Chapter 3 : The Final Goodbye

Will I Ever Get My Own Happy Ending?..

Jiyong POV

So what if it is really her?.. I supposed to hate her, shouldn't I? I make it loud and clear that I hate her.. So, why am I having doubtful feelings like this now?.. I shouldn't since I've got Sulli now by  my side..


Author POV

A cry can be heard the toilet stall.. It sounded so pitiful with her trying to muffle the noise she's making so it wouldn't make much noise. Her body trembled badly because of her sobbing. The pain stabbed her heart like a sharp dagger piercing through. It felt like it is bleeding profusely. Her heart shattered to small pieces. She's wonder if time will really heal her wound. For her at this moment, it seems possible.. There is no cure.. She could only hope it'll heal someday.. She really hope it will..


Jiyong POV

We've just finished our dinner together. I'm glad Sulli is by my side now. I have my eyes on her for a long time before and now she's mine.

'Oppa, today when I go to the toilet, I heard someone cry.' Sulli start to tell what she had heard in the toilet. 

'Poor her, you know? It's like I can feel how broken and sad must she had been..' Tears start to form in Sulli's eyes.

'Aigoo, my baby. Don't cry.. Come on, let me send you home.' I said that as I wiped her tears. We go back after that dinner.

Eventhough I should be concern about Sulli being sad. I can't forget about what she told me earlier. It wouldn't be Dara right?..

Well, why do I care about her anyway?!.. I speed off through thee highway, hoping it'll somehow clear my head..


 At Jiyong's place...

 Jiyong POV

It's impossible that girl is Dara, right?.. Like she don't need to cry in public places like that. Arghh!!

Why am I still thinking about her?! Why should I worry about her being sad?..

'Because you still care for her, you jerk! You do realize that you left her just like that. Without any reason! You dumped her by using messages. You said you want a break-up. How can she's not be frustrated, mad and sad over things?! She have the right to be!' A voice in my head said to me. 

Arghh! Dara can get lost! I've got Sulli now and that's all that matter.

Is it?..

'Beep, beep.'

Ahh!! Finally.. It must be Sulli. I wonder if she's still sad. My job is to make her feel happy and that's it! Now, Dara and thoughts about her can f**k off!

'Hey Jiyong.. It's me.. I saw you at the shopping mall today. Looks like you've got a new girlfriend already.. Hmm.. Don't you miss me?..

This girl really knows no shame. I already have a girlfriend for heaven's sake! Ugh.. I'm so mad!

*Beep, beep*

'Why didn't you reply my message? You read it, right?. Please say you do. But even if you're not, I'm happy enough with the idea of you receiving it. Because I know I go pass through your mind even for just a moment.. :')'

*Beep, beep*

Can you please reply at one of my messages, Jiyong? So, that I know you are reading this.. Jiyong.. Please?.. :'(

 *Beep, beep*

'It's raining at my place. What about your place? You still remember when we used to really love the rain? And I still love it even now.. Because it keeps me company. When I cry, it also cry..'


Dara POV

I've got a call! It must be him. Finally, my effort of pestering him pays off. I chuckled at the thought.

'Hey b***h! Stop texting me! You know that I already have a girlfriend, isn't it?!!...You saw it for yourself earlier. Please stop bothering me! I beg you! I really beg you! I don't love you anymore and I don't miss you and that's final!'

I'm shocked when I hear his angry voice.The smile fade from my mouth. But he has the right to be mad at me.. Even so, it can't change the fact that my heart shattered to pieces when he called me the b-word. Am I such a cheap person to be called like that?..

Tears run down my cheeks as I'm holding the phone tightly. I try to muffle the noise and sobbing I made as I'm using the other hand. I don't want Jiyong to know that I'm crying because he's still on the line, waiting for me to talk back. 

'He cannot know that I'm crying.' I thought to myself.


Jiyong POV

I can hear her crying over the phone eventhough she try to keep it down. Maybe I was too harsh.

'Dara-ah.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean too..'

 I try to console her because I've should known better. Even if I'm mad, I shouldn't call her that.

'Nah.. It's okay. I didn't feel anything when you call me that. Maybe I deserved it. I just choked on my coke when you call me because I'm shocked over the fact that, you called me.'

I know she's lying. I can her raw voice after finished crying. She know that she can't lie to me but I'll just play along.

'Really?.. I'm truly sorry..' I want her to know that I really regret my action.

'It's okay...'

That kind voice tone of her saying 'it's okay'.  It's been so long since I heard her said that. Somehow.. I miss it..


Author POV

'I promise I'll leave you alone. I will not break my promise.. So, I'm off first... Bye, Jiyong...'

'I know you won't.. Bye and take care, Dara...'

As soon as the call ended, Dara drop down beside her bed. She start to cry again. She's been longing to hear that word from Jiyong and now she already got to hear it again. It also make her snap back to her senses that she will never ever again get to know how Jiyong is doing. That she will never tell him how her days have been and how she's feeling eventhough she knows that he doesìn't care because the call seem like an end for her..

She suddenly thought about their goodbye. There are a saying that goes by don't say bye everytime you'll leave. Say 'I hope we'll meet again' because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.

She  thought that this is it for her. Because she knows that she can't cling to the past and no matter how tightly she hold on, it's already gone. 

'Let me cry just for tonight. For the very last time.' She whispered to herself.


Meanwhile for Jiyong, he can feel a lump forming in his throat after the call ended. He try to swallow it down but it won't go down. Then, he gives up and let it all out. He scream, shout and destroy everything that is in his room. Books scattered all over the floor. The mirror shattered into pieces and blood drip from his knuckles. Tears run down his cheeks.

Actually, he doesn't hate Dara. He's just mad at himself. And now this is like the real and an official end for them. Those last words from Dara really make him lost control. The word bye from Dara, the word that deep down inside, he doesn't want to hear from Dara.

After this, there won't be her sending him messages, asking how he has been, telling him about her days, her feelings and how she always told him that she will always love him no matter what. That she will always miss him..

And now, there's no more all that. Jiyong just looked at his bloody knuckles as tears trickling down his cheeks accompanied by the sound of the rain as if the rain know what he's feeling. Jiyong suddenly remembered how Dara used to tell him that, she likes the accompany of the rain. Maybe this is how it felt, soothing and comforting. 

This is the first and last time, he'll cry because of her. The last time, he'll cry about what has truly ended between them and the last time, he'll expressed about what he truly felt for that girl because he knows that deep inside, Dara still get a hold of his heart. And that, there will always be a special place for her in his heart.

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Chapter 5: Dara needs to move out from korea to move on... go to china!
Dara needs another man to cheer her up... hehe XD
71543893 #3
Chapter 5: T.T poor Dara..
thankyou for your update :-D
Oh... and no more pathetic Dara... please!!! >.<
Chapter 4: Update soon... =)
71543893 #6
Chapter 3: you story make me cry T.T
but i love it :-D