Chapter 2 : Why Can't You See Me?

Will I Ever Get My Own Happy Ending?..

Dara POV


I see him walking right in front of me with a girl. He looked so happy and smiling brightly. That girl must be his new girlfriend now. He's too engrossed with that girl that he can't even see me standing right here..


I will never be like that girl which is able to put a smile like that on his face. It hurts me to know that I don't mean that much to him. He already moved on, so why can't I?


I deserved to feel at least a slight of happiness, aren't I?..


Teardrops start to form in my eyes. I have to get a grip!.. I can't be this weak and vulnerable.. I mean I used to have a strong grip of my heart. I can control all of the pain and sadness and stop myself from getting too emotional over things. But why I can't now?..


I feel a stinging feel in my eyes as Jiyong walked further away. I  only can watch him go and fade away from my view.




A faint sound of his name came out of my mouth. Then, I sighed and take a deep breath as I try to blink the tears away..


But I can't help the a teardrop to drop on my cheek. With a weak leg, I turn my back. Going away from the traces of his steps as I try to make the thoughts of him in my mind disappear eventhough it's a useless effort.


Jiyong POV


Isn't that Dara earlier? Well, maybe it's not. It's kind of impossible for us to meet in this big city of Seoul isn't it? But I can't help myself to glance at that girl that looks like Dara. And..

 It is her...


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Chapter 5: Dara needs to move out from korea to move on... go to china!
Dara needs another man to cheer her up... hehe XD
71543893 #3
Chapter 5: T.T poor Dara..
thankyou for your update :-D
Oh... and no more pathetic Dara... please!!! >.<
Chapter 4: Update soon... =)
71543893 #6
Chapter 3: you story make me cry T.T
but i love it :-D