Your “Rhymes a Joke” lemme guess, you couldn’t “find the scope”?

I’ll have you left just like your rhymes, cause your Rhymes is Broke

Imma Design your face just like a Kaleidoscope

If you anger me, my daggers gonna COLLIDE-with ya-THROAT

You act famous, maybe on your corner where you BUY~the~DOPE

But round here? I couldn’t find you with a MICROSCOPE


“That was awesome!” DeFcon said and the two started to fan over her and she laughed.  “Wow that was very very good. Jolly Good Show.” Eun Mi said and the girls did two claps.  Which left the guys confused. “Yah? What was that?” Hyun Don said and the girls laughed and did it again.  “Now for Ms. Soo Yun, Choi Soo Yun, born in the Philippines, 20 years old, shortest member of the group at 164 cm and weighs 48 kg…….and it has nothing under talents?” DeFcon said.  “Being my height is a talent.” She replied and the two laughed.  “Her height is cute though! Like when she’s around guys who are tall, she acts like she is taller than them.” Xiu said and Soo Yun glared at her.  “Wow, love you too.” She said and messed with Xiu’s hair.  “You guys are like a big family.” Hyun Don said. “Why do you think we are so close?” Hye Ri asked and they oh-ed. 


“Ko Young Sun, 20 years old,168 cm and is 47 kg.  Is very flexible and can do back flips. Bwoh!? Please show us!” Hyun Don said and everyone clapped.  She took off her shoes and ran to one side of the set. She did her backflips and landed on the other side of the room

They clapped for her and she bowed and returned to her seat. “Before we move on. Can you do another trick for us?” DefCon asked and she nodded, “You guys might think this is really gross.” She said as she got into her move



            They were all shocked and she rolled over into a split.  She bowed one more time and returned to her seat.  The guys could not stop clapping, but then got back on track.  “Jungli Xiu, 19 years old, almost 20! 165 cm and 45 kg, Personal Talent is Aegyo. Please show us!” DefCon said and she smiled. She puffed up her cheeks and made her eyes big. “OPPA! DO you love me so much that you could buy me a teddy bear?” She said cutely and looked at him with big eyes.  Hyun Don pretended to pass out and she giggled and went back to her seat. “Ah, too cute, Xiu.”  He said and sat back down. “Shin Hyun Mi, 19 years old, 167 cm-“ Hyun Don was saying, “Sorry to interrupt, but my height is now 170 cm.” She said and the two looked surprised. “You don’t look like you grew?” DefCon said and he brought a measuring tape over and measured her without the shoes on. “Bwoh? She really did grow!” DefCon said and everyone clapped for her.



            “Jang Kiomo, 19 years old, 154 cm, 56kg, Personal talents is playing any instrument. What would you like to play?” Hyun Don asked. “I guess the violin.” She said and grabbed the violin. (She only did half of it.) “Wow, that was very nice Kiomo.  How long did it take you to learn that?” He asked and she thought for a little. “Three days.” She said and nodded. “Next member, Lee Eun Ji, 19 years old, 168 cm and weighs 42 kg. Talents: Singing is your main one, please sing for us!” Hyun Don said and everyone clapped.  “GO LIL J!” The girls screamed and she smiled. She sang some of this with her eyes closed and and the other part was sung by Soo Yun.  Everyone was pretending to have candles in their hands and swung back and forth.  “That was beautiful, Eun Ji. Soo Yun and you should have a duet comeback together.” “We will consider it.” Soo Yun said and out an arm around Eun Ji.


            “Song Soo Lin, 18 years old, 167 cm and weighs 43 kg, talent is: Ballet. Please show us!” DefCon said and she nodded.  “She did her number she was supposed to do a competition when she was with the Dance Moms crew.  She ended and said “I’m surprised I could do it now.” Everyone was smiling and starring at her in amazement.  “P.L.H is probably the well most rounded talented group we have ever talked to.” Hyun Don said and Defcon agreed. They thanked the two and moved on.  “Crystal Takahashi, 18 years old, 165cm, 65kg, Personal talent is also playing the violin.  Please show us!” Don said and everyone clapped. Minhee was starting to sing along, but she did not know she was doing it out loud.  Crystal smiled at her and ended.  “WOW! P.L.H has so much talent that I can’t handle it. Chung Hee trained you all so well.” Defcon said and the girls thanked him.  “We should really thank our parents too. Without them, most of us would not be in this position.” Hye Ri said and the girls nodded. “I really hope when I get kids, they could be intelligent as you guys are.” Hyun Don said and the girls were flattered.  “Jang Youjin, Also known as Allison. 17 years old, dating Zelo-bot, 168 cm and 42 kg.  Talent is controlling Zelo and drawing. “ Hyun Don said.  “Can you draw something for us please?” Hyun Don said and  she nodded.  She sat back in the chair and started to draw.


            “Park Minhee, 17 years old, 163 cm & 43 kg, Personal talents include playing the guitar. PLEASE SHOW US!” Everyone said and she blushed.  She grabbed her guitar and she started to strum randomly

The two boys started to dance while she was playing the guitar.  Allie was jamming along and she smiled.  “I’ll never let you go” She ended and everyone clapped.  “Seriously, you guys must have everyone amazed by now.” Defcon said and the girls giggled. “Last but not least, Kwon Eun Mi-“ Don looked up and saw Eun Mi sitting like and empress. “Yah! Why are you sitting like that?” He asked and she smiled. “Because you saved the best for last, and I have to sit nice also!” She said and the girls laughed a little. “Eun Mi sit normally.” Soo Yun said and Eun Mi sat straighter. “Eun Mi!”Soo Yun said and Eun Mi sat up straighter. “Shh.. peasant we are in an interview.” Eun Mi said quietly to Soo Yun and everyone laughed.  Soo Yun glared at her and Eun Mi smirked. “Ah, sisterly love!” Eun Mi said and hugged her.  “I will seriously flip you.” Soo Yun said and Eun Mi backed up. “Wow, bad girl over here.” Eun Mi said and the two boys laughed. 


            “Kwon Eun Mi, 17 years old, 165 cm, 45kg, and talent is flexibility. Ple-“ Don was saying until she cut in, “PLEASE SHOW US! Okay, why certainly.” She finished and they laughed. 


            “I seriously wish I was a girl.” Don said and Defcon agreed. “I bet everyone wishes they were like these girls.” He replied and nodded. “Everyone is perfect the way they are.  And everyone has something special about himself or herself.  There is only one them, and they should keep being themselves.” Eun Ji said and the two boys looked at her in amazement.  “I’m seriously thinking this is one of the most well rounded girl group I have ever interviewed.” Don said and Defcon agreed. They did Hwayoung (Sorry I couldn’t find anything about her!) and the show was about to end, until Defcon saw something special on Hyun Mi’s finger.  “Hyun M, what is that on your ring finger?” She looked down and saw she was still wearing the ring. “Uh-oh” the girls chorused and she looked down. “You guys will see tonight on Show Champion after B1A4 performs.” She said and everyone nodded.  They ended the show and went back home to relax.


            Hyun Mi had to travel to the show champion studio to announce with Gongchan the video.  She was so tired, and she brought Young Sun with her.  They walked into B1A4’s dressing room and she ran into Gongchan’s chest. “Hello sweetheart. How was your day?” He asked and she gave him a middle thumbs up.  “Jagiya, are you feeling okay?” He asked as he picked her up bridal style to the couch.  She snuggled into his chess “Just tired, I woke up early to go to the pep rally, went wedding dress shopping for an hour and I have to go back tomorrow, and just did Weekly Idol.  They saw the ring.” She said as Gongchan her cheek with his thumb.  “What did you say?” “I said to watch Show Champion.” She said and yawned, closing her eyes. He kissed her nose and smiled at his fiancé. “Hey I got to go on stage for Show Champion.” He said 10 minutes later.  She woke up and rubbed her eyes.  He kissed her and she kissed back.  She walked with him to the Show Champion stage and Hyuna was there, including Block B, AOA, Boyfriend, and Lee Hi. 


            They talked and Hyun Mi was starring at her fiancé.  She looked back down at her ring and smiled.  They had a dance challenge and a singing challenge and some other things while the groups or artist went to perform.  Before it ended ShinDong announce something. “Gongchan, I heard you and Hyun have an announcement to say to everyone?” He asked and everyone looked confused.  Gongchan stood up and signaled for Hyun Mi to come up.  She got on the stage and he grabbed her hand, she bowed and Gongchan spoke. “On November 18, 2012 at 6 pm, something happened that will change our future.  Moving on into something new.  If you watch this video, you will see how this is special to us.” Gongchan said and looked at Hyun Mi at the last part.  Everyone directed their attention to the screen and she sat down on Gongchan’s lap.  They held hands, nervous of everyone’s reaction.  The video began with Kianna walking into the house and jumping onto Hyun Mi.  Everyone laughed at the part and talked about the letters he left. 


             They got really mysterious when it got to the last part of the video though, when Hyun Mi was watching the video.  Everyone in the room gasped when they saw Gongchan go on one knee.  They teared up about how romantic it was, Gonghan’s little speech, and Hyun Mi’s tears.  Everyone was really into the video, even the fans, they were smiling, happy for the two.  They giggled at the interview and got teary again.  The lights came back on and the video ended.  Everyone clapped for the happy couple and they smiled.  “Can we see the ring?” Shin Young asked and Hyun Mi nodded. She showed everyone the ring and everyone gasped about how pretty it was.  “You guys have my support” Hyuna said and hugged Hyun Mi.  Everyone agreed with her statement and the couple smiled.  “Do you guys know when you want to have the wedding?” Shin Dong asked and the couple looked at each other. “We really want to have it mid- April or the beginning of May. Definitely around that time though. “ Hyun Mi said and everyone nodded.  “Let’s hear a round of applause for the soon to be wed couple.” Shin Young said and everyone clapped.  They ended the show and the couple kissed. “Finally, no more hiding the ring.” She was relieved about it and so was Gongchan.


            Everyone graduated them while B1A4 was going to their dressing room.  B1A4 had to leave, so  Gongchan walked her to her car. “I’ll miss you.” Hyun Mi said and hugged him.  He kissed her head, and then her lips.  “I’ll miss you too.  Don’t forget, we need to go house shopping soon.” He said and she nodded.  “Goodnight.” She kissed him one more time and got into her car. Gongchan kissed her again and closed the door for her,  he waved her off and then went back inside


I'm so taking a huge break, I typed this in Microsoft word, 14 1/2 pages. This chapter is 14 1/2 pages. I typed this at 4 pm. And I am tired.  Night people, or good morning. Also go read Moonsoo's story of Absolute, something special happens to one of the girls in chapter 18.  

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cynniiee #1
Chapter 150: im here and there
im everywhere~
Chapter 149: punching the ENTIRE WORLD because today i decided to check up upon this story and was like ???? when i missed another chapter ugh.

i seriously need to clear my subscriptions OTL i keep missing everything :///

and when you mentioned world tour i was suddenly reminded of infinite's ah bbs ;AA; so much songs to perform < 3 and i bet the songs sound wonderful wth the girls singing them c; AHAHA FLAPPY BIRD. my high score is in the 40s. and them talking about their bfs o// wish i had friends like that but life was like NOPE. and they're so nice to their fans ;; and the outfits are all so pretty ;o; wish i had the body to wear them orz. soolin's outfits were all so lovely, i really liked the blue dress < 3 and her swag necklace in the following outfit ha ha ha. and soolin's green hair for army in love..../dies. yes to the dress. and the black dress is really nice as well <3 i like her pink leggings for Do It Like A Dude. and the purple dress afterwards < 3 that's a lot of outfits! o// but they're all really nice c: and so many idols that came to their meet and greet ;o; AND THE LOVEBIRDS.

and for the author's note; maybe you can start a new one? this is letting pretty long with scrolling and you can add in a new layout, etc. but up to you(:

Chapter 149: Love love love this chapter!
Love the clothes, love all the details. Love the cutesy moments at the end.
The tour is starting amazing!
You're doing a great job writing this all out for us to read author-nim!
PLH hwaiting!
cynniiee #4
Chapter 149: wow it was daebak
you did a great job!
i missed you its being a while
well like i always say
author-nim hwaiting
eunmi & kai hwaiting~
P.L.H hwaiting~~~
Oneofakind22 #5
Loved the chapter it was so long and visual as always. The girls put on a great show and outfits are amazing. Happy that all the boyfriends/husbands/fiance's were able to show up which made the girls happy. Can't wait for the rest of the tour Thank you for putting so much time and energy into this chapter:)
Chapter 149: Ohmygoodness this chapter is amazing and all the outfits are amazing as well! Thank you author-nim for writing such a long chapter, it's great. & for the sequel thing, which ever way is easier for you!
Chapter 148: //soolin. okay i am officially going to jump of a boat i swear i bookmarked this to reply to but what is this ;; sorry that you need to keep reminding me to comment, i swear this brain of me just isn't working.

anyway, first of all, the clothes you picked were all really nice, i wish i could wear them but after looking at my body orz. and soolin's nails are really nice...wish i had fingers like that but then again wishful thinking ;;

But Elsa would sleep, eat, or poop so Hyun Mi was fine (lol I guess)
OTL i swear babies are so lucky they don't need to do much (just for that period of time i guess) asdfghjkl. but glad hyunmi's fine ;; and the song lyrics are nice! never heard of the song before (or have i?? time to check) but the lyrics are written nicely c: and glad they got a standing standing ovation, when i did my play at school at the end i swear i felt so happy and motivated asdfghjkl it's these little things that make life easier and happier. and their fans are so sweet, i need friends like that ;; c8

"They honestly changed my friends life, she was close to be done with everything. But once I showed her these girls, they changed her view on life and now she is happier than she has ever been"
asdfghjk this is just so emotional and kpop did really make my friend become happiner in general, i guess, since she now needs to live for comebacks and live streams. o// and glad they're going so well in korea. and hopefully zelo and allie meet each other again soon;;

and again, sorry abut my lack of brain cells and forgetting to comment every now and then;;
Chapter 148: yay congrats to PLH for winning the awards & thank you for the update!
Chapter 148: omg congratz to PLH for winning the awards!

- Soo Yun