
Blue Hues

Tao has always considered himself a pretty manly man, with all his physical practices, martial arts and killer look in his eye when he didn’t try to look particularly scary or anything. It’s just how he was.

But in that moment, he felt anything but manly.

He was sitting on a small kitchen chain in the middle of the bathroom with two older men looking at him with inquiring eyes.

‘We should definitely something about his hair.’ Spoke Luhan, his hands firmly planted on his hips.

‘Yeah.’ Yixing agreed and hummed. ‘These black bangs make you look like an emo kid.’

The youngest of them wanted to comment on the fact that at least his hair was natural, not dyed bubblegum pink like Luhan’s. Should he tell the older man that it didn’t help his wished “manly” image? Maybe not, let the annoying male fight his own (lost) battle.

‘I think we should go for blonde.’ The eldest of the three piped up and Tao could see the small black cartoon that he recognized to be hair dye.

He gulped and desperately wished that Yixing will not agree with the deer boy.

Much to his very mystery, the dimpled man believed that the idea just genius so they immediately went to work, attacking Tao’s hair with water and bleach and hair dye that smelled just so weird without even asking what he thought about change of look thing.

Well, the good part was that they actually knew what they were doing so hopefully he wouldn’t turn up looking like Lady GaGa with one of her chicken yellow wig.

When his hair was grayish while, he was already a bit scared. What if Sehun considered him ugly, what will he do? Run and hide? He regretted having trusted his friends with his look. Tao knew that both older Chinese males were bat crazy. But he guessed he was as well, since they went along just fine.

It didn’t take more than one hour and a half for his hair to be colored in a light blonde color that didn’t look that bad (hey it wasn’t yellow, he must appreciate it).

However, he didn’t really enjoy seeing Luhan with scissors in hand and with that creepy smile of his that made you think he wants to dig a hole into your pancreas. No sir, he wasn’t comfortable at all.

Probably, Yixing noticed the mad man look in the older man’s smile and just took the too dangerous object from his hands and did the job himself. Tao sighed in relief. He knew he could always count of Yixing to save his sorry and now very much blonde .

They styled his hair together and when he looked into the mirror he was surprised.

Because he actually looked really good. Wow, he should trust his friends a bit more. Like really, they wouldn’t let him to look like he just met a kitchen robot. No…?

‘It looks awesome, thank you guys~’ He beamed and hugged both his smaller friends at once, squishing them to his chest.

They looked like they were pretty content with their work of art as well since they bowed as if they were actors that just performed and that made Tao laugh at his friends’ silliness. Really now? They were a bit too much.

Yixing looked at Tao for a long time until he actually spoke up.

‘Why didn’t you invite Baekhyun as well? I mean, it’s usually the four of us.’

‘Exactly. Why no Bacon to the dinner?’ Luhan added. Ok, that was a bad put, he should be sorry about it really.

Tao looked at the two of them with a mildly guilty expression. How to explain them that he didn’t want Baekhyun here he would nag him so much and would find a way to know with whom he was dating with and he didn’t really want that to happen. Especially since their Korean friend was just a little bit (more) obsessed with the band from which Sehun belonged to.

At lease Luhan and Yixing didn’t pray into his business too much. They were just happy that he finally got a date. If you’d ask Luhan, he was just sad to watch, all alone and never having a boyfriend until the age of 17.

‘He would have nagged me a lot. I want a quiet date. I will tell him after I return from this “date” as you all call it. It’s a meeting. I don’t know how to do dates.’

‘Yet.’ Both of them said in the same time.

Tao rolled his eyes. At least they didn’t argue with his logic. Probably Luhan had very vivid memories of Baekhyun digging up info about Minseok when they first started dating. To say that the calm Chinese man had been furious was an understatement. And Yixing just wasn’t the type to question such things and just went along with the flow.

Glad that he had obtained their silence and also approval, he had yet to encounter his biggest challenge yet. The actual date.

Was that the right time to panic?


It took the newly blonde man no more than two hours to realize that indeed he couldn’t go wrong with black and white for clothing so he just chose tight black pants, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket together with boots and sunglasses. It looked appropriate enough for a date.

Or so Yifan said when he called him this morning. He guessed he was lucky that the man liked him so much since everyone knew that the tall man was a fire spitting dragon when he was awoken suddenly and without a good reason.

Apparently even the Chinese dragon had considered his first date ever a good enough of a reason to wake up before 12 p.m. in one of his free days from college.

Tao realized that he left home too quickly the moment he had already felt his house so he just decided to walk towards his destination rather than take the subway.

And yet he was still really early to arrive at their meeting place.

And then he had begun to worry. What if the younger man won’t come? I mean he wasn’t that much of a catch was he? He was just a high school student, with a shaky grasp on Korean and with an unhealthy obsession for Orangina. Now, what did Sehun see attractive in him?

Sehun was plenty good looking, he had looked pictures of the young man online and he had come up with one word (?). And that word was just ‘wow’. That innocent face, those sparkling eyes, those luscious pink lips, and not to forget his body.

With an afterthought, he was still in the middle of the street so he might as well forget that body.

He begun to become more and more antsy as time passed, thinking that the young dancer had bailed at him in the most embarrassing of ways.


Thankfully, he wasn’t right though, because with 5 minutes before the established hour he saw Sehun in the crowd, looking for him. He was wearing a really dumb red …wig (?) but his features made him easy to spot.

He smiled. And gulped. Ok, he was ready for this.   

Ok, after 10000 years I updates this one as well. Sorry, I got caught up with Tied Together and other mini projects that I just didn't have time for this one. I like it a lot though, since well, is lighter and I can express my comedy bone (while T.T. is all serious and ) and plus it had fluffy OTP happening. 

So yeah this is it, makeover because, well, who doesn't like makeovers? O.O Next chapter TaoHun date. <3

Thank you for reading and if you did like it please comment/subscribe/upvote.

(this is my tumblr wild break) 

Endless love, Ayden 。(⌒∇⌒。)

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Blue82 #1
Chapter 5: I just realized this isn't complete. *sigh* I was reading through all your stories and I'm a bit groggy so I didn't realize. I hope you finish it someday because I'd really love to read how it ends.
Waaah.! Please update soon author-nim! I'm also reading Tied Together and I really like it.... btw I also like this one :)
Taoris95 #3
Chapter 5: Haha! Can't wait for the date!
Chapter 5: Dumb red wig lol all ur stories are addictingly great!!!!
APandakookie #5
Chapter 5: Ahhh your story is really awesome <33
Chapter 5: Aww just when I was thinking I wanted to read some Taohun, I found this by accident. :)) Super cute story! I can't wait for their date too!
lemon-deulop #7
Chapter 5: Hello sweets,
I'm glad you updated, even if I haven't been waiting for long. I'm so nervous for their date. The red wig- aha. Cute~
I'll be waiting for next chapter, love, see you around~
lemon-deulop #8
Chapter 4: Hello sweets,
it seems I will follow you a bit around, I'm currently looking through your fics and reading those with TAO in them. Awh, you have so many cool ideas for stories~
I shall subscribe to this one too, in hopes you will update soon~~~
macysmiles #9
Chapter 4: Awww this fanfic is too cute, I cry. Update soon